require 'integration_spec_helper' # require 'spec_helper' require 'agile_proxy' require 'resolv' require 'rest_client' shared_examples_for 'a proxy server' do |options = {}| if options.key?(:recording) && options[:recording] after :each do expect(JSON.parse(recordings_resource.get)['total']).to eql(1) end end it 'should proxy GET requests' do expect(http.get('/echo').body).to eql 'GET /echo' end it 'should proxy POST requests' do expect('/echo', foo: 'bar').body).to eql "POST /echo\nfoo=bar" end it 'should proxy PUT requests' do expect('/echo', foo: 'bar').body).to eql "POST /echo\nfoo=bar" end it 'should proxy HEAD requests' do expect(http.head('/echo').headers['HTTP-X-EchoServer']).to eql 'HEAD /echo' end it 'should proxy DELETE requests' do expect(http.delete('/echo').body).to eql 'DELETE /echo' end end shared_examples_for 'a request stub' do |options = {}| recording = false if options.key?(:recording) && options[:recording] recording = true after :each do data = recordings_resource.get count = JSON.parse(data)['total'] expect(count).to eql(1) end end def find_stub(client, name) { |stub| stub.url == client.url_prefix.to_s && == name}.first end def rest_client_for_stub(stub)"http://localhost:#{api_port}/api/v1/users/1/applications/#{@recording_application_id}/request_specs/#{stub.body[:id]}/recordings", content_type: :json ) end def recordings_for(name) stub = find_stub(http, name) JSON.parse(rest_client_for_stub(stub).get).with_indifferent_access end def recordings_matcher_for(name, path) stub = find_stub(http, name) {recordings: a_collection_containing_exactly(a_hash_including request_body: '', request_url: "#{http.url_prefix}#{path.gsub(/^\//, '')}", request_method: 'GET', request_spec_id: stub.body[:id])} end it 'should stub GET requests' do response = http.get('/index.html') expect(response.body).to eql 'Mocked Content' expect(response.headers).to include('content-length' => "40") expect(recordings_for 'index').to include(recordings_matcher_for('index', '/index.html')) if recording end it 'should stub GET response statuses' do response = http.get('/index.html') expect(response.status).to eql 200 end #TODO When time allows, work out how to easily test this as the stubs are not recorded for anything but recorded tests #the lookup table would need to contain all stubs and we would need a way of indexing them to allow the test to find # the correct one. xit 'Should record a stub if specified in the stub irrespective of whether app is recording or not' do expect(http.get('/indexRecording.html').status).to eql 200 expect(recordings_for('index_recording')).to include(recordings_matcher_for('index_recording', '/indexRecording.html')) end it 'Should stub a different get request with json response' do resp = http.get('/api/forums') expect(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body).symbolize_keys).to eql forums: [], total: 0 expect(resp.status).to eql 200 expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'application/json', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) expect(recordings_for 'api_forums').to include(recordings_matcher_for('api_forums', '/api/forums')) if recording end it 'Should get the mocked content with parameter substitution for the /api/forums/:forum_id/posts url' do resp = http.get '/api/forums/my_forum/posts' expect(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(resp.body)).to eql 'posts' => [{ 'forum_id' => 'my_forum', 'subject' => 'My first post' }, { 'forum_id' => 'my_forum', 'subject' => 'My second post' }, { 'forum_id' => 'my_forum', 'subject' => 'My third post' }], 'total' => 3 expect(resp.status).to eql 200 expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'application/json', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end it 'Should get the mocked content for api/forums/:forum_id/:post_id with parameter substitution including query parameters' do resp = http.get '/api/forums/my_forum/my_post?sort=id' expect(resp.body).to eql '

Sorted By: id



' expect(resp.status).to eql 200 expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end it 'Should get the mocked content for api/forums/:forum_id/:post_id.html with parameter substitution including query parameters' do resp = http.get '/api/forums/my_forum/my_post.html?sort=id' expect(resp.body).to eql '

Sorted By: id



' expect(resp.status).to eql 200 expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end it 'Should respond with an error for api/forums/:forum_id/:post_id.html with parameter substitution with a missing query parameter' do resp = http.get '/api/forums/my_forum/my_post.html' expect(resp.body).to eql '

Sorted By:



' expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) expect(resp.status).to eql 200 end it 'Should match the route by posted json data and the posted data can be output via the template' do resp = '/api/forums/my_forum', '{"posted_var": "special_value"}', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' expect(resp.body).to eql '



This should get data from the POSTed data

' expect(resp.status).to eql 200 expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end it 'Should match the route by posted plain text data and the posted data can be output via the template' do resp = '/api/forums/my_forum', "posted_var=special_value\n", 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' expect(resp.body).to eql '



This should get data from the POSTed data

' expect(resp.status).to eql 200 expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end it 'Should match the route by posted plain text data and the posted data can be output via the template' do resp = '/api/forums/my_forum', "dummy=\nposted_var=special_value\n", 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' expect(resp.body).to eql '



This should get data from the POSTed data

' expect(resp.status).to eql 200 expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end # it 'Should match the route by posted xml data and the posted data can be output via the template' do # resp = "/api/forums/my_forum", 'special_value', {'Content-Type' => 'application/xml'} # expect(resp.body).to eql '



This should get data from the POSTed data

' # expect(resp.status).to eql 200 # end it 'Should match the route by posted url encoded data and the posted data can be output via the template' do resp = '/api/forums/my_forum', 'posted_var=special_value', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' expect(resp.body).to eql '



This should get data from the POSTed data

' expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) expect(resp.status).to eql 200 end it 'Should match the route by posted multipart encoded data and the posted data can be output via the template' do resp = '/api/forums/my_forum', 'posted_var=special_value', 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data' expect(resp.body).to eql '



This should get data from the POSTed data

' expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'text/html', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) expect(resp.status).to eql 200 end it 'should stub POST requests' do resp ='/api/forums', foo: :bar) expect(resp.body).to eql '{"created": true}' expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'application/json', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end it 'should stub PUT requests' do resp = http.put('/api/forums/forum_1/my_post', foo: :bar) expect(resp.body).to eql '{"updated": true}' expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'application/json', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end it 'should stub DELETE requests' do resp = http.delete('/api/forums/forum_1/my_post') expect(resp.body).to eql '{"deleted": true}' expect(resp.headers).to include('content-type' => 'application/json', 'content-length' => resp.body.length.to_s) end end shared_examples_for 'a cache' do context 'whitelisted GET requests' do it 'should not be cached' do assert_noncached_url end context 'with ports' do before do rack_app_url = URI(http.url_prefix) AgileProxy.config.whitelist = ["#{}:#{rack_app_url.port}"] end it 'should not be cached ' do assert_noncached_url end end end context 'non-whitelisted GET requests' do before do AgileProxy.config.whitelist = [] end it 'should be cached' do assert_cached_url end context 'with ports' do before do rack_app_url = URI(http.url_prefix) AgileProxy.config.whitelist = ["#{}:#{rack_app_url.port + 1}"] end it 'should be cached' do assert_cached_url end end end context 'ignore_params GET requests' do before do AgileProxy.config.ignore_params = ['/analytics'] end it 'should be cached' do r = http.get('/analytics?some_param=5') expect(r.body).to eql 'GET /analytics' expect do expect do r = http.get('/analytics?some_param=20') change { r.headers['HTTP-X-EchoCount'].to_i }.by(1) end.to_not change { r.body } end end context 'path_blacklist GET requests' do before do AgileProxy.config.path_blacklist = ['/api'] end it 'should be cached' do assert_cached_url('/api') end end context 'cache persistence' do let(:cached_key) { proxy.cache.key('get', "#{url}/foo", '') } let(:cached_file) do f = cached_key + '.yml' File.join(AgileProxy.config.cache_path, f) end before { AgileProxy.config.whitelist = [] } after do File.delete(cached_file) if File.exist?(cached_file) end context 'enabled' do before { AgileProxy.config.persist_cache = true } it 'should persist' do http.get('/foo') expect(File.exist?(cached_file)).to be_true end it 'should be read initially from persistent cache' do, 'w') do |f| cached = { headers: {}, content: 'GET /foo cached' } f.write(cached.to_yaml(Encoding: :Utf8)) end r = http.get('/foo') expect(r.body).to eql 'GET /foo cached' end context 'cache_request_headers requests' do it 'should not be cached by default' do http.get('/foo') saved_cache = AgileProxy.proxy.cache.fetch_from_persistence(cached_key) expect(saved_cache.keys).not_to include :request_headers end context 'when enabled' do before do AgileProxy.config.cache_request_headers = true end it 'should be cached' do http.get('/foo') saved_cache = AgileProxy.proxy.cache.fetch_from_persistence(cached_key) expect(saved_cache.keys).to include :request_headers end end end context 'ignore_cache_port requests' do it 'should be cached without port' do r = http.get('/foo') url = URI(r.env[:url]) saved_cache = AgileProxy.proxy.cache.fetch_from_persistence(cached_key) expect(saved_cache[:url]).to_not eql(url.to_s) expect(saved_cache[:url]).to eql(url.to_s.gsub(":#{url.port}", '')) end end context 'non_whitelisted_requests_disabled requests' do before { AgileProxy.config.non_whitelisted_requests_disabled = true } it 'should raise error when disabled' do # TODO: Suppress stderr output: expect { http.get('/foo') }.to raise_error(Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, 'end of file reached') end end context 'non_successful_cache_disabled requests' do before do rack_app_url = URI(http_error.url_prefix) AgileProxy.config.whitelist = ["#{}:#{rack_app_url.port}"] AgileProxy.config.non_successful_cache_disabled = true end it 'should not cache non-successful response when enabled' do http_error.get('/foo') expect(File.exist?