module Arrest class MemSource attr_accessor :data @@all_objects = {} # holds all objects of all types, # each having a unique id @@collections = {} # maps urls to collections of ids of objects @@data = {} def objects @@all_objects end def collections @@collections end def data @@data end def initialize @@all_objects = {} # holds all objects of all types, @@collections = {} # maps urls to collections of ids of objects @@random = end # only to stub collection for development # def set_collection clazz, scope, objects url = clazz.scoped_path scope Arrest::debug "url:#{url}" @@data[url] = objects end def wrap content,count "{ \"queryTime\" : \"0.01866644\", \"resultCount\" : #{count}, \"result\" : #{content} }" end def hash_to_query filters ps = [] filters.each_pair do |k,v| ps << "#{k}=v" end if ps.empty? '' else '?' + ps.join('&') end end def get_many sub, filters = {} Arrest::debug sub + (hash_to_query filters) # filters are ignored by mem impl so far id_list = @@collections[sub] || [] objects = do |id| @@all_objects[id] end wrap collection_json(objects), id_list.length end def get_one sub, filters = {} Arrest::debug sub + (hash_to_query filters) # filters are ignored by mem impl so far idx = sub.rindex '/' if idx id = sub[(idx+1)..sub.length] end val = @@all_objects[id] if val == nil raise Errors::DocumentNotFoundError end wrap val.to_jhash.to_json, 1 end def collection_json values single_jsons = do |v| v.to_jhash.to_json end "[#{single_jsons.join(',')}]" end def traverse hash, keys if keys.empty? return hash end key = keys.first if hash == nil nil else traverse hash[key.to_s],keys.drop(1) end end def delete rest_resource raise "To change an object it must have an id" unless rest_resource.respond_to?(:id) && != nil @@all_objects.delete( @@collections.each_pair do |k,v| v.reject!{ |id| id == } end rest_resource end def put rest_resource raise "To change an object it must have an id" unless rest_resource.respond_to?(:id) && != nil old = @@all_objects[] rest_resource.class.all_fields.each do |f| old.send("#{}=", rest_resource.send( end true end def post rest_resource Arrest::debug "post -> #{} #{rest_resource.to_hash} #{}" raise "new object must have setter for id" unless rest_resource.respond_to?(:id=) raise "new object must not have id" if rest_resource.respond_to?(:id) && != nil = next_id @@all_objects[] = rest_resource unless @@data[rest_resource.resource_path()] != nil @@data[rest_resource.resource_path()] = {} end Arrest::debug "child path #{rest_resource.resource_path()}" @@data[rest_resource.resource_path()][next_id.to_s] = if @@collections[rest_resource.resource_path] == nil @@collections[rest_resource.resource_path] = [] end @@collections[rest_resource.resource_path] << true end def cheat_collection url, ids @@collections[url] = ids end def next_id (0...32).map{ ('a'..'z').to_a[@@random.rand(26)] }.join end end end