module TreasureData module Command def bulk_import_list(op) op.cmd_parse client = get_client bis = client.bulk_imports rows = [] has_org = false bis.each {|bi| rows << {:Name=>, :Table=>"#{bi.database}.#{bi.table}", :Status=>bi.status.to_s.capitalize, :Frozen=>bi.upload_frozen? ? 'Frozen' : '', :JobID=>bi.job_id, :"Valid Parts"=>bi.valid_parts, :"Error Parts"=>bi.error_parts, :"Valid Records"=>bi.valid_records, :"Error Records"=>bi.error_records, :Organization=>bi.org_name} has_org = true if bi.org_name } puts cmd_render_table(rows, :fields => gen_table_fields(has_org, [:Name, :Table, :Status, :Frozen, :JobID, :"Valid Parts", :"Error Parts", :"Valid Records", :"Error Records"]), :max_width=>200) if rows.empty? $stderr.puts "There are no bulk import sessions." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} bulk_import:create <name> <db> <table>' to create a session." end end def bulk_import_create(op) org = nil op.on('-g', '--org ORGANIZATION', "create the database under this organization") {|s| org = s } name, db_name, table_name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client table = get_table(client, db_name, table_name) opts = {} opts['organization'] = org if org client.create_bulk_import(name, db_name, table_name, opts) $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' is created." end def bulk_import_delete(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client begin client.delete_bulk_import(name) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' does not exist." exit 1 end $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' is deleted." end def bulk_import_show(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client bis = client.bulk_imports bi = bis.find {|bi| name == } unless bi $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} bulk_import:create <name> <db> <table>' to create a session." exit 1 end $stderr.puts "Organization : #{bi.org_name}" $stderr.puts "Name : #{}" $stderr.puts "Database : #{bi.database}" $stderr.puts "Table : #{bi.table}" $stderr.puts "Status : #{bi.status.to_s.capitalize}" $stderr.puts "Frozen : #{bi.upload_frozen?}" $stderr.puts "JobID : #{bi.job_id}" $stderr.puts "Valid Records: #{bi.valid_records}" $stderr.puts "Error Records: #{bi.error_records}" $stderr.puts "Valid Parts : #{bi.valid_parts}" $stderr.puts "Error Parts : #{bi.error_parts}" $stderr.puts "Uploaded Parts :" list = client.list_bulk_import_parts(name) list.each {|name| puts " #{name}" } end # obsoleted def bulk_import_upload_part(op) retry_limit = 10 retry_wait = 1 name, part_name, path = op.cmd_parse, "rb") {|io| bulk_import_upload_impl(name, part_name, io, io.size, retry_limit, retry_wait) } $stderr.puts "Part '#{part_name}' is uploaded." end def bulk_import_upload_parts(op) retry_limit = 10 retry_wait = 1 suffix_count = 0 part_prefix = "" auto_perform = false parallel = 2 op.on('-P', '--prefix NAME', 'add prefix to parts name') {|s| part_prefix = s } op.on('-s', '--use-suffix COUNT', 'use COUNT number of . (dots) in the source file name to the parts name', Integer) {|i| suffix_count = i } op.on('--auto-perform', 'perform bulk import job automatically', TrueClass) {|b| auto_perform = b } op.on('--parallel NUM', 'perform uploading in parallel (default: 2; max 8)', Integer) {|i| parallel = i } name, *files = op.cmd_parse parallel = 1 if parallel <= 1 parallel = 8 if parallel >= 8 threads = (1..parallel).map {|i| do errors = [] until files.empty? ifname = files.shift basename = File.basename(ifname) begin part_name = part_prefix + basename.split('.')[0..suffix_count].join('.'), "rb") {|io| size = io.size $stderr.write "Uploading '#{ifname}' -> '#{part_name}'... (#{size} bytes)\n" bulk_import_upload_impl(name, part_name, io, size, retry_limit, retry_wait) } rescue errors << [ifname, $!] end end errors end } errors = [] threads.each {|t| errors.concat t.value } unless errors.empty? $stderr.puts "failed to upload #{errors.size} files." $stderr.puts "backtraces:" errors.each {|(ifname,ex)| $stderr.puts " #{ifname}: #{ex}" ex.backtrace.each {|bt| $stderr.puts " #{ifname}: #{bt}" } } $stderr.puts "files:" ifnames = {|(ifname,ex)| ifname } ifnames.each {|ifname| $stderr.puts " #{ifname}" } $stderr.puts "You can retry uploading by following command:" $stderr.puts "td bulk_import:upload_parts #{name} #{ {|ifname| "'#{ifname}'" }.join(' ')}" exit 1 end $stderr.puts "done." if auto_perform client = get_client job = client.perform_bulk_import(name) $stderr.puts "Job #{job.job_id} is queued." