require "rep/version" require 'forwardable' require 'json' module Rep def self.included(klass) klass.extend Forwardable klass.extend ClassMethods klass.instance_eval { class << self alias forward delegate unless defined?(fields) alias fields json_fields end if defined?(Hashie) include HashieSupport end end unless defined?(parse_opts) def parse_opts(opts = {}) # NOOP end end } end def reset_for_json! self.class.all_json_methods.each do |method_name| instance_variable_set(:"@#{method_name}", nil) end end def to_hash(name = :default) if fields = self.class.json_fields(name) fields.reduce({}) do |memo, field| field_name, method_name = field.is_a?(Hash) ? field.to_a.first : [field, field] begin memo[field_name] = send(method_name) rescue NoMethodError => e message = "There is no method named '#{method_name}' for the class '#{self.class}' for the '#{name}' list of fields : #{e.message}" raise, method_name, e.args) end memo end else raise "There are no json fields under the name: #{name}" end end def to_json JSON.generate(to_hash) end module ClassMethods def register_accessor(acc) name, default = acc.is_a?(Hash) ? acc.to_a.first : [acc, nil] attr_accessor name if default define_method name do var_name = :"@#{name}" instance_variable_get(var_name) || instance_variable_set(var_name, default) end end end def initialize_with(*args) @initializiation_args = args define_singleton_method :initializiation_args do @initializiation_args end args.each { |a| register_accessor(a) } define_method(:initialize) { |opts = {}| parse_opts(opts) } define_method :parse_opts do |opts| @presidential_options = opts self.class.initializiation_args.each do |field| name = field.is_a?(Hash) ? field.to_a.first.first : field instance_variable_set(:"@#{name}", opts[name]) end end end def json_fields(arg = nil) if arg.is_a?(Hash) fields, name = arg.to_a.first @json_fields ||= {} @json_fields[name] = [fields].flatten elsif arg.is_a?(Symbol) @json_fields ||= {} @json_fields[arg] elsif arg === nil @json_fields || {} else # TODO: make an exception class raise "You can only use a Hash to set fields, a Symbol to retrieve them, or no argument to retrieve all fields for all names" end end def flat_json_fields(side = :right) side_number = side == :right ? 1 : 0 json_fields.reduce([]) do |memo, (name, fields)| memo + do |field| if field.is_a?(Hash) field.to_a.first[side_number] # [name, method_name] else field end end end.uniq end def all_json_fields flat_json_fields(:left) end def all_json_methods flat_json_fields(:right) end # TODO: thread safety def shared(opts = {}) @instance ||= new @instance.reset_for_json! @instance.parse_opts(opts) @instance end def to_proc proc { |obj| arr = [obj].flatten init_args = @initializiation_args[0..(arr.length-1)] opts = Hash[] shared(opts).to_hash } end end module HashieSupport def to_hash(name = :default) end end end