/* Implementation of the AIX-like PowerPC ABI. Seems to be used by the big-endian PowerPC targets. The following references were used during the implementation of this code: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_aix_72/com.ibm.aix.alangref/idalangref_rntime_stack.htm https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_aix_72/com.ibm.aix.alangref/idalangref_reg_use_conv.htm https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-powasm4/index.html */ #include "psm.h" .text .globl rust_psm_stack_direction .p2align 2 .type rust_psm_stack_direction,@function rust_psm_stack_direction: /* extern "C" fn() -> u8 */ .cfi_startproc li 3, STACK_DIRECTION_DESCENDING blr .rust_psm_stack_direction_end: .size rust_psm_stack_direction,.rust_psm_stack_direction_end-rust_psm_stack_direction .cfi_endproc .globl rust_psm_stack_pointer .p2align 2 .type rust_psm_stack_pointer,@function rust_psm_stack_pointer: /* extern "C" fn() -> *mut u8 */ .cfi_startproc mr 3, 1 blr .rust_psm_stack_pointer_end: .size rust_psm_stack_pointer,.rust_psm_stack_pointer_end-rust_psm_stack_pointer .cfi_endproc .globl rust_psm_replace_stack .p2align 2 .type rust_psm_replace_stack,@function rust_psm_replace_stack: /* extern "C" fn(3: usize, 4: extern "C" fn(usize), 5: *mut u8) */ .cfi_startproc ld 2, 8(4) ld 4, 0(4) /* do not allocate the whole 112-byte sized frame, we know wont be used */ addi 5, 5, -48 mr 1, 5 mtctr 4 bctr .rust_psm_replace_stack_end: .size rust_psm_replace_stack,.rust_psm_replace_stack_end-rust_psm_replace_stack .cfi_endproc .globl rust_psm_on_stack .p2align 2 .type rust_psm_on_stack,@function rust_psm_on_stack: /* extern "C" fn(3: usize, 4: usize, 5: extern "C" fn(usize, usize), 6: *mut u8) */ .cfi_startproc mflr 0 std 2, -72(6) std 0, -8(6) sub 6, 6, 1 addi 6, 6, -112 stdux 1, 1, 6 .cfi_def_cfa r1, 112 .cfi_offset r1, -112 .cfi_offset r2, -72 .cfi_offset lr, -8 /* load the function pointer from TOC and make the call */ ld 2, 8(5) ld 5, 0(5) mtctr 5 bctrl ld 2, 40(1) .cfi_restore r2 ld 0, 104(1) mtlr 0 .cfi_restore lr /* FIXME: after this instruction backtrace breaks until control returns to the caller. That being said compiler-generated code has the same issue, so I guess that is fine for now? */ ld 1, 0(1) .cfi_restore r1 blr .rust_psm_on_stack_end: .size rust_psm_on_stack,.rust_psm_on_stack_end-rust_psm_on_stack .cfi_endproc