This is a celluloid based background jobs library heavily inspired by [Sidekiq][sidekiq]. The difference is that it allows you to change the backend, Redis, to other ones like RabitMQ. You can start with something _à la_ [sucker_punch][sucker_punch]: background jobs threaded within the application process and switch to separated processes later using another backend. ## Configuration Install the gem in your Gemfile: ``` ruby gem "tennis-jobs" gem "tennis-jobs-redis" # Not available at the moment ``` Configure Tennis in your `config/application.rb` (or any other file): ``` ruby Tennis.configure do |config| config.backend # require "logger" # config.logger = end ``` Start tennis from the command line: ``` bundle exec tennis --concurrency 4 --require ./config/application.rb --jobs "MyJob,MyOtherJob" # There is also a shorter equivalent: # bundle exex tennis -c 4 -r ./config/application.rb -j "MyJob,MyOtherJob" ``` ## Usage ``` ruby MINUTES = 60 class MyJob include Tennis::Job def my_method(*args) puts "=> #{args}.sum = args.inject(0, &:+)" end end my_job_instance = my_job_instance.async.my_method(1, 2, 3) # Will print in your `tennis` process: # => [1, 2, 3].sum = 6 my_job_instance.async_in(2 * MINUTES).my_method(4, 5, 6) # Will print, in approximatively two minutes, in your `tennis` process: # => [4, 5, 6].sum = 15 ``` The `my_method`'s arguments can be quite complex depending on your backend support. The same goes for the `MyJob`'s instance. With the `Tennis::Backend::Memory` backend, you can use anything and it will be kept as it is. ## Testing This section is waiting to beeing written. [sidekiq]: [sucker_punch]: