require 'yell' require 'traject' require 'traject/qualified_const_get' require 'traject/indexer/settings' require 'traject/marc_reader' require 'traject/marc4j_reader' require 'traject/json_writer' require 'traject/solrj_writer' require 'traject/macros/marc21' require 'traject/macros/basic' # This class does indexing for traject: Getting input records from a Reader # class, mapping the input records to an output hash, and then sending the output # hash off somewhere (usually Solr) with a Writer class. # # Traject config files are `instance_eval`d in an Indexer object, so `self` in # a config file is an Indexer, and any Indexer methods can be called. # # However, certain Indexer methods exist almost entirely for the purpose of # being called in config files; these methods are part of the expected # Domain-Specific Language ("DSL") for config files, and will ordinarily # form the bulk or entirety of config files: # # * #settings # * #to_field # * #each_record # * #after_procesing # * #logger (rarely used in config files, but in some cases to set up custom logging config) # # If accessing a Traject::Indexer programmatically (instead of via command line with # config files), additional methods of note include: # # # to process a stream of input records from configured Reader, # # to configured Writer: # indexer.process(io_stream) # # # To map a single input record manually to an ouput_hash, # # ignoring Readers and Writers # hash = indexer.map_record(record) # # # ## Readers and Writers # # The Indexer has a modularized architecture for readers and writers, for where # source records come from (reader), and where output is sent to (writer). # # A Reader is any class that: # 1) Has a two-argument initializer taking an IO stream and a Settings hash # 2) Responds to the usual ruby #each, returning a source record from each #each. # (Including Enumerable is prob a good idea too) # # The default reader is the Traject::Marc4JReader, who's behavior is # further customized by several settings in the Settings hash. # # Alternate readers can be set directly with the #reader_class= method, or # with the "reader_class_name" Setting, a String name of a class # meeting the reader contract. # # # A Writer is any class that: # 1) Has a one-argument initializer taking a Settings hash. (The logger # is provided to the Writer in settings["logger"]) # 2) Responds to a one argument #put method, where the argument is # a Traject::Indexer::Context, containing an #output_hash # hash of mapped keys/values. The writer should write them # to the appropriate place. # 3) Responds to a #close method, called when we're done. # 4) Optionally implements a #skipped_record_count method, returning int count of records # that were skipped due to errors (and presumably logged) # # The default writer (will be) the SolrWriter , which is configured # through additional Settings as well. A JsonWriter is also available, # which can be useful for debugging your index mappings. # # You can set alternate writers by setting a Class object directly # with the #writer_class method, or by the 'writer_class_name' Setting, # with a String name of class meeting the Writer contract. # class Traject::Indexer # Arity error on a passed block class ArityError < ArgumentError; end class NamingError < ArgumentError; end include Traject::QualifiedConstGet attr_writer :reader_class, :writer_class # For now we hard-code these basic macro's included # TODO, make these added with extend per-indexer, # added by default but easily turned off (or have other # default macro modules provided) include Traject::Macros::Marc21 include Traject::Macros::Basic # optional hash or Traject::Indexer::Settings object of settings. def initialize(arg_settings = {}) @settings = @index_steps = [] @after_processing_steps = [] end # Part of the config file DSL, for writing settings values. # # The Indexer's settings consist of a hash-like Traject::Settings # object. The settings hash is *not* nested hashes, just one level # of configuration settings. Keys are always strings, and by convention # use "." for namespacing, eg `log.file` # # The settings method with no arguments returns that Settings object. # # With a hash and/or block argument, can be used to set # new key/values. Each call merges onto the existing settings # hash. The block is `instance_eval`d in the context # of the Traject::Settings object. # # indexer.settings("a" => "a", "b" => "b") # # indexer.settings do # provide "b", "new b" # end # # indexer.settings #=> {"a" => "a", "b" => "new b"} # # Note the #provide method is defined on Traject::Settings to # write to a setting only if previously not set. You can also # use #store to force over-writing even if an existing setting. # # Even with arguments, Indexer#settings returns the Settings object, # hash too, so can method calls can be chained. # def settings(new_settings = nil, &block) @settings.merge!