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} job:show [-w] #{job.job_id}' to show the status." end end # obsoleted def bulk_import_delete_part(op) name, part_name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client client.bulk_import_delete_part(name, part_name) $stderr.puts "Part '#{part_name}' is deleted." end def bulk_import_delete_parts(op) part_prefix = "" op.on('-P', '--prefix NAME', 'add prefix to parts name') {|s| part_prefix = s } name, *part_names = op.cmd_parse client = get_client part_names.each {|part_name| part_name = part_prefix + part_name $stderr.puts "Deleting '#{part_name}'..." client.bulk_import_delete_part(name, part_name) } $stderr.puts "done." end def bulk_import_perform(op) wait = false force = false op.on('-w', '--wait', 'wait for finishing the job', TrueClass) {|b| wait = b } op.on('-f', '--force', 'force start performing', TrueClass) {|b| force = b } name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client unless force bis = client.bulk_imports bi = bis.find {|bi| name == } if bi if bi.status == 'performing' $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' is already performing." $stderr.puts "Add '-f' option to force start." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} job:kill #{bi.job_id}' to cancel the last trial." exit 1 elsif bi.status == 'ready' $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' is already ready to commit." $stderr.puts "Add '-f' option to force start." exit 1 end end end job = client.perform_bulk_import(name) $stderr.puts "Job #{job.job_id} is queued." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} job:show [-w] #{job.job_id}' to show the status." if wait require 'td/command/job' # wait_job wait_job(job) end end def bulk_import_commit(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client job = client.commit_bulk_import(name) $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' started to commit." end def bulk_import_error_records(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client bis = client.bulk_imports bi = bis.find {|bi| name == } unless bi $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} bulk_import:create <name> <db> <table>' to create a session." exit 1 end if bi.status == "uploading" || bi.status == "performing" $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' is not performed." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} bulk_import:perform <name>' to run." exit 1 end require 'yajl' client.bulk_import_error_records(name) {|r| puts Yajl.dump(r) } end def bulk_import_freeze(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client client.freeze_bulk_import(name) $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' is frozen." end def bulk_import_unfreeze(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client client.unfreeze_bulk_import(name) $stderr.puts "Bulk import session '#{name}' is unfrozen." end PART_SPLIT_SIZE = 16*1024*1024 def bulk_import_prepare_parts(op) outdir = nil split_size_kb = PART_SPLIT_SIZE / 1024 # kb require 'td/file_reader' reader = reader.init_optparse(op) op.on('-s', '--split-size SIZE_IN_KB', "size of each parts (default: #{split_size_kb})", Integer) {|i| split_size_kb = i } op.on('-o', '--output DIR', 'output directory') {|s| outdir = s } files = op.cmd_parse # TODO ruby 1.9 files = [files] unless files.is_a?(Array) unless outdir $stderr.puts "-o, --output DIR option is required." exit 1 end split_size = split_size_kb * 1024 require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p(outdir) require 'yajl' require 'msgpack' require 'zlib' error = {|reason,data| begin $stderr.puts "#{reason}: #{Yajl.dump(data)}" rescue $stderr.puts "#{reason}" end } # TODO multi process files.each {|ifname| $stderr.puts "Processing #{ifname}..." record_num = 0 basename = File.basename(ifname).sub(/\.