# frozen_string_literal: true require "rubygems/ext" require "shellwords" require_relative "cargo_builder" require_relative "mkmf/config" # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars # Root module module RbSys # Helper class for creating Rust Makefiles module Mkmf # Helper for building Rust extensions by creating a Ruby compatible makefile # for Rust. By using this class, your rust extension will be 100% compatible # with the rake-compiler gem, which allows for easy cross compilation. # # @example Basic # require 'mkmf' # . require 'rb_sys/mkmf' # # . create_rust_makefile("my_extension") #=> Generate a Makefile in the current directory # # @example Configure a custom build profile # require 'mkmf' # . require 'rb_sys/mkmf' # # . create_rust_makefile("my_extension") do |r| # . # All of these are optional # . r.env = { 'FOO' => 'bar' } # . r.profile = ENV.fetch('RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE', :dev).to_sym # . r.features = %w[some_cargo_feature] # . end def create_rust_makefile(target, &blk) if target.include?("/") target_prefix, target = File.split(target) target_prefix[0, 0] = "/" else target_prefix = "" end spec = Struct.new(:name, :metadata).new(target, {}) cargo_builder = CargoBuilder.new(spec) builder = Config.new(cargo_builder) yield builder if blk srcprefix = "$(srcdir)/#{builder.ext_dir}".chomp("/") RbConfig.expand(srcdir = srcprefix.dup) full_cargo_command = cargo_command(srcdir, builder) make_install = +<<~MAKE #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_BUILD_DIR", File.join(Dir.pwd, ".rb-sys"))} #{conditional_assign("CARGO", "cargo")} #{conditional_assign("CARGO_BUILD_TARGET", builder.target)} #{conditional_assign("SOEXT", builder.so_ext)} # Determine the prefix Cargo uses for the lib. #{if_neq_stmt("$(SOEXT)", "dll")} #{conditional_assign("SOEXT_PREFIX", "lib", indent: 1)} #{endif_stmt} #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE", builder.profile)} #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_CARGO_FEATURES", builder.features.join(","))} #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_EXTRA_RUSTFLAGS", builder.extra_rustflags.join(" "))} # Set dirname for the profile, since the profiles do not directly map to target dir (i.e. dev -> debug) #{if_eq_stmt("$(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE)", "dev")} #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE_DIR", "debug", indent: 1)} #{else_stmt} #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE_DIR", "$(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE)", indent: 1)} #{endif_stmt} # Set the build profile (dev, release, etc.) Compat with Rust 1.51. #{if_eq_stmt("$(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE)", "release")} #{assign_stmt("RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE_FLAG", "--release", indent: 1)} #{else_stmt} #{assign_stmt("RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE_FLAG", "--profile $(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE)", indent: 1)} #{endif_stmt} # Account for sub-directories when using `--target` argument with Cargo #{if_neq_stmt("$(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET)", "")} #{assign_stmt("RB_SYS_CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_DIR", "target/$(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET)", indent: 1)} #{else_stmt} #{assign_stmt("RB_SYS_CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_DIR", "target", indent: 1)} #{endif_stmt} target_prefix = #{target_prefix} TARGET_NAME = #{target[/\A\w+/]} TARGET_ENTRY = #{RbConfig::CONFIG["EXPORT_PREFIX"]}Init_$(TARGET_NAME) RUBYARCHDIR = $(sitearchdir)$(target_prefix) TARGET = #{target} DLLIB = $(TARGET).#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]} TARGET_DIR = #{Dir.pwd}/$(RB_SYS_CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_DIR)/$(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE_DIR) RUSTLIB = $(TARGET_DIR)/$(SOEXT_PREFIX)$(TARGET_NAME).$(SOEXT) CLEANOBJS = $(TARGET_DIR)/.fingerprint $(TARGET_DIR)/incremental $(TARGET_DIR)/examples $(TARGET_DIR)/deps $(TARGET_DIR)/build $(TARGET_DIR)/.cargo-lock $(TARGET_DIR)/*.d $(TARGET_DIR)/*.rlib $(RB_SYS_BUILD_DIR) DEFFILE = $(TARGET_DIR)/$(TARGET)-$(arch).def CLEANLIBS = $(DLLIB) $(RUSTLIB) $(DEFFILE) #{base_makefile(srcdir)} #{if_neq_stmt("$(RB_SYS_VERBOSE)", "")} #{assign_stmt("Q", "$(0=@)", indent: 1)} #{endif_stmt} #{env_vars(builder)} #{export_env("RUSTFLAGS", "$(RUSTFLAGS) $(RB_SYS_EXTRA_RUSTFLAGS)")} FORCE: ; $(TARGET_DIR): \t$(ECHO) creating target directory \\($(@)\\) \t$(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(TARGET_DIR) $(DEFFILE): $(TARGET_DIR) \t$(ECHO) generating $(@) \t$(Q) ($(COPY) $(srcdir)/$(TARGET).def $@ 2> /dev/null) || (echo EXPORTS && echo $(TARGET_ENTRY)) > $@ #{optional_rust_toolchain(builder)} $(RUSTLIB): $(DEFFILE) FORCE \t$(ECHO) generating $(@) \\("$(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE)"\\) \t$(Q) #{full_cargo_command} $(DLLIB): $(RUSTLIB) \t$(Q) $(COPY) "$(RUSTLIB)" $@ install-so: $(DLLIB) \t$(ECHO) installing $(DLLIB) to $(RUBYARCHDIR) \t$(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(RUBYARCHDIR) \t$(INSTALL_PROG) $(DLLIB) $(RUBYARCHDIR) install: #{builder.clean_after_install ? "install-so realclean" : "install-so"} all: #{$extout ? "install" : "$(DLLIB)"} MAKE gsub_cargo_command!