require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/application/lookup' require 'puppet/pops/lookup' describe Puppet::Application::Lookup do context "when running with incorrect command line options" do let (:lookup) { Puppet::Application[:lookup] } it "errors if no keys are given via the command line" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' expected_error = "No keys were given to lookup." expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_error) end it "does not allow invalid arguments for '--merge'" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:merge] = 'something_bad' lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['atton', 'kreia']) expected_error = "The --merge option only accepts 'first', 'hash', 'unique', or 'deep'\nRun 'puppet lookup --help' for more details" expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_error) end it "does not allow deep merge options if '--merge' was not set to deep" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:merge_hash_arrays] = true lookup.options[:merge] = 'hash' lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['atton', 'kreia']) expected_error = "The options --knock-out-prefix, --sort-merged-arrays, --unpack-arrays, and --merge-hash-arrays are only available with '--merge deep'\nRun 'puppet lookup --help' for more details" expect { lookup.run_command }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_error) end end context "when running with correct command line options" do let (:lookup) { Puppet::Application[:lookup] } it "calls the lookup method with the correct arguments" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:render_as] = :s; lookup.options[:merge_hash_arrays] = true lookup.options[:merge] = 'deep' lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['atton', 'kreia']) lookup.stubs(:generate_scope).yields('scope') expected_merge = { "strategy" => "deep", "sort_merge_arrays" => false, "merge_hash_arrays" => true } (Puppet::Pops::Lookup).expects(:lookup).with(['atton', 'kreia'], nil, nil, false, expected_merge, anything).returns('rand') expect { lookup.run_command }.to output("rand\n").to_stdout end %w(first unique hash deep).each do |opt| it "accepts --merge #{opt}" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.options[:merge] = opt lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['atton', 'kreia']) lookup.stubs(:generate_scope).yields('scope') Puppet::Pops::Lookup.stubs(:lookup).returns('rand') expect { lookup.run_command }.to output("--- rand\n...\n").to_stdout end end it "prints the value found by lookup" do lookup.options[:node] = 'dantooine.local' lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['atton', 'kreia']) lookup.stubs(:generate_scope).yields('scope') Puppet::Pops::Lookup.stubs(:lookup).returns('rand') expect { lookup.run_command }.to output("--- rand\n...\n").to_stdout end end context 'when given a valid configuration' do let (:lookup) { Puppet::Application[:lookup] } # There is a fully configured 'sample' environment in fixtures at this location let(:environmentpath) { File.absolute_path(File.join(my_fixture_dir(), '../environments')) } let(:facts) {"facts", {}) } let(:node) {"testnode", :facts => facts, :environment => 'production') } let(:expected_json_hash) { { 'type' => 'merge', 'merge' => 'first', 'event' => 'result', 'value' => 'This is A', 'branches' => [ { 'key' => 'a', 'event' => 'not_found', 'type' => 'global', 'name' => 'hiera' }, { 'type' => 'data_provider', 'name' => 'Hiera Data Provider, version 4', 'configuration_path' => "#{environmentpath}/production/hiera.yaml", 'branches' => [ { 'name' => 'common', 'type' => 'data_provider', 'branches' => [ { 'key' => 'a', 'value' => 'This is A', 'event' => 'found', 'type' => 'path', 'original_path' => 'common', 'path' => "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml", }] }] }] } } let(:expected_yaml_hash) { { :type => :merge, :merge => :first, :event => :result, :value => 'This is A', :branches => [ { :key => 'a', :event => :not_found, :type => :global, :name => :hiera }, { :type => :data_provider, :name => 'Hiera Data Provider, version 4', :configuration_path => "#{environmentpath}/production/hiera.yaml", :branches => [ { :type => :data_provider, :name => 'common', :branches => [ { :key => 'a', :value => 'This is A', :event => :found, :type => :path, :original_path => 'common', :path => "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml", }] }] }] } } around(:each) do |example| # Initialize settings to get a full compile as close as possible to a real # environment load Puppet.settings.initialize_global_settings loader =, []) Puppet.override(:environments => loader) do end end it '--explain produces human readable text by default' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['a']) expect { lookup.run_command }.to output(<<-EXPLANATION).to_stdout Merge strategy first Data Binding "hiera" No such key: "a" Data Provider "Hiera Data Provider, version 4" ConfigurationPath "#{environmentpath}/production/hiera.yaml" Data Provider "common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common" Found key: "a" value: "This is A" Merged result: "This is A" EXPLANATION end it '--explain produces human readable text of a hash merge when using --explain-options' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain_options] = true expect { lookup.run_command }.to output(<<-EXPLANATION).to_stdout Merge strategy hash Data Binding "hiera" No such key: "lookup_options" Data Provider "Hiera Data Provider, version 4" ConfigurationPath "#{environmentpath}/production/hiera.yaml" Data Provider "common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Merged result: { "a" => "first" } EXPLANATION end it '--explain produces human readable text of a hash merge when using both --explain and --explain-options' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true lookup.options[:explain_options] = true lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['a']) expect { lookup.run_command }.to output(<<-EXPLANATION).to_stdout Searching for "lookup_options" Merge strategy hash Data Binding "hiera" No such key: "lookup_options" Data Provider "Hiera Data Provider, version 4" ConfigurationPath "#{environmentpath}/production/hiera.yaml" Data Provider "common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common" Found key: "lookup_options" value: { "a" => "first" } Merged result: { "a" => "first" } Searching for "a" Merge strategy first Data Binding "hiera" No such key: "a" Data Provider "Hiera Data Provider, version 4" ConfigurationPath "#{environmentpath}/production/hiera.yaml" Data Provider "common" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/data/common.yaml" Original path: "common" Found key: "a" value: "This is A" Merged result: "This is A" EXPLANATION end it 'can produce a yaml explanation' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true lookup.options[:render_as] = :yaml lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['a']) save_stdout = $stdout output = nil begin $stdout = lookup.run_command output = $stdout.string ensure $stdout = save_stdout end expect(YAML.load(output)).to eq(expected_yaml_hash) end it 'can produce a json explanation' do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:explain] = true lookup.options[:render_as] = :json lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['a']) save_stdout = $stdout output = nil begin $stdout = lookup.run_command output = $stdout.string ensure $stdout = save_stdout end expect(JSON.parse(output)).to eq(expected_json_hash) end context 'the global scope' do it "is unaffected by global variables unless '--compile' is used" do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['c']) expect { lookup.run_command }.to output("--- This is\n...\n").to_stdout end it "is affected by global variables when '--compile' is used" do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:compile] = true lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['c']) expect { lookup.run_command }.to output("--- This is C from site.pp\n...\n").to_stdout end end context 'using a puppet function as data provider' do let(:node) {"testnode", :facts => facts, :environment => 'puppet_func_provider') } it "works OK in the absense of '--compile'" do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['c']) expect { lookup.run_command }.to output("--- This is C from data.pp\n...\n").to_stdout end it "global scope is affected by global variables when '--compile' is used" do lookup.options[:node] = node lookup.options[:compile] = true lookup.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(['c']) expect { lookup.run_command }.to output("--- This is C from site.pp\n...\n").to_stdout end end end end