== Updating to Aquarium-0.7.1 Version 0.7.1 supports only Ruby 2.6. It was tested with 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580). Basic JRuby (2.5.3) 2019-04-09 8a269e3 support is provided, but using JRuby currently does *not* pass all the custom Java specs in the `jruby/spec` directory, which specifically test working with Java classes. However, JRuby does pass all the Ruby specs in the `spec` directory. This is a long-standing issue with JRuby support in Aquarium. Patches are welcome! > TODO: There are currently a _lot_ of deprecation warnings. == Updating to Aquarium-0.6.X Version 0.6.0 supports only Ruby 2.0.0p247. Basic JRuby 1.7.4 (1.9.3p392) support is provided, but using JRuby currently does *not* pass all the custom Java specs in the `jruby/spec` directory, which specifically test working with Java classes. However, JRuby does pass all the Ruby specs in the `spec` directory. I didn't want to release v0.6.0 with the Java-specific specs not working, but I didn't have time to resolve the issues. Patches are welcome. == Updating to Aquarium-0.5.X This release introduces a few small API changes that are described in CHANGES. The primary goal of the release is to add full support for Ruby 1.9.3 and JRuby 1.6.7. It was not tested on early versions of Ruby 1.9 and JRuby 1.X, so users of earlier releases should use caution upgrading. Post any issues to the GitHub project. == Updating to Aquarium-0.4.X This release is fully backwards-compatible with previous releases. It expands the API slightly and adds internal improvements to better support JRuby. There should be no upgrade issues. == Updating to Aquarium-0.3.1 There should be no upgrade issues with this release. However, the enhancement #17565 now ensures that a JoinPoint is only specified with one type and a type that actually exists, when a string, symbol, or regex is used to specify the type. == Updating to Aquarium-0.3.0 There are no known upgrade issues with this release. Although many new synonyms were added for API method parameters, all changes are backwards compatible. == Updating to Aquarium-0.2.0 This release changes the expected advice parameter list from |join_point, *method_args| to |join_point, object, *method_args| where "object" is the current object receiving the message corresponding to the advised join point. Therefore, when you upgrade, you will need to modify your advices to take this extra argument, even if you don't use it. Since an advice of |jp, *args| would silently "absorb" the object into the beginning of "*args", thereby potentially causing confusion, Aquarium will raise an exception if the advice block or proc has this obsolete signature. Note that "JoinPoint#Context.advised_object" is still supported, even if it is now less useful. == Updating to Aquarium-0.1.8 V0.1.7 did not successfully "register" at rubyforge. This releases fixes that problem and also adds several feature enhancements and refactorings. There are no known upgrade issues. == Updating to Aquarium-0.1.7 This is primarily a bug-fix release, so there should be no upgrading or incompatibility issues. == Updating to Aquarium-0.1.6 As described in the CHANGES, the JoinPoint#type, JoinPoint#type=, JoinPoint#object, and JoinPoint#object= are now deprecated. Client code that uses these methods will still work, but warning messages will be written to STDOUT. See CHANGES for more details. == Updating to Aquarium-0.1.5 This is mostly a bug-fix release, but it did have to introduce one API change, as described in the CHANGES. In particular, the aspect "DSL" methods are no longer automatically to Object, as some of their names overlap with methods added by Rails. Now, if you want these methods added to Object, you must require the new lib/aquarium/aspects/dsl/object_dsl.rb explicitly. As an alternative, if you just want these methods added selectively in certain types, then do the following: require 'aquarium/dsl/aspect_dsl' class MyClass # reopen "MyClass" # Add the methods as _class_ methods include Aquarium::DSL end or, use (class|module)_eval: require 'aquarium/dsl/aspect_dsl' MyClass.class_eval do # Add the methods as _class_ methods include Aquarium::DSL end To add the methods as _instance_ methods on individual objects: object = MyClass.new object.extend(Aquarium::DSL) See the CHANGES for more details. == Updating existing code to Aquarium-0.1.0 This is the first release of Aquarium.