# Administrate::Field::BelongsToSearch [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fishbrain/administrate-field-belongs_to_search.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/fishbrain/administrate-field-belongs_to_search) A plugin to search through `belongs_to` associations in [thoughtbot's Administrate](https://github.com/thoughtbot/administrate) Rails engine. ## Usage Add it to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'administrate-field-belongs_to_search', '~> 0.1.2' ``` Run bundler to install: ```sh bundle install ``` Add it to your Administrate dashboard, for instance: ```ruby class PostDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard ATTRIBUTE_TYPES = { author: Field::BelongsToSearch.with_options(class_name: 'User') } # ... ``` With this, you should be good to go! ## Develop and contribute Fork and clone the repo. Install dependencies and run test using: ```sh bundle install bundle exec rake ``` Then, implement your feature/fix, [write a good commit message](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html) and submit a pull request to this repository. If you only have some feedback or are unsure about how to do something, you're welcome to submit an [issue](https://github.com/fishbrain/administrate-field-belongs_to_search/issues/new). ## License This plugin is Copyright © 2017 Fishbrain AB. It is licensed under the MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details. ======== ![Fishbrain AB](http://i.imgur.com/wOMiqE8.png) This plugin is maintained by [Fishbrain AB](https://fishbrain.com). At Fishbrain, we're passionate about the outdoors and conservation. Together, we work to bring you the best app for fishing, hands down. If you love working with amazing and talented people in tight-knit teams, [join us](https://fishbrain.com/jobs/)!