Useful command line tool for Japanese battle heroine Pretty Cure (Precure).

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## Requirements * ruby >= 2.2.2 + more: [.travis.yml](./.travis.yml) ## Installation Install: ``` $ gem install cureutils # for 2.2 $ gem install 'backport_dig' ``` After that, `cure` command is available. $ cure # Usage ``` $ cure help Commands: cure date [OPTIONS] [+FORMAT] # Display date, time and Precure related events. cure echo [OPTIONS] PATTERN # Print messages of Precure. cure girls [OPTIONS] # Print girls' name. cure grep [OPTIONS] PATTERN # Print lines matching a pattern. cure help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command cure humanize # Change precure_name to human_name. cure janken # Let's play "Pikarin Janken" ! cure precures [OPTIONS] # Print Precure names. cure tr PATTERN REPLACE # Translate Precure related parameters. cure transform # Change human_name to precure_name. cure version # Output the version number. ``` ## `cure date` Display date, time and Precure related events. ``` cure date [OPTIONS] [+FORMAT] ``` ```sh $ cure date 2016-06-17 21:28:42 魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 ``` ### Output format | Format specifier | Description | Example | | --- | --- | --- | | %Y | Year | 2016 | | %m | Month | 12 | | %d | Date | 31 | | @P | Precure related events. | 魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 | And other general date formats are usable. ### Options | Option | Description | | ------ | --------- | | -d | cure date -d STRING: display time described by STRING | | -f | cure date -f DATEFILE: Load each line of DATEFILE as STRING of -d option. | ```sh $ cure date -d '3 years ago' '+%Y/%m @P' 2013/06 ドキドキ!プリキュア放映期間 ``` Standard input can be loaded by giving `-` as DATEFILE. ```sh $ echo 2016{01..12}{01..31}| xargs -n 1 | cure date -f - '+%F @P' 2>/dev/null | grep 誕生日 | head 2016-01-07 宇佐美いちか(キュアホイップ)誕生日/Go!プリンセスプリキュア放映期間 2016-04-04 雪城ほのか(キュアホワイト)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-04-10 春野はるか(キュアフローラ)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-04-16 有栖川ひまり(キュアカスタード)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-05-28 四葉ありす(キュアロゼッタ)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-06-11 琴爪ゆかり(キュアマカロン)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-06-12 朝日奈みらい(キュアミラクル)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-07-20 海藤みなみ(キュアマーメイド)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-08-04 相田マナ(キュアハート)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 2016-08-07 日向咲(キュアブルーム)誕生日/魔法つかいプリキュア!放映期間 ``` ## `cure echo` Print messages of Precure. ``` cure echo [OPTIONS] PATTERN ``` ```sh $ cure echo みんなの思いを守るために 心をひとつに! 思いよ届け!キュアエコー! $ cure echo -p happy (レディ?) プリキュア・スマイルチャージ! (ゴー!ゴー!レッツ・ゴー!ハッピー!!) キラキラ輝く未来の光! キュアハッピー! 5つの光が導く未来! 輝け!スマイルプリキュア! # Choose style for MAHO GIRLS PRECURE! $ cure echo -p cure_magical -s ruby キュアップ・ラパパ! ルビー! ミラクル・マジカル・ジュエリーレ! ふたりの魔法!キュアマジカル! 魔法つかいプリキュア!! ``` ### Options | Option | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | -a | Print attack message. | | -q | Print messages immediately. | | -p | Print the given PRECURE's message. | | -s | Choose style of the transformation. | ## `cure girls` Print girls' name. ```sh $ cure girls 美墨なぎさ 雪城ほのか 九条ひかり 日向咲 美翔舞 夢原のぞみ 夏木りん 春日野うらら 秋元こまち 水無月かれん ... ``` | Option | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | -f | Show girl's full name if it exists. | | -m | Include who have only appeared in the movies. | ## `cure grep` Print lines matching a pattern. ``` cure grep [OPTIONS] PATTERN ``` ```sh $ echo キュア{レッド,ピンク,ブラック,ブルー,ホワイト}"\n" | cure grep キュアブラック キュアホワイト $ echo "こんにちは、 私はキュアレモネードです。" | cure grep '私は[:precure_name:]です。' こんにちは、 私はキュアレモネードです。 ``` ### Options | Option | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | -E | Interpret PATTERN as an extended regular expression. | | -o | Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate out. | ### Folloing "Precure bracket expression"can be used. | Expression | Description | | ---------- | -------------- | | [:cast_name:] | Voice actor name. | | [:color:] | Name of the color of the Precure. | | [:girl_name:] | Girl name. | | [:human_name:] | Real name before transforming. | | [:precure_name:] | Precure name. | ## `cure tr` Translate Precure related parameters. ```sh $ echo 相田マナ | cure tr '[:human_name:]' '[:cast_name:]' 生天目仁美 ``` ### Folloing "Precure bracket expression" are available. | Expression | Description | | ---------- | -------------- | | [:cast_name:] | Voice actor name. | | [:color:] | Name of the color of the Precure. | | [:girl_name:] | Girl name. | | [:human_name:] | Real name before transforming. | | [:precure_name:] | Precure name. | ## `cure transform` Change human_name to precure_name ```sh $ echo '私の名前は十六夜リコです。' | cure transform 私の名前はキュアマジカルです。 ``` ## `cure humanize` Change precure_name to human_name. ```sh $ echo キュア{ハート,エース} | cure humanize 相田マナ 円亜久里 ``` ## `cure janken` Let's play "Pikarin Janken" ! ```sh $ cure janken ピカピカピカリン ジャンケンポン! 1...グー, 2...チョキ, 3...パー : 1 あなた: グー キュアピース: グー [結果] あいこ ``` Exit status is changed depending on the result. | Result | Exit status | | ------ | ----------- | | You win | 0 | | You lose | 1 | | Draw | 2 | ## `cure precures` Print Precure names. ``` $ cure precures キュアブラック キュアホワイト シャイニールミナス キュアブルーム キュアイーグレット キュアブライト キュアウィンディ キュアドリーム キュアルージュ キュアレモネード ... ``` | Option | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | -m | Include who have only appeared in the movies. | ## Zsh completion [zsh-completion/_cure](zsh-completion/_cure) is the file for `cure` command completion. With [zplug](, it can be installed like this. ```sh zplug "greymd/cureutils" ``` And update like this. ```sh $ zplug update greymd/cureutils ``` ![completion_image](./img/cure_echo_demo.gif) ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct. ## License ### Source code The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License]( ### Logo Creative Commons License
The logo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.