module CurationConcerns module FileSetsControllerBehavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Blacklight::Base include Blacklight::AccessControls::Catalog included do include CurationConcerns::ThemedLayoutController with_themed_layout '1_column' load_and_authorize_resource class: ::FileSet, except: :show helper_method :curation_concern include CurationConcerns::ParentContainer copy_blacklight_config_from(::CatalogController) class_attribute :show_presenter, :form_class self.show_presenter = CurationConcerns::FileSetPresenter self.form_class = CurationConcerns::Forms::FileSetEditForm # A little bit of explanation, CanCan(Can) sets the @file_set via the .load_and_authorize_resource # method. However the interface for various CurationConcern modules leverages the #curation_concern method # Thus we have file_set and curation_concern that are aliases for each other. attr_accessor :file_set alias_method :curation_concern, :file_set private :file_set= alias_method :curation_concern=, :file_set= private :curation_concern= helper_method :file_set end # routed to /files/new def new end # routed to /files/:id/edit def edit initialize_edit_form end # routed to /files (POST) def create create_from_upload(params) end def create_from_upload(params) # check error condition No files return render_json_response(response_type: :bad_request, options: { message: 'Error! No file to save' }) unless params.key?(:file_set) && params.fetch(:file_set).key?(:files) file = params[:file_set][:files].detect { |f| f.respond_to?(:original_filename) } if !file render_json_response(response_type: :bad_request, options: { message: 'Error! No file for upload', description: 'unknown file' }) elsif empty_file?(file) render_json_response(response_type: :unprocessable_entity, options: { errors: { files: "#{file.original_filename} has no content! (Zero length file)" }, description: t('curation_concerns.api.unprocessable_entity.empty_file') }) else process_file(file) end rescue RSolr::Error::Http => error logger.error "FileSetController::create rescued #{error.class}\n\t#{error}\n #{error.backtrace.join("\n")}\n\n" render_json_response(response_type: :internal_error, options: { message: 'Error occurred while creating a FileSet.' }) ensure # remove the tempfile (only if it is a temp file) file.tempfile.delete if file.respond_to?(:tempfile) end # routed to /files/:id def show respond_to do |wants| wants.html { presenter } wants.json { presenter } additional_response_formats(wants) end end def destroy parent = curation_concern.parent actor.destroy redirect_to [main_app, parent], notice: 'The file has been deleted.' end # routed to /files/:id (PUT) def update success = if wants_to_revert? actor.revert_content(params[:revision]) elsif params.key?(:file_set) if params[:file_set].key?(:files) actor.update_content(params[:file_set][:files].first) else update_metadata end end if success after_update_response else respond_to do |wants| wants.html do initialize_edit_form flash[:error] = "There was a problem processing your request." render 'edit', status: :unprocessable_entity end wants.json { render_json_response(response_type: :unprocessable_entity, options: { errors: curation_concern.errors }) } end end rescue RSolr::Error::Http => error flash[:error] = error.message logger.error "FileSetsController::update rescued #{error.class}\n\t#{error.message}\n #{error.backtrace.join("\n")}\n\n" render action: 'edit' end def after_update_response respond_to do |wants| wants.html do redirect_to [main_app, curation_concern], notice: "The file #{view_context.link_to(curation_concern, [main_app, curation_concern])} has been updated." end wants.json do @presenter =, current_ability) render :show, status: :ok, location: polymorphic_path([main_app, curation_concern]) end end end def versions @version_list = version_list end # this is provided so that implementing application can override this behavior and map params to different attributes def update_metadata file_attributes = form_class.model_attributes(attributes) actor.update_metadata(file_attributes) end protected def presenter @presenter ||= begin _, document_list = search_results(params) curation_concern = document_list.first raise CanCan::AccessDenied unless curation_concern, current_ability, request) end end def search_builder_class CurationConcerns::FileSetSearchBuilder end def initialize_edit_form @groups = current_user.groups end # Override this method to add additional response # formats to your local app def additional_response_formats(_) # nop end def file_set_params params.require(:file_set).permit( :visibility_during_embargo, :embargo_release_date, :visibility_after_embargo, :visibility_during_lease, :lease_expiration_date, :visibility_after_lease, :visibility, title: []) end def version_list end def wants_to_revert? params.key?(:revision) && params[:revision] != curation_concern.latest_content_version.label end def actor @actor ||=, current_user) end def attributes # params.fetch(:file_set, {}).dup # use a copy of the hash so that original params stays untouched when interpret_visibility modifies things params.fetch(:file_set, {}).except(:files).permit!.dup # use a copy of the hash so that original params stays untouched when interpret_visibility modifies things end def _prefixes # This allows us to use the unauthorized and form_permission template in curation_concerns/base @_prefixes ||= super + ['curation_concerns/base'] end def json_error(error, name = nil, additional_arguments = {}) args = { error: error } args[:name] = name if name render additional_arguments.merge(json: [args]) end def empty_file?(file) (file.respond_to?(:tempfile) && file.tempfile.size == 0) || (file.respond_to?(:size) && file.size == 0) end def process_file(file) update_metadata_from_upload_screen actor.create_metadata(find_parent_by_id, params[:file_set]) if actor.create_content(file) respond_to do |format| format.html do if request.xhr? render 'jq_upload', formats: 'json', content_type: 'text/html' else redirect_to [main_app, curation_concern.parent] end end format.json do render 'jq_upload', status: :created, location: polymorphic_path([main_app, curation_concern]) end end else msg = curation_concern.errors.full_messages.join(', ') flash[:error] = msg json_error "Error creating file #{file.original_filename}: #{msg}" end end # this is provided so that implementing application can override this behavior and map params to different attributes def update_metadata_from_upload_screen # Relative path is set by the jquery uploader when uploading a directory curation_concern.relative_path = params[:relative_path] if params[:relative_path] end def curation_concern_type ::FileSet end end end