(new_settings) if new_settings @settings.instance_eval &block if block return @settings end # Part of DSL, used to define an indexing mapping. Register logic # to be called for each record, and generate values for a particular # output field. def to_field(field_name, aLambda = nil, &block) @index_steps <<, aLambda, block, Traject::Util.extract_caller_location(caller.first) ) end # Part of DSL, register logic to be called for each record def each_record(aLambda = nil, &block) @index_steps <<, block, Traject::Util.extract_caller_location(caller.first) ) end # Part of DSL, register logic to be called once at the end # of processing a stream of records. def after_processing(aLambda = nil, &block) @after_processing_steps <<, block, Traject::Util.extract_caller_location(caller.first)) end def logger @logger ||= create_logger end attr_writer :logger # Just calculates the arg that's gonna be given to # or def logger_argument specified = settings["log.file"] || "STDERR" case specified when "STDOUT" then STDOUT when "STDERR" then STDERR else specified end end # Second arg to, options hash, calculated from # settings def logger_options # formatter, default is fairly basic format = settings["log.format"] || "%d %5L %m" format = case format when "false" then false when "" then nil else format end level = settings["log.level"] || "info" {:format => format, :level => level} end # Create logger according to settings def create_logger # log everything to STDERR or specified logfile logger = logger_argument, logger_options ) # ADDITIONALLY log error and higher to.... if settings["log.error_file"] logger.adapter :file, settings["log.error_file"], :level => 'gte.error' end return logger end # Processes a single record according to indexing rules set up in # this indexer. Returns the output hash (a hash whose keys are # string fields, and values are arrays of one or more values in that field) # # This is a convenience shortcut for #map_to_context! -- use that one # if you want to provide addtional context # like position, and/or get back the full context. def map_record(record) context = => record, :settings => settings) map_to_context!(context) return context.output_hash end # Maps a single record INTO the second argument, a Traject::Indexer::Context. # # Context must be passed with a #source_record and #settings, and optionally # a #position. # # Context will be mutated by this method, most significantly by adding # an #output_hash, a hash from fieldname to array of values in that field. # # Pass in a context with a set #position if you want that to be available # to mapping routines. # # Returns the context passed in as second arg, as a convenience for chaining etc. def map_to_context!(context) @index_steps.each do |index_step| # Don't bother if we're skipping this record break if context.skip? context.index_step = index_step accumulator = log_mapping_errors(context, index_step) do index_step.execute(context) # will always return [] for an each_record step end if accumulator.size > 0 accumulator.compact! (context.output_hash[index_step.field_name] ||= []).concat accumulator end context.index_step = nil end return context end # just a wrapper that captures and records any unexpected # errors raised in mapping, along with contextual information # on record and location in source file of mapping rule. # # Re-raises error at the moment. # # log_mapping_errors(context, index_step) do # all_sorts_of_stuff # that will have errors logged # end def log_mapping_errors(context, index_step) begin yield rescue Exception => e msg = "Unexpected error on record id `#{id_string(context.source_record)}` at file position #{context.position}\n" msg += " while executing #{index_step.inspect}\n" msg += Traject::Util.exception_to_log_message(e) logger.error msg begin logger.debug "Record: " + context.source_record.to_s rescue Exception => marc_to_s_exception logger.debug "(Could not log record, #{marc_to_s_exception})" end raise e end end # get a printable id from record for error logging. # Maybe override this for a future XML version. def id_string(record) record && record['001'] && record['001'].value.to_s end # Processes a stream of records, reading from the configured Reader, # mapping according to configured mapping rules, and then writing # to configured Writer. # # returns 'false' as a signal to command line to return non-zero exit code # for some reason (reason found in logs, presumably). This particular mechanism # is open to complexification, starting simple. We do need SOME way to return # non-zero to command line. # def process(io_stream) settings.fill_in_defaults! count = 0 start_time = batch_start_time = logger.debug "beginning Indexer#process with settings: #{settings.inspect}" reader = self.reader!(io_stream) writer = self.writer! thread_pool =["processing_thread_pool"].to_i) " Indexer with reader: #{} and writer: #{}" log_batch_size = settings["log.batch_size"] && settings["log.batch_size"].to_i reader.each do |record; position| count += 1 # have to use a block local var, so the changing `count` one # doesn't get caught in the closure. Weird, yeah. position = count thread_pool.raise_collected_exception! if settings["debug_ascii_progress"].to_s == "true" $stderr.write "." if count % settings["solrj_writer.batch_size"] == 0 end if log_batch_size && (count % log_batch_size == 0) batch_rps = log_batch_size / ( - batch_start_time) overall_rps = count / ( - start_time) "Traject::Indexer#process, read #{count} records at id:#{id_string(record)}; #{'%.0f' % batch_rps}/s this batch, #{'%.0f' % overall_rps}/s overall" batch_start_time = end # we have to use this weird lambda to properly "capture" the count, instead # of having it be bound to the original variable in a non-threadsafe way. # This is confusing, I might not be understanding things properly, but that's where i am. #thread_pool.maybe_in_thread_pool &make_lambda(count, record, writer) thread_pool.maybe_in_thread_pool(record, settings, position) do |record, settings, position| context = => record, :settings => settings, :position => position) context.logger = logger map_to_context!