# Compare with render_document_functions_partial helper, and
# _document_functions partial. BL actually has two groups
# of document-related tools. "document functions" by default
# contains Bookmark functionality shown on both results and
# item view. While "document tools" contains external export type
# functions by default only on detail.
#Added Bootstrap class well and 'hidden-phone' for the tools-bar
<%= render_show_doc_actions @document %>
<% if (@document.respond_to?(:export_as_mla_citation_txt) || @document.respond_to?(:export_as_apa_citation_txt)) %>
<%= link_to t('blacklight.tools.cite'), citation_catalog_path(:id => @document), {:id => 'citeLink', :name => 'citation', :class => 'lightboxLink'} %>
<% end %>
<% if @document.export_formats.keys.include?( :refworks_marc_txt ) %>
<%= link_to t('blacklight.tools.refworks'), refworks_export_url(:id => @document) %>
<% end %>
<% if @document.export_formats.keys.include?( :endnote ) %>
<%= link_to t('blacklight.tools.endnote'), catalog_path(@document, :format => 'endnote') %>
<% end %>
<% if @document.respond_to?( :to_email_text ) %>
<%= link_to t('blacklight.tools.email'), email_catalog_path(:id => @document), {:id => 'emailLink', :name => 'email', :class => 'lightboxLink'} %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @document.respond_to?( :to_sms_text ) -%>
<%= link_to t('blacklight.tools.sms'), sms_catalog_path(:id => @document), {:id => 'smsLink', :name => 'sms', :class => 'lightboxLink'} %>
<%- end -%>
<% if @document.respond_to?(:to_marc) %>
<%= link_to t('blacklight.tools.librarian_view'), librarian_view_catalog_path(@document), {:id => 'librarianLink', :name => 'librarian_view', :class => 'lightboxLink'} %>
<% end %>