(?:csv|tsv|json|msgpack)(?:\.gz)?$/i,'').split('.').join('_') {|io| of_index = 0 out = nil zout = nil begin reader.parse(io, error) {|record| if zout == nil ofname = "#{basename}_#{of_index}.msgpack.gz" $stderr.puts " Preparing part \"#{basename}_#{of_index}\"..." out ="#{outdir}/#{ofname}", 'wb') zout = t = record['time'] $stderr.puts " sample: #{} #{Yajl.dump(record)}" end zout.write(record.to_msgpack) record_num += 1 if out.size > split_size zout.close of_index += 1 out = nil zout = nil end } ensure if zout zout.close zout = nil end end $stderr.puts " #{ifname}: #{record_num} entries." } } end def bulk_import_upload_parts2(op) opts = upload_parts2_config(op) # java command javacmd = 'java' # make jvm options jvm_opts = [] jvm_opts << "-Xmx1024m" # TODO # find java/*.jar and td.jar base_path = File.expand_path('../../..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) # TODO libjars = Dir.glob("#{base_path}/java/**/*.jar") found = libjars.find { |path| File.basename(path) =~ /^td-bulk-import/ } td_command_jar = libjars.delete(found) # make application options app_opts = [] app_opts << "-cp \"#{td_command_jar}\"" # make system properties sysprops = [] sysprops.concat(upload_parts2_sysprops(opts)) # make application arguments app_args = [] app_args << '' app_args << 'upload_parts' app_args << opts[21] # TODO consider parameters including spaces; don't use join(' ') command = "#{javacmd} #{jvm_opts.join(' ')} #{app_opts.join(' ')} #{sysprops.join(' ')} #{app_args.join(' ')}" exec command end def bulk_import_prepare_parts2(op) opts = prepare_parts2_config(op) # java command javacmd = 'java' # make jvm options jvm_opts = [] jvm_opts << "-Xmx1024m" # TODO # find java/*.jar and td.jar base_path = File.expand_path('../../..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) # TODO libjars = Dir.glob("#{base_path}/java/**/*.jar") found = libjars.find { |path| File.basename(path) =~ /^td-bulk-import/ } td_command_jar = libjars.delete(found) # make application options app_opts = [] app_opts << "-cp \"#{td_command_jar}\"" # make system properties sysprops = [] sysprops.concat(prepare_parts2_sysprops(opts)) # make application arguments app_args = [] app_args << '' app_args << 'prepare_parts' app_args << opts[18] # TODO consider parameters including spaces; don't use join(' ') command = "#{javacmd} #{jvm_opts.join(' ')} #{app_opts.join(' ')} #{sysprops.join(' ')} #{app_args.join(' ')}" exec command end private def prepare_parts2_sysprops(opts) sysprops = [] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.format=#{opts[0]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.compression=#{opts[1]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.encoding=#{opts[2]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.time-column=#{opts[3]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.time-format=#{opts[4]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.time-value=#{opts[5].to_s}" if opts[5] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.output-dir=#{opts[6]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.split-size=#{opts[7]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.error-record-output=#{opts[8]}" if opts[8] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.dry-run=#{opts[9]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.delimiter=#{opts[10]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.newline=#{opts[11]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.column-header=#{opts[12]}" if opts[3] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.columns=#{opts[13]}" if opts[1] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.column-types=#{opts[14]}" if opts[2] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.type-conversion-error=#{opts[15]}" if opts[15] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.exclude-columns=#{opts[16]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.only-columns=#{opts[17]}" sysprops