# Gillbus Gillbus IDS "online2" API wrapper ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'gillbus' ## Public API We're trying hard not to raise exceptions. Each call to Gillbus instance returns response object, which responds to #error? if #error? is true, you can use #error_message and #error_code for exact details ## Workflow * login (sessionLogin/online) * /online2/getCountries * /online2/getCities * /online2/searchTrips * /online2/getTrips * /online2/getTripSeats * /online2/lockSeats * /online2/ticketsBooking * /online2/buyTickets * /online2/getOrderTicket * /online2/logout ## Quoting API documentation * Entering the system /online2/login/online/ User authorization skipped as obsolete * Entering the system (second way) online2/sessionLogin/online/ User authorization * Get trips’ schedule /online2/getTimeTable Returns trips schedule * Get country list /online2/getCountries Returns available countries’ list * Get available localities’ list /online2/getCities Returns available localities’ list * Get available departure dates’ list /online2/getDates Returns available departure dates’ list * Get parameterized trips’ list /online2/searchTrips Returns parameterized trips’ list * Get trips’ list /online2/getTrips Returns trips’ list * Get seats' map /online2/getTripSeats Returns seats' map of the vehicle * Locks seats for sale /online2/lockSeats Locks seats for sale * Unlocks seats for sale /online2/unlockSeats Unlocks seats for sale * Postponed (unconfirmed) tickets sale /online2/bookTickets Performs the postponed tickets sale, that waits for the confirmation * Postponed tickets sale (second way) /online2/ticketsBooking Performs the postponed tickets sale, that waits for the confirmation * Sale confirmation /online2/buyTickets Confirms the earlier postponed tickets sale * Get the ticket of the order /online2/getOrderTicket Generates the ticket of the order * Reserve the ticket /online2/reserveTickets Makes the ticket reservation * Reserved tickets’ search /online2/findBooking Performs parameterized reserved tickets' search * "Reserved tickets’ search (second way)" /online2/findReservation Performs parameterized reserved tickets' search * Buyout the reserved ticket /online2/buyBooking Buyout the earlier reserved ticket * #cancel_order Order cancellation /online2/cancelOrder Cancels the order * Returns the item, that had been sold /online2/returnPosition Returns the item, that had been previously sold * Orders’ search /online2/findOrder Returns found order's data * Logout /online2/logout Closes current session * Reporting /online2/getReport Outputs the reports in the Microsoft Excel format * Get the trips’ list for the date changing /online2/getTripsForChange Returns the list of trips that are like the assigned trip which has booked ticket, but for the different date. * Departure date change /online2/changeTripDate Changes the departure date for the passenger