# NOTE: run bin/format-filters after changing this file opal_unsupported_filter "Float" do fails "BasicObject#__id__ returns a different value for two Float literals" fails "Complex#/ with Fixnum raises a ZeroDivisionError when given zero" fails "Complex#eql? returns false when the imaginary parts are of different classes" fails "Complex#eql? returns false when the real parts are of different classes" fails "Complex#quo with Fixnum raises a ZeroDivisionError when given zero" fails "Complex#rationalize raises RangeError if self has 0.0 imaginary part" fails "Complex#to_f when the imaginary part is Float 0.0 raises RangeError" fails "Complex#to_i when the imaginary part is Float 0.0 raises RangeError" fails "Complex#to_r when the imaginary part is Float 0.0 raises RangeError" fails "Complex#to_s returns 1+0.0i for Complex(1, 0.0)" fails "Complex#to_s returns 1-0.0i for Complex(1, -0.0)" fails "Fixnum#% raises a ZeroDivisionError when the given argument is 0 and a Float" fails "Fixnum#% raises a ZeroDivisionError when the given argument is 0" fails "Fixnum#& raises a TypeError when passed a Float" fails "Fixnum#/ raises a ZeroDivisionError if the given argument is zero and not a Float" fails "Fixnum#/ returns self divided by the given argument" fails "Fixnum#/ supports dividing negative numbers" fails "Fixnum#^ raises a TypeError when passed a Float" fails "Fixnum#coerce when given a String returns an array containing two Floats" fails "Fixnum#div coerces self and the given argument to Floats and returns self divided by other as Fixnum" fails "Fixnum#divmod raises a TypeError when given a non-Integer" fails "Fixnum#| raises a TypeError when passed a Float" fails "Float constant MAX_10_EXP is 308" fails "Float constant MAX_EXP is 1024" fails "Float constant MIN is 2.2250738585072e-308" fails "Float constant MIN_10_EXP is -308" fails "Float constant MIN_EXP is -1021" fails "Float#<=> returns -1 when self is -Infinity and other is negative" # Expected 0 == -1 fails "Float#<=> returns 1 when self is Infinity and other is an Integer" # Expected 0 == 1 fails "Float#<=> returns 1 when self is negative and other is -Infinity" # Expected 0 == 1 fails "Float#coerce returns [other, self] both as Floats" fails "Float#eql? returns false if other is not a Float" fails "Float#to_s emits '-' for -0.0" fails "Float#to_s emits a trailing '.0' for a whole number" fails "Float#to_s emits a trailing '.0' for the mantissa in e format" fails "Float#to_s returns '0.0' for 0.0" fails "Math.gamma returns approximately (n-1)! given n for n between 24 and 30" # precision error fails "Numeric#step with keyword arguments when no block is given returned Enumerator size when self, stop or step is a Float and step is positive returns the difference between self and stop divided by the number of steps" fails "Numeric#step with mixed arguments when no block is given returned Enumerator size when self, stop or step is a Float and step is positive returns the difference between self and stop divided by the number of steps" fails "Numeric#step with positional args when no block is given returned Enumerator size when self, stop or step is a Float and step is positive returns the difference between self and stop divided by the number of steps" fails "Rational#% returns a Float value when the argument is Float" fails "Rational#** raises ZeroDivisionError for Rational(0, 1) passed a negative Integer" fails "Rational#** when passed Integer returns the Rational value of self raised to the passed argument" fails "Rational#/ when passed an Integer raises a ZeroDivisionError when passed 0" fails "Rational#coerce returns the passed argument, self as Float, when given a Float" fails "Rational#divmod when passed an Integer returns the quotient as Integer and the remainder as Rational" fails "Struct#eql? returns false if any corresponding elements are not #eql?" # Rubyspec uses 1.eql?(1.0) which always returns true in compiled JS end