end private def upload_parts2_sysprops(opts) sysprops = [] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.format=#{opts[0]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.compression=#{opts[1]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.encoding=#{opts[2]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.time-column=#{opts[3]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.time-format=#{opts[4]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.time-value=#{opts[5].to_s}" if opts[5] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.output-dir=#{opts[6]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.split-size=#{opts[7]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.error-record-output=#{opts[8]}" if opts[8] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.dry-run=#{opts[9]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.delimiter=#{opts[10]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.newline=#{opts[11]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.column-header=#{opts[12]}" if opts[3] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.columns=#{opts[13]}" if opts[1] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.column-types=#{opts[14]}" if opts[2] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.type-conversion-error=#{opts[15]}" if opts[15] sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.exclude-columns=#{opts[16]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.prepare_parts.only-columns=#{opts[17]}" sysprops << "{opts[18]}" sysprops << "{opts[19]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.upload_parts.parallel=#{opts[20]}" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.upload_parts.retrycount=10" sysprops << "-Dtd.bulk_import.upload_parts.waitsec=1" sysprops << "-Dtd.api.key=#{get_client.apikey}" sysprops end private def prepare_parts2_config(op) format = 'csv' compress = 'none' encoding = 'utf-8' time_column = 'time' time_format = nil time_value = nil outdir = nil split_size_kb = PART_SPLIT_SIZE / 1024 # kb error_record_output = nil dry_run = false delimiter = ',' newline = 'CRLF' column_header = nil columns = nil column_types = nil type_conversion_error = 'skip' exclude_columns = nil only_columns = nil # prepare_parts op.on('-f', '--format NAME', 'source file format [csv, tsv]; default=csv') {|s| format = s } op.on('-C', '--compress TYPE', 'compressed type [gzip, none]; default=auto detect') {|s| compress = s } op.on('-e', '--encoding TYPE', 'encoding type [utf-8]') {|s| encoding = s } op.on('-t', '--time-column NAME', 'name of the time column') {|s| time_column = s } op.on('-T', '--time-format', 'STRF_FORMAT; default=auto detect') {|s| time_format = s } op.on('--time-value TIME', 'long value of the time column') {|s| if s.to_i.to_s == s time_value = s.to_i else require 'time' time_value = Time.parse(s).to_i end } op.on('-o', '--output DIR', 'output directory') {|s| outdir = s } op.on('-s', '--split-size SIZE_IN_KB', "size of each parts (default: #{split_size_kb})", Integer) {|i| split_size_kb = i } op.on('--error-record-output FILE', 'error records output file; default=NULL output stream') {|s| error_record_outdir = s } op.on('--dry-run', 'show samples as JSON and exit', FalseClass) {|b| dry_run = b } op.on('--delimiter CHAR', 'delimiter CHAR; default="," at csv, "\t" at tsv') {|s| delimiter = s } op.on('--newline', 'newline [CRLR, LR, CR]; default=CRLF') {|s| newline = s } op.on('-H', '--column-header', 'first line includes column names', TrueClass) {|b| column_header = b } op.on('-h', '--columns NAME,NAME,...', 'column names (use --column-header instead if the first line has column names)') {|s| columns = s } op.on('--column-types TYPE,TYPE,...', 'column types [string, int, long]') {|s| column_types = s } op.on('--type-conversion-error TYPE', 'type conversion error [skip,null]; default=skip') {|s| type_conversion_error = s } op.on('--exclude-columns NAME,NAME,...', 'exclude columns') {|s| exclude_columns = s } op.on('--only-columns NAME,NAME,...', 'only columns') {|s| only_columns = s } files = op.cmd_parse files = [files] unless files.is_a?