require "spec_helper" describe TableFor::ViewAdditions do before(:each) do @view_class = @view = @view_class.send(:include, ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper) @view_class.send(:include, TableFor::ViewAdditions::ClassMethods) @records = [ => 1)] @column = stub(:name => :my_column) end describe "table_for method" do it "should call render_template on the TableFor::Base instance" do TableFor::Base.expects(:new).returns(mock(:render_template => "")) @view.table_for(@records) end it "should pass the view as the first parameter to TableFor::Base initialization" do TableFor::Base.expects(:new).with {|view, options| view == @view}.returns(mock(:render_template => "")) @view.table_for(@records) end it "should default the template to render" do TableFor::Base.any_instance.expects(:render_template).with {|template| template == "table_for/table_for"}.returns("") @view.table_for(@records) end it "should default the variable to 'table' to render" do TableFor::Base.expects(:new).with {|view, options| options[:variable] == "table"}.returns(mock(:render_template => "")) @view.table_for(@records) end it "should default the records to the collection passed in" do TableFor::Base.expects(:new).with {|view, options| options[:records] == @records}.returns(mock(:render_template => "")) @view.table_for(@records) end it "should add any runtime options to the options initialized for TableFor::Base" do TableFor::Base.expects(:new).with {|view, options| options[:option1] == 1 && options[:option2] == "2"}.returns(mock(:render_template => "")) @view.table_for(@records, :option1 => 1, :option2 => "2") end end describe "table_for_evaluated_options method" do it "should evaluate any proc options" do proc1 = lambda {@view.cycle("even", "odd")} proc2 = lambda {@view.cycle("one", "two")} evaluated_options = @view.table_for_evaluated_options(:class => proc1, :id => proc2, :style => "color:red") evaluated_options[:class].should eql "even" evaluated_options[:id].should eql "one" evaluated_options[:style].should eql "color:red" end it "should pass any additional arguments to evaluated procs" do proc1 = lambda { |param1, param2| "user_#{param1}_#{param2}"} evaluated_options = @view.table_for_evaluated_options(1, 2, :class => proc1) evaluated_options[:class].should eql "user_1_2" end end describe "table_for_header_html method" do it "should return nil if header_html is not passed in" do header_html = @view.table_for_header_html(@column) header_html.should eql({}) end it "should evaluate any procs for header_html" do header_html = @view.table_for_header_html(@column, :header_html => {:class => lambda {|column| "#{}_header"}}) header_html[:class].should eql "#{}_header" end it "should join the 'sorting' class with any other header_html class provided" do @view.expects(:params).returns({}) header_html = @view.table_for_header_html(@column, :header_html => {:class => "c1 c2"}, :sortable => true) header_html[:class].should eql "c1 c2 sorting" end it "should add a 'sorting' class to the header_html class if a column is sortable" do @view.expects(:params).returns({}) header_html = @view.table_for_header_html(@column, :sortable => true) header_html[:class].should eql "sorting" end it "should add a 'sorting_asc' class to the header_html class if a column is sortable and it is already sorted in asc order" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns(:order =>, :sort_mode => "asc") header_html = @view.table_for_header_html(@column, :sortable => true) header_html[:class].should eql "sorting_asc" end it "should add a 'sorting_desc' class to the header_html class if a column is sortable and it is already sorted in desc order" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns(:order =>, :sort_mode => "desc") header_html = @view.table_for_header_html(@column, :sortable => true) header_html[:class].should eql "sorting_desc" end it "should add a 'sorting' class to the header_html class if a column is sortable and it is reset mode" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns(:order =>, :sort_mode => "reset") header_html = @view.table_for_header_html(@column, :sortable => true) header_html[:class].should eql "sorting" end end describe "table_for_sort_link method" do it "should be able to generate a sort link for a column if that column is sortable" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns({}) @view.expects(:link_to).with(, "?order=#{}&sort_mode=asc").returns "my link" @view.table_for_sort_link(@column).should eql "my link" end it "should be able to generate a sort link for a column if that column is sortable and it is already sorted in asc order" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns(:order =>, :sort_mode => "asc") @view.expects(:link_to).with(, "?order=#{}&sort_mode=desc").returns "my link" @view.table_for_sort_link(@column).should eql "my link" end it "should be able to generate a sort link for a column if that column is sortable and it is already sorted in desc order" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns(:order =>, :sort_mode => "desc") @view.expects(:link_to).with(, "?order=#{}&sort_mode=reset").returns "my link" @view.table_for_sort_link(@column).should eql "my link" end it "should be able specify the label for a sort link" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns({}) @view.expects(:link_to).with("My Label", "?order=#{}&sort_mode=asc").returns "my link" @view.table_for_sort_link(@column, :label => "My Label").should eql "my link" end it "should be able specify the sort_url for a sort link" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns({}) @view.expects(:link_to).with(, "/users?order=#{}&sort_mode=asc").returns "my link" @view.table_for_sort_link(@column, :sort_url => "/users").should eql "my link" end it "should be able specify the order field for a sort link" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns({}) @view.expects(:link_to).with(, "?order=first_name%2Clast_name&sort_mode=asc").returns "my link" @view.table_for_sort_link(@column, :order => "first_name,last_name").should eql "my link" end it "should remove the action and controller params when generating the url" do @view.expects(:params).at_least_once.returns(:controller => "users", :action => "show") @view.expects(:link_to).with(, "?order=#{}&sort_mode=asc").returns "my link" @view.table_for_sort_link(@column).should eql "my link" end end end