(cached_file)).to be_false end it 'should cache successful response when enabled' do assert_cached_url end end context 'non_successful_error_level requests' do before do rack_app_url = URI(http_error.url_prefix) AgileProxy.config.whitelist = ["#{}:#{rack_app_url.port}"] AgileProxy.config.non_successful_error_level = :error end it 'should raise error for non-successful responses when :error' do # When this config setting is set, the EventMachine running the test servers is killed upon error raising # The `raise` is required to bubble up the error to the test running it # The Faraday error is raised upon `close_connection` so this can be non-pending if we can do one of the following: # 1) Remove the `raise error_message` conditionally for this test # 2) Restart the test servers if they aren't running # 3) Change the test servers to start/stop for each test instead of before all # 4) Remove the test server completely and rely on the server instantiated by the app pending 'Unable to test this without affecting the running test servers' expect { http_error.get('/foo') }.to raise_error(Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed) end end end context 'disabled' do before { AgileProxy.config.persist_cache = false } it 'shouldnt persist' do http.get('/foo') expect(File.exist?(cached_file)).to be_false end end end def assert_noncached_url(url = '/foo') r = http.get(url) expect(r.body).to eql "GET #{url}" expect do expect do r = http.get(url) change { r.headers['HTTP-X-EchoCount'].to_i }.by(1) end.to_not change { r.body } end def assert_cached_url(url = '/foo') r = http.get(url) expect(r.body).to eql "GET #{url}" expect do expect do r = http.get(url) end.to_not change { r.headers['HTTP-X-EchoCount'] } end.to_not change { r.body } end end shared_examples_for 'a static server' do it 'Should serve a file from the current directory' do expect(http.get('/spec/fixtures/example_static_file.html').body).to eql 'Hello World' end end describe AgileProxy::Server, :type => :integration do extend AgileProxy::Test::Integration::RequestSpecHelper describe 'Without recording' do load_small_set_of_request_specs before do # Adding non-valid Faraday options throw an error: # Valid options: :request, :proxy, :ssl, :builder, :url, :parallel_manager, :params, :headers, :builder_class faraday_options = { request: {timeout: 10.0} } faraday_options_with_proxy = faraday_options.merge({ proxy: { uri: "http://anonymous:password@localhost:#{proxy_port}" } }) @http = @http_url, faraday_options_with_proxy @https = @https_url, faraday_options_with_proxy.merge(ssl: { verify: false }) @http_no_proxy = @http_url_no_proxy, faraday_options @https_no_proxy = @https_url_no_proxy, faraday_options.merge(ssl: { verify: false }) @http_error = @error_url, faraday_options_with_proxy @http_error_no_proxy = @error_url, faraday_options_with_proxy end context 'proxying' do context 'HTTP' do let!(:http) { @http } it_should_behave_like 'a proxy server' end context 'HTTPS' do let!(:http) { @https } it_should_behave_like 'a proxy server' end end context 'stubbing' do context 'In Proxy Mode' do context 'HTTP' do let!(:url) { @http_url } let!(:http) { @http } it_should_behave_like 'a request stub' end context 'HTTPS' do let!(:url) { @https_url } let!(:http) { @https } it_should_behave_like 'a request stub' end end #Server mode only supports http - no real point for https at the moment context 'In Server Mode' do context 'HTTP' do let!(:url) { @http_url_no_proxy } let!(:http) { @http_no_proxy } it_should_behave_like 'a request stub' it_should_behave_like 'a static server' end end end end describe 'With recording' do load_small_set_of_request_specs recording: true before do # Adding non-valid Faraday options throw an error: # Valid options: :request, :proxy, :ssl, :builder, :url, :parallel_manager, :params, :headers, :builder_class faraday_options = { proxy: { uri: 'http://recording:password@localhost:3101' }, request: { timeout: 10.0 } } @http = @http_url, faraday_options @https = @https_url, faraday_options.merge(ssl: { verify: false }) @http_error = @error_url, faraday_options end context 'proxying' do context 'HTTP' do let!(:http) { @http } it_should_behave_like 'a proxy server', recording: true end context 'HTTPS' do let!(:http) { @https } it_should_behave_like 'a proxy server', recording: true end end context 'stubbing' do context 'HTTP' do let!(:url) { @http_url } let!(:http) { @http } it_should_behave_like 'a request stub', recording: true end context 'HTTPS' do let!(:url) { @https_url } let!(:http) { @https } it_should_behave_like 'a request stub', recording: true end end end end