require 'PushRadar/version' require 'PushRadar/Utils' require 'ipaddr' module PushRadar # Specifies the target audience of a PushRadar notification class Targeting # ------------------------------ # Initialization & configuration # ------------------------------ # Creates a new notification targeting object def initialize # Initialize variables @target_user_ids = [] @target_actions = [] @target_not_actions = [] @target_browsers = [] @target_continents = [] @target_countries = [] @target_ips = [] end # ------------------------------ # Browser targeting # ------------------------------ # Adds a browser to the list of target browsers def target_browser(browser) # Trim the browser and convert it to lowercase browser.strip! browser = browser.downcase # Validate the browser for being one of the supported types unless %w(chrome ie edge safari opera firefox).include? browser raise "The browser must be one of the following: 'chrome', 'ie', 'edge', 'safari', 'opera', 'firefox'." end # Add the browser to the list of target browser unless @target_browsers.include? browser @target_browsers.push browser end end # ------------------------------ # Country targeting # ------------------------------ # Adds a country to the list of target countries def target_country(country_code) # Trim the country code and convert it to uppercase country_code.strip! country_code = country_code.upcase # Ensure that the country code is not empty if country_code == '' raise 'The country code provided cannot be empty.' end # Validate the country code unless Utils.get_countries.keys.include? country_code.to_sym raise 'The country code provided must be a valid two-letter (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) code.' end # Add the country to the list unless @target_countries.include? country_code @target_countries.push country_code end end # ------------------------------ # Continent targeting # ------------------------------ # Targets a continent by its continent code def target_continent(continent_code) # Target the countries located in this continent Utils.get_countries_from_continent(continent_code).each {|country| target_country country } # Add the continent code to the list unless @target_continents.include? continent_code @target_continents.push continent_code end end # ------------------------------ # IP address targeting # ------------------------------ # Targets the notification to clients with the given IP address def target_ip(ip_address) # Trim the IP address ip_address.strip! # Make sure that the IP address is not empty if ip_address == '' raise 'The IP address provided cannot be empty.' end # Check for wildcard IPs if ip_address.include? '*' raise 'Wildcard IP address targeting is not supported.' end # Validate the IP address unless Utils.is_valid_ip ip_address raise 'The IP address provided must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.' end # Add the IP address to the list unless @target_ips.include? ip_address @target_ips.push ip_address end end # ------------------------------ # Action targeting # ------------------------------ # Targets the notification to clients who have taken the given action def target_action(action_identifier) # Trim the action identifier action_identifier.strip! # Make sure the action identifier is not empty if action_identifier == '' raise 'The action identifier cannot be empty' end # Make sure that the action is not in the target "not" actions list if @target_not_actions.include? action_identifier raise "Action '" + action_identifier + "' is already in the 'not' actions list." end # Add the action to the list unless @target_actions.include? action_identifier @target_actions.push action_identifier end end # Targets the notification to clients who have not taken the given action def target_not_action(action_identifier) # Trim the action identifier action_identifier.strip! # Make sure the action identifier is not empty if action_identifier == '' raise 'The action identifier cannot be empty' end # Make sure that the action is not in the target actions list if @target_actions.include? action_identifier raise "Action '" + action_identifier + "' is already in the actions list." end # Add the action to the list unless @target_not_actions.include? action_identifier @target_not_actions.push action_identifier end end # ------------------------------ # User targeting # ------------------------------ # Targets the notification to a specific user (identifier by their user ID) def target_user(user_id) # Make sure that the user ID is not empty if user_id == nil raise 'The user ID cannot be nil.' end # Add the user ID to the list unless @target_user_ids.include? user_id @target_user_ids.push user_id end end end end