01 Dewey Dewey Decimal Classification. Code 02 Abridged Dewey Code 03 LC classification US Library of Congress classification. Code 04 LC subject heading US Library of Congress subject heading. Text 05 NLM classification US National Library of Medicine medical classification 06 MeSH heading US National Library of Medicine Medical subject heading 07 NAL subject heading US National Agricultural Library subject heading 08 AAT Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus heading 09 UDC Universal Decimal Classification. Code 10 BISAC Subject Heading BISAC Subject Headings are used in the North American market to categorize books based on topical content. They serve as a guideline for shelving books in physical stores and browsing books in online stores. 11 BISAC region code A geographical qualifier used with a BISAC subject category. Code 12 BIC subject category For all BIC subject codes and qualifiers, see http://www.bic.org.uk/subcats.html. Code 13 BIC geographical qualifier Code 14 BIC language qualifier (language as subject) Code 15 BIC time period qualifier Code 16 BIC educational purpose qualifier Code 17 BIC reading level & special interest qualifier Code 18 DDC-Sachgruppen der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie Used for German National Bibliography since 2004 (100 subjects). Is different from value 30. 19 LC fiction genre heading Text 20 Keywords Text 21 BIC children’s book marketing category See http://www.bic.org.uk/cbmc.html. Code 22 BISAC Merchandising Theme BISAC Merchandising Themes are used in addition to BISAC Subject Headings to denote an audience to which a work may be of particular appeal, a time of year or event for which a work may be especially appropriate, or to further describe fictional works that have been subject-coded by genre 23 Publisher’s own category code Code 24 Proprietary subject scheme As specified in 25 Tabla de materias ISBN Latin America. Code 26 Warengruppen-Systematik des deutschen Buchhandels Code 27 Schlagwort-Normdatei (SWD) Subject heading text 28 Thèmes Electre Subject classification used by Electre (France). Code 29 CLIL France. Code 30 DNB-Sachgruppen Deutsche Bibliothek subject groups. Code. Used for German National Bibliography until 2003 (65 subjects). Is different from value 18. 31 NUGI Nederlandse Uniforme Genre-Indeling (former Dutch book trade classification). Code 32 NUR Nederlandstalige Uniforme Rubrieksindeling (Dutch book trade classification, from 2002). Code 33 ECPA Christian Book Category ECPA Christian Product Category Book Codes, consisting of up to three x 3-letter blocks, for Super Category, Primary Category and Sub-Category. See http://www.ecpa.org/ECPA/cbacategories.xls. Code 34 SISO Schema Indeling Systematische Catalogus Openbare Bibliotheken (Dutch library classification). Code 35 Korean Decimal Classification (KDC) A modified Dewey Decimal Classification used in the Republic of Korea. Code 36 DDC 22 ger Code. German Translation of DDC 22. Also known as DDC Deutsch 22 37 Bokgrupper Norwegian book trade product categories (4701) 38 Varegrupper Norwegian bookselling subject categories (4702) 39 Læreplaner Norwegian school curriculum version (4703) 40 Nippon Decimal Classification Japanese subject classification scheme. Code 41 BSQ BookSelling Qualifier: Russian book trade classification. Code 42 ANELE Materias Spain: subject coding scheme of the Asociación Nacional de Editores de Libros y Material de Enseñanza. Code 43 Skolefag Norwegian primary and secondary school subject categories (4705) 44 Videregående Norwegian list of categories used in higher secondary education and vocational training (4706) 45 Undervisningsmateriell Norwegian list of categories for books and other material used in education (4707) 46 Norsk DDK Norwegian version of Dewey Decimal Classification 47 Varugrupper Swedish bookselling subject categories. Code 48 SAB Swedish classification scheme. Text 49 Läromedel Swedish bookselling educational subject. Code 50 Förhandsbeskrivning Swedish publishers preliminary subject classification. Code 51 Spanish ISBN UDC subset Controlled subset of UDC codes used by the Spanish ISBN Agency. Code 52 ECI subject categories Subject categories defined by El Corte Inglés and used widely in the Spanish book trade. Code 53 Soggetto CCE Classificazione commerciale editoriale (Italian book trade subject category based on BIC). Code 54 Qualificatore geografico CCE Code 55 Qualificatore di lingua CCE Code 56 Qualificatore di periodo storico CCE Code 57 Qualificatore di livello scolastico CCE Code 58 Qualificatore di età di lettura CCE Code 59 VdS Bildungsmedien Fächer Subject code list of the German association of educational media publishers 60 Fagkoder Undervisningsdirektoratets fagkoder for kunnskapsløftet I videregående (Norwegian educational curriculum for secondary schools) (4708) 61 JEL classification Journal of Economic Literature classification scheme 62 CSH National Library of Canada subject heading (English) 63 RVM Répertoire de vedettes-matière (Bibliothèque et Archives Canada et Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval) (French) 64 YSA Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto: Finnish General Thesaurus 65 Allärs Allmän tesaurus på svenska: Swedish translation of the Finnish General Thesaurus 66 YKL Yleisten kirjastojen luokitusjärjestelmä: Finnish Public Libraries Classification System 67 MUSA Musiikin asiasanasto: Finnish Music Thesaurus 68 CILLA Specialtesaurus för musik: Swedish translation of the Finnish Music Thesaurus 69 Kaunokki Fiktiivisen aineiston asiasanasto: Finnish thesaurus for fiction 70 Bella Specialtesaurus för fiktivt material: Swedish translation of the Finnish thesaurus for fiction 71 YSO Yleinen suomalainen ontologia: Finnish General Upper Ontology 72 Paikkatieto ontologia Finnish Place Ontology 73 Suomalainen kirja-alan luokitus Finnish book trade categorisation 74 Sears Sears List of Subject Headings 75 BIC E4L BIC E4Libraries Category Headings