(Array) # TODO ruby 1.9 # options validation #unless column_types # $stderr.puts "--column-types TYPE,TYPE,... option is required." # exit 1 #end unless outdir $stderr.puts "-o, --output DIR option is required." exit 1 end return [ format, compress, encoding, time_column, time_format, time_value, outdir, split_size_kb, error_record_output, dry_run, delimiter, newline, column_header, columns, column_types, type_conversion_error, exclude_columns, only_columns, files ] end private def upload_parts2_config(op) format = 'csv' compress = 'none' encoding = 'utf-8' time_column = 'time' time_format = nil time_value = nil outdir = nil split_size_kb = PART_SPLIT_SIZE / 1024 # kb error_record_output = nil dry_run = false delimiter = ',' newline = 'CRLF' column_header = nil columns = nil column_types = nil type_conversion_error = 'skip' exclude_columns = nil only_columns = nil auto_perform = false auto_commit = false parallel = 2 # prepare_parts op.on('-f', '--format NAME', 'source file format [csv, tsv]; default=csv') {|s| format = s } op.on('-C', '--compress TYPE', 'compressed type [gzip, none]; default=auto detect') {|s| compress = s } op.on('-e', '--encoding TYPE', 'encoding type [utf-8]') {|s| encoding = s } op.on('-t', '--time-column NAME', 'name of the time column') {|s| time_column = s } op.on('-T', '--time-format', 'STRF_FORMAT; default=auto detect') {|s| time_format = s } op.on('--time-value TIME', 'long value of the time column') {|s| if s.to_i.to_s == s time_value = s.to_i else require 'time' time_value = Time.parse(s).to_i end } op.on('-o', '--output DIR', 'output directory') {|s| outdir = s } op.on('-s', '--split-size SIZE_IN_KB', "size of each parts (default: #{split_size_kb})", Integer) {|i| split_size_kb = i } op.on('--error-record-output FILE', 'error records output file; default=NULL output stream') {|s| error_record_outdir = s } op.on('--dry-run', 'show samples as JSON and exit', FalseClass) {|b| dry_run = b } op.on('--delimiter CHAR', 'delimiter CHAR; default="," at csv, "\t" at tsv') {|s| delimiter = s } op.on('--newline', 'newline [CRLR, LR, CR]; default=CRLF') {|s| newline = s } op.on('-H', '--column-header', 'first line includes column names', TrueClass) {|b| column_header = b } op.on('-h', '--columns NAME,NAME,...', 'column names (use --column-header instead if the first line has column names)') {|s| columns = s } op.on('--column-types TYPE,TYPE,...', 'column types [string, int, long]') {|s| column_types = s } op.on('--type-conversion-error TYPE', 'type conversion error [skip,null]; default=skip') {|s| type_conversion_error = s } op.on('--exclude-columns NAME,NAME,...', 'exclude columns') {|s| exclude_columns = s } op.on('--only-columns NAME,NAME,...', 'only columns') {|s| only_columns = s } # upload_parts op.on('--auto-perform', 'perform bulk import job automatically', TrueClass) {|b| auto_perform = b } op.on('--auto-commit', 'commit bulk import job automatically', FalseClass) {|b| auto_commit = b } op.on('--parallel NUM', 'upload in parallel (default: 2; max 8)', Integer) {|i| parallel = i } files = op.cmd_parse files = [files] unless files.is_a?(Array) # TODO ruby 1.9 # options validation #unless column_types # $stderr.puts "--column-types TYPE,TYPE,... option is required." # exit 1 #end unless outdir $stderr.puts "-o, --output DIR option is required." exit 1 end return [ format, compress, encoding, time_column, time_format, time_value, outdir, split_size_kb, error_record_output, dry_run, delimiter, newline, column_header, columns, column_types, type_conversion_error, exclude_columns, only_columns, auto_perform, auto_commit, parallel, files ] end private def bulk_import_upload_impl(name, part_name, io, size, retry_limit, retry_wait) retry_count = 0 begin client = get_client client.bulk_import_upload_part(name, part_name, io, size) rescue if retry_limit >= retry_count retry_count += 1 $stderr.write "#{$!}; retrying '#{part_name}'...\n" w = (retry_count ** 1.5) * retry_wait sleep w retry end raise end end end end