(context) if context.skip? log_skip(context) else writer.put context end end end $stderr.write "\n" if settings["debug_ascii_progress"].to_s == "true" logger.debug "Shutting down #processing mapper threadpool..." thread_pool.shutdown_and_wait logger.debug "#processing mapper threadpool shutdown complete." thread_pool.raise_collected_exception! writer.close if writer.respond_to?(:close) @after_processing_steps.each do |step| begin step.execute rescue Exception => e logger.fatal("Unexpected exception #{e} when executing #{step}") raise e end end elapsed = - start_time avg_rps = (count / elapsed) "finished Indexer#process: #{count} records in #{'%.3f' % elapsed} seconds; #{'%.1f' % avg_rps} records/second overall." if writer.respond_to?(:skipped_record_count) && writer.skipped_record_count > 0 logger.error "Indexer#process returning 'false' due to #{writer.skipped_record_count} skipped records." return false end return true end # Log that the current record is being skipped, using # data in context.position and context.skipmessage def log_skip(context) logger.debug "Skipped record #{context.position}: #{context.skipmessage}" end def reader_class unless defined? @reader_class @reader_class = qualified_const_get(settings["reader_class_name"]) end return @reader_class end def writer_class unless defined? @writer_class @writer_class = qualified_const_get(settings["writer_class_name"]) end return @writer_class end # Instantiate a Traject Reader, using class set # in #reader_class, initialized with io_stream passed in def reader!(io_stream) return, settings.merge("logger" => logger)) end # Instantiate a Traject Writer, suing class set in #writer_class def writer! return"logger" => logger)) end # Represents the context of a specific record being indexed, passed # to indexing logic blocks # class Context def initialize(hash_init = {}) # TODO, argument checking for required args? self.clipboard = {} self.output_hash = {} hash_init.each_pair do |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value) end @skip = false end attr_accessor :clipboard, :output_hash, :logger attr_accessor :index_step, :source_record, :settings # 1-based position in stream of processed records. attr_accessor :position # Should we be skipping this record? attr_accessor :skipmessage # Set the fact that this record should be skipped, with an # optional message def skip!(msg = '(no message given)') @skipmessage = msg @skip = true end # Should we skip this record? def skip? @skip end end # An indexing step definition, including it's source location # for logging # # This one represents an "each_record" step, a subclass below # for "to_field" # # source_location is just a string with filename and line number for # showing to devs in debugging. class EachRecordStep attr_accessor :source_location, :lambda, :block def initialize(lambda, block, source_location) self.lambda = lambda self.block = block self.source_location = source_location self.validate! end # raises if bad data def validate! unless self.lambda or self.block raise"Missing Argument: each_record must take a block/lambda as an argument (#{self.inspect})") end [self.lambda, self.block].each do |proc| # allow negative arity, meaning variable/optional, trust em on that. # but for positive arrity, we need 1 or 2 args if proc unless proc.is_a?(Proc) raise"argument to each_record must be a block/lambda, not a #{proc.class} #{self.inspect}") end if (proc.arity == 0 || proc.arity > 2) raise"block/proc given to each_record needs 1 or 2 arguments: #{self.inspect}") end end end end # For each_record, always return an empty array as the # accumulator, since it doesn't have those kinds of side effects def execute(context) [@lambda, @block].each do |aProc| next unless aProc if aProc.arity == 1 else, context) end end return [] # empty -- no accumulator for each_record end # Over-ride inspect for outputting error messages etc. def inspect "(each_record at #{source_location})" end end # An indexing step definition for a "to_field" step to specific # field. class ToFieldStep attr_accessor :field_name, :lambda, :block, :source_location def initialize(fieldname, lambda, block, source_location) self.field_name = fieldname self.lambda = lambda self.block = block self.source_location = source_location validate! end def validate! if self.field_name.nil? || !self.field_name.is_a?(String) || self.field_name.empty? raise"to_field requires the field name (as a string) as the first argument at #{self.source_location})") end [self.lambda, self.block].each do |proc| # allow negative arity, meaning variable/optional, trust em on that. # but for positive arrity, we need 2 or 3 args if proc && (proc.arity == 0 || proc.arity == 1 || proc.arity > 3) raise"error parsing field '#{self.field_name}': block/proc given to to_field needs 2 or 3 (or variable) arguments: #{proc} (#{self.inspect})") end end end # Override inspect for developer debug messages def inspect "(to_field #{self.field_name} at #{self.source_location})" end def execute(context) accumulator = [] [@lambda, @block].each do |aProc| next unless aProc if aProc.arity == 2, accumulator) else, accumulator, context) end end return accumulator end end # A class representing a block of logic called after # processing, registered with #after_processing class AfterProcessingStep attr_accessor :lambda, :block, :source_location def initialize(lambda, block, source_location) self.lambda = lambda self.block = block self.source_location = source_location end # after_processing steps get no args yielded to # their blocks, they just are what they are. def execute [lambda, block].each do |aProc| next unless aProc end end def inspect "(after_processing at #{self.source_location}" end end end