# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Rails # TODO: In the future, please support only RuboCop 1.52+ and use `RuboCop::Cop::AllowedReceivers`: # https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/blob/v1.52.0/lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/allowed_receivers.rb # At that time, this duplicated module implementation can be removed. module AllowedReceivers def allowed_receiver?(receiver) receiver_name = receiver_name(receiver) allowed_receivers.include?(receiver_name) end def receiver_name(receiver) return receiver_name(receiver.receiver) if receiver.receiver && !receiver.receiver.const_type? if receiver.send_type? if receiver.receiver "#{receiver_name(receiver.receiver)}.#{receiver.method_name}" else receiver.method_name.to_s end else receiver.source end end def allowed_receivers cop_config.fetch('AllowedReceivers', []) end end # Detect redundant `all` used as a receiver for Active Record query methods. # # NOTE: For the methods `delete_all` and `destroy_all`, # this cop will only check cases where the receiver is a model. # It will ignore cases where the receiver is an association (e.g., `user.articles.all.delete_all`). # This is because omitting `all` from an association changes the methods # from `ActiveRecord::Relation` to `ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy`, # which can affect their behavior. # # @safety # This cop is unsafe for autocorrection if the receiver for `all` is not an Active Record object. # # @example # # bad # User.all.find(id) # User.all.order(:created_at) # users.all.where(id: ids) # user.articles.all.order(:created_at) # # # good # User.find(id) # User.order(:created_at) # users.where(id: ids) # user.articles.order(:created_at) # # @example AllowedReceivers: ['ActionMailer::Preview', 'ActiveSupport::TimeZone'] (default) # # good # ActionMailer::Preview.all.first # ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.first class RedundantActiveRecordAllMethod < Base include ActiveRecordHelper include AllowedReceivers include RangeHelp extend AutoCorrector MSG = 'Redundant `all` detected.' RESTRICT_ON_SEND = [:all].freeze # Defined methods in `ActiveRecord::Querying::QUERYING_METHODS` on activerecord 7.1.0. QUERYING_METHODS = %i[ and annotate any? async_average async_count async_ids async_maximum async_minimum async_pick async_pluck async_sum average calculate count create_or_find_by create_or_find_by! create_with delete_all delete_by destroy_all destroy_by distinct eager_load except excluding exists? extending extract_associated fifth fifth! find find_by find_by! find_each find_in_batches find_or_create_by find_or_create_by! find_or_initialize_by find_sole_by first first! first_or_create first_or_create! first_or_initialize forty_two forty_two! fourth fourth! from group having ids in_batches in_order_of includes invert_where joins last last! left_joins left_outer_joins limit lock many? maximum merge minimum none none? offset one? only optimizer_hints or order pick pluck preload readonly references regroup reorder reselect rewhere second second! second_to_last second_to_last! select sole strict_loading sum take take! third third! third_to_last third_to_last! touch_all unscope update_all where with without ].to_set.freeze POSSIBLE_ENUMERABLE_BLOCK_METHODS = %i[any? count find none? one? select sum].freeze SENSITIVE_METHODS_ON_ASSOCIATION = %i[delete_all destroy_all].freeze def_node_matcher :followed_by_query_method?, <<~PATTERN (send (send _ :all) QUERYING_METHODS ...) PATTERN def on_send(node) return unless followed_by_query_method?(node.parent) return if possible_enumerable_block_method?(node) || sensitive_association_method?(node) return if node.receiver ? allowed_receiver?(node.receiver) : !inherit_active_record_base?(node) range_of_all_method = offense_range(node) add_offense(range_of_all_method) do |collector| collector.remove(range_of_all_method) collector.remove(node.parent.loc.dot) end end private def possible_enumerable_block_method?(node) parent = node.parent return false unless POSSIBLE_ENUMERABLE_BLOCK_METHODS.include?(parent.method_name) parent.parent&.block_type? || parent.parent&.numblock_type? || parent.first_argument&.block_pass_type? end def sensitive_association_method?(node) !node.receiver&.const_type? && SENSITIVE_METHODS_ON_ASSOCIATION.include?(node.parent.method_name) end def offense_range(node) range_between(node.loc.selector.begin_pos, node.source_range.end_pos) end end end end end