# encoding: utf-8 <% tabs = 0 -%> <% project.namespaces.each do |item| -%> <%= " " * tabs %>module <%= item %> <% tabs += 1 -%> <% end -%> <%= " " * tabs %>module <%= project.const %> <%= " " * tabs %> # The module's eigenclass containing its settings <%= " " * tabs %> class << self <%= " " * tabs %> # Configures the module settings <%= " " * tabs %> # <%= " " * tabs %> # @example <%= " " * tabs %> # <%= project.type %>.configure do <%= " " * tabs %> # setting = Injection <%= " " * tabs %> # end <%= " " * tabs %> # <%= " " * tabs %> # @yield the block in the module eigenclass' scope <%= " " * tabs %> # <%= " " * tabs %> # @return [undefined] <%= " " * tabs %> def configure <%= " " * tabs %> instance_eval { yield } if block_given? <%= " " * tabs %> end <%= " " * tabs %> end # eigenclass <%= " " * tabs %>end # module <%= project.const %> <% project.namespaces.reverse.each do |item| -%> <% tabs -= 1 -%> <%= " " * tabs %>end # module <%= item %> <% end -%>