(make_install, builder: builder) File.write("Makefile", make_install) end private def base_makefile(cargo_dir) base_makefile = dummy_makefile(__dir__).join("\n") base_makefile.gsub!("all install static install-so install-rb", "all static install-rb") base_makefile.gsub!(/^srcdir = .*$/, "srcdir = #{cargo_dir}") base_makefile end def cargo_command(cargo_dir, builder) builder.ext_dir = cargo_dir dest_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, "target") args = ARGV.dup args.shift if args.first == "--" cargo_cmd = builder.cargo_command(dest_path, args) Shellwords.join(cargo_cmd).gsub("\\=", "=").gsub(/\Acargo/, "$(CARGO)").gsub(/-v=\d/, "") end def env_vars(builder) lines = builder.build_env.map { |k, v| env_line(k, v) } lines << env_line("CC", env_or_makefile_config("CC")) lines << env_line("CXX", env_or_makefile_config("CXX")) lines << env_line("AR", env_or_makefile_config("AR")) unless env_or_makefile_config("AR") == "libtool -static" lines.compact.join("\n") end def env_line(k, v) return unless v export_env(k, v.gsub("\n", '\n')) end def env_or_makefile_config(key) ENV[key] || RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG[key] end def gsub_cargo_command!(cargo_command, builder:) cargo_command.gsub!(/--profile \w+/, "$(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE_FLAG)") cargo_command.gsub!(%r{--features \S+}, "--features $(RB_SYS_CARGO_FEATURES)") cargo_command.gsub!(%r{--target \S+}, "--target $(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET)") target_dir = "target/#{builder.target}".chomp("/") cargo_command.gsub!(%r{/#{target_dir}/[^/]+}, "/$(RB_SYS_CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_DIR)/$(RB_SYS_CARGO_PROFILE_DIR)") cargo_command end def optional_rust_toolchain(builder) <<~MAKE #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN", builder.force_install_rust_toolchain)} # Only run if the we are told to explicitly install the Rust toolchain #{if_neq_stmt("$(RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN)", "false")} #{conditional_assign("RB_SYS_RUSTUP_PROFILE", "minimal")} # If the user passed true, we assume stable Rust. Otherwise, use what # was specified (i.e. RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN=beta) #{if_eq_stmt("$(RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN)", "true")} RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN = stable #{endif_stmt} # If a $RUST_TARGET is specified (i.e. for rake-compiler-dock), append # that to the profile. #{if_eq_stmt("$(RUST_TARGET)", "")} RB_SYS_DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN = $(RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN) #{else_stmt} RB_SYS_DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN = $(RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN)-$(RUST_TARGET) #{endif_stmt} #{conditional_assign("CARGO_HOME", "$(RB_SYS_BUILD_DIR)/$(RB_SYS_DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN)/cargo", export: true)} #{conditional_assign("RUSTUP_HOME", "$(RB_SYS_BUILD_DIR)/$(RB_SYS_DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN)/rustup", export: true)} #{export_env("PATH", "$(CARGO_HOME)/bin:$(RUSTUP_HOME)/bin:$(PATH)")} #{export_env("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "$(RB_SYS_DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN)")} #{export_env("CARGO", "$(CARGO_HOME)/bin/cargo")} $(CARGO): \t$(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(CARGO_HOME) $(RUSTUP_HOME) \tcurl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 --retry 10 --retry-connrefused -fsSL "https://sh.rustup.rs" | sh -s -- --no-modify-path --profile $(RB_SYS_RUSTUP_PROFILE) --default-toolchain none -y \trustup toolchain install $(RB_SYS_DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN) --profile $(RB_SYS_RUSTUP_PROFILE) \trustup default $(RB_SYS_DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN) $(RUSTLIB): $(CARGO) #{endif_stmt} MAKE end def if_eq_stmt(a, b) if $nmake "!IF #{a.inspect} == #{b.inspect}" else "ifeq (#{a},#{b})" end end def if_neq_stmt(a, b) if $nmake "!IF #{a.inspect} != #{b.inspect}" else "ifneq (#{a},#{b})" end end def else_stmt if $nmake "!ELSE" else "else" end end def endif_stmt if $nmake "!ENDIF" else "endif" end end def conditional_assign(a, b, export: false, indent: 0) if $nmake result = +"!IFNDEF #{a}\n#{a} = #{b}\n!ENDIF\n" result << export_env(a, b) if export result else "#{"\t" * indent}#{export ? "export " : ""}#{a} ?= #{b}" end end def assign_stmt(a, b, indent: 0) if $nmake "#{a} = #{b}" else "#{"\t" * indent}#{a} = #{b}" end end def export_env(k, v) if $nmake "!if [set #{k}=#{v}]\n!endif" else "export #{k} := #{v}" end end end end # rubocop:enable Style/GlobalVars include RbSys::Mkmf # rubocop:disable Style/MixinUsage