= key_struct Defines KeyStruct, which acts the same as ruby's Struct but the struct's initializer takes keyword args (using a hash, rails-style). Use it to define a class via: Name = KeyStruct[:first, :last] or as an anonymous base class for your own enhanced struct: class Name < KeyStruct[:first, :last] def to_s "#{@last}, #{@first}" end end Then you can create an instance of the class using keywords for the parameters: name = Name.new(:first => "Jack", :last => "Ripper") and you have the usal readers and writers name.first # --> "Jack" name.last # --> "Ripper" name.last = "Sprat" name.last # --> "Sprat" name.to_s # --> "Sprat, Jack" for the enhanced class example == Readers, Writers, and Instance Variables As per above, the normal behavior is to get readers and writers. But, by analogy with +attr_reader+ vs +attr_accessor+, you can choose whether you want read/write or just read: Writeable = KeyStruct.accesor(:first, :last) # aliased as KeyStruct[] Readonly = KeyStruct.reader(:first, :last) # class has readers but not writers The analogy is not just skin deep: +KeyStruct+ actually uses +attr_accessor+ or +attr_reader+ to define the accessors for the generated class. This means that you also get the corresponding instance variables: name.instance_variable_get("@last") # --> "Sprat" name.instance_variable_set("@last", "Sparrow") name.last # --> "Sparrow" The instance variables can be useful of course when using KeyStruct to define an anonymous base class for your own classes, as shown for the +to_s+ example above. (This is one way that +KeyStruct+ differs from ruby's built-in +Struct+: built-in +Struct+ does not define instance variables.) == Default values If you leave off a keyword when instantiating, normally the member value is nil: name = Name.new(:first => "Jack") name.last # --> nil But when you define the class you can specify defaults that will be filled in by the class initializer. For example: Name = KeyStruct[:first, :last => "Doe"] name = Name.new(:first => "John") name.first # --> "John" name.last # --> "Doe" name = Name.new(:first => "John", :last => "Deere") name.first # --> "John" name.last # --> "Deere" == Argument Checking The struct initializer checks for invalid arguments: name = Name.new(:this_is_a_typo => "Xavier") # --> raises ArgumentError == Comparison KeyStruct classes define the == operator, which returns true iff all corresponding struct members are equal (likewise via ==) Name.new(:first => "John", :last => "Doe") == Name.new(:first => "John", :last => "Doe") # --> true Name.new(:first => "John", :last => "Doe") == Name.new(:first => "Jane", :last => "Doe") # --> false As a convenience when a well-defined ordering is needed, KeyStruct classes defines the <=> operator and includes the +Comparable+ module. The <=> operator applies <=> to the coresponding struct members sequentially, returning the first that is non-0. The comparison is performed in the order the keys were listed in the class definition, so the first key is the primary comparison key, and so on down the line. Thus: Name = KeyStruct[:first, :last] Name.new(:first => "Abigail", :last => "Zither") <=> Name.new(:first => "Zenobia", :last => "Aardvark") # --> -1 LastFirst = KeyStruct[:last, :first] LastFirst.new(:first => "Abigail", :last => "Zither") <=> LastFirst.new(:first => "Zenobia", :last => "Aardvark") # --> +1 == Converting to a hash KeyStruct classes define a +to_hash+ method that returns a hash containing all members and their values: Name.new(:first => "Jack", :last => "Ripper").to_hash # --> {:first => "Jack", :last => "Ripper") == Installation Install via: % gem install key_struct or in your Gemfile: gem "key_struct" == Versions Requires ruby >= 1.9.2. (Has been tested on MRI 1.9.2 and MRI 1.9.3) == History Release Notes: * 0.2.0 - Introduced <=> and to_hash * 0.1.0 - Introduced == * 0.0.1 - Initial version Past: There was some discussion around this idea in this thread: http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/138124 in 2008. Future: I hope that this gem will be obviated in future versions of ruby. == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. Make sure that the coverage report (generated automatically when you run rspec) is at 100% * Send me a pull request. == Copyright Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.