module FacebookSocialPlugins::Plugin class RecommendationsBox < Social def initialize options = {} super end def plugin_class 'fb-recommendations' end # site - the domain to show recommendations for. The XFBML version defaults to the current domain. # action - a comma separated list of actions to show recommendations for. # app_id - will display recommendations for all types of actions, custom and global, associated with this app_id. # width - the width of the plugin in pixels. Default width: 300px. # height - the height of the plugin in pixels. Default height: 300px. # header - specifies whether to show the Facebook header. # colorscheme - the color scheme for the plugin. Options: 'light', 'dark' # font - the font to display in the plugin. Options: 'arial', 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui', 'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana' # border_color - the border color of the plugin. # linktarget - This specifies the context in which content links are opened. # By default all links within the plugin will open a new window. # If you want the content links to open in the same window, you can set this parameter # to _top or _parent. Links to Facebook URLs will always open in a new window. # ref - a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain # alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). # Specifying a value for the ref attribute adds the 'fb_ref' parameter to the any links back to your site # which are clicked from within the plugin. Using different values for the ref parameter for different positions # and configurations of this plugin within your pages allows you to track which instances are performing the best. # max_age - a limit on recommendation and creation time of articles that are surfaced in # the plugins, the default is 0 (we don’t take age into account). # Otherwise the valid values are 1-180, which specifies the number of days. def attributes super.merge(:site => :string, :action => :string, :app_id => :string, :height => :integer, :header => :string, :linktarget => linktargets, :ref => :string, :max_age => :integer, :width => :integer) end end end