require "spec_helper" require "fileutils" RSpec.describe Asciidoctor::ISO do context "when xref_error.adoc compilation" do it "generates error file" do FileUtils.rm_f "xref_error.err" File.write("xref_error.adoc", <<~"CONTENT") = X A == Clause <> CONTENT expect do mock_pdf Metanorma::Compile .new .compile("xref_error.adoc", type: "iso", no_install_fonts: true) { File.exist?("xref_error.err") } .from(false).to(true)) end end it "Warns of image names not compliant with DRG" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :docnumber: 1000 :partnumber: 1 :edition: 2 :amendment-number: 3 .Split-it-right sample divider image::spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/SL1000-1_ed2amd3fig1.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/1001_ed2amd3fig1.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/ISO_1213_1.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figA.png[] |=== |a |b a|image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figTab1.png[]#{' '} a|image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig2.png[] |=== image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figTab2.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figA1.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1a.png[] .Stages of gelatinization ==== image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1b.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig4.png[] ==== image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig5_f.png[] [appendix] == Annex image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figA2.png[] image::spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig3.png[] INPUT expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png does not match "\ "DRG requirements: expect 1000-1_ed2amd3fig" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1001_ed2amd3fig1.png does not "\ "match DRG requirements: " \ "expect 1000-1_ed2amd3fig" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/SL1000-1_ed2amd3fig1.png does not "\ "match DRG requirements: " \ "expect 1000-1_ed2amd3fig" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/ISO_1213_1.png does not match DRG "\ "requirements: expect 1000-1_ed2amd3fig" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figA.png does not "\ "match DRG requirements" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figTab1.png does "\ "not match DRG requirements" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figTab1.png is "\ "under a table but is not so labelled" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig2.png is under "\ "a table but is not so labelled" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figTab2.png is "\ "labelled as under a table but is not" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1.png is "\ "labelled as under a table but is not" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figA2.png is "\ "under an annex but is not so labelled" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig3.png is "\ "under an annex but is not so labelled" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3figA1.png is "\ "labelled as under an annex but is not" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1.png is "\ "labelled as under an annex but is not" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1b.png has a "\ "subfigure letter but is not a subfigure" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig4.png does not "\ "have a subfigure letter but is a subfigure" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1a.png has a "\ "subfigure letter but is not a subfigure" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1.png has a "\ "subfigure letter but is not a subfigure" expect("test.err")).to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig5_f.png expected "\ "to have suffix _e" expect("test.err")).not_to include \ "image name spec/examples/rice_images/1000-1_ed2amd3fig1.png expected "\ "to have suffix _e" end context "Warns of missing scope" do it "Scope clause missing" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Scope clause missing" end it "Scope clause not missing 1" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: pizza == Scope INPUT expect("test.err")).not_to include "Scope clause missing" end it "Scope clause not missing 2" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.err" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment text INPUT expect("test.err")).not_to include "Scope clause missing" end end context "Warns of missing normative references" do it "Normative references missing" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.err" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Normative references missing" end it "Normative references not missing 1" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: pizza [bibliography] == Normative references INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Normative references missing" end it "Normative references not missing 2" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment text INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Normative references missing" end end context "Warns of missing terms & definitions" do it "Terms & definitions missing" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Terms & definitions missing" end it "Terms & definitions not missing 1" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: pizza == Terms and definitions === Term 1 INPUT expect("test.err")).not_to include "Terms & definitions missing" end it "Terms & definitions not missing 2" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment text INPUT expect("test.err")).not_to include "Terms & definitions missing" end end it "Warns of illegal doctype" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "pizza is not a recognised document type" end it "Warns of illegal script" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :script: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "pizza is not a recognised script" end it "Warns of illegal stage" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :status: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "pizza is not a recognised stage" end it "Warns of illegal substage" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :status: 60 :docsubstage: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "pizza is not a recognised substage" end it "Warns of illegal iteration" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :status: 60 :iteration: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "pizza is not a recognised iteration" end it "Warns of illegal script" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :script: pizza text INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "pizza is not a recognised script" end it "warns that technical report may contain requirement" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: technical-report == Random clause The widget is required not to be larger than 15 cm. INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Technical Report clause may contain requirement" end it "warns that introduction may contain requirement" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Introduction The widget is required not to be larger than 15 cm. INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Introduction may contain requirement" end it "warns that foreword may contain recommendation" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} It is not recommended that widgets should be larger than 15 cm. == Clause INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Foreword may contain recommendation" end it "warns that foreword may contain permission" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} No widget is required to be larger than 15 cm. == Clause INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Foreword may contain permission" end it "warns that scope may contain recommendation" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Scope It is not recommended that widgets should be larger than 15 cm. INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Scope may contain recommendation" end it "warns that definition may contain requirement" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term1 It is required that there is a definition. INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Definition may contain requirement" end it "warns that term example may contain recommendation" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term [example] It is not recommended that widgets should be larger than 15 cm. INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Example may contain recommendation" end it "warns that note may contain recommendation" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} NOTE: It is not recommended that widgets should be larger than 15 cm. INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Note may contain recommendation" end it "warns that footnote may contain recommendation" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} footnote:[It is not recommended that widgets should be larger than 15 cm.] INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Footnote may contain recommendation" end it "warns that term source is not in expected format" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [.source] I am a generic paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "term reference not in expected format" end it "warns that figure does not have title" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} image::spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png[] INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Figure should have title" end it "warns that callouts do not match annotations" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [source,ruby] -- puts "Hello, world." <1> %w{a b c}.each do |x| puts x end -- <1> This is one callout <2> This is another callout INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "mismatch of callouts and annotations" end it "warns that term source is not a real reference" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [.source] <> INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "iso123 does not have a corresponding anchor ID "\ "in the bibliography" end it "warns that undated reference has locality" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Scope <> [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "undated reference ISO 123 should not contain "\ "specific elements" end it "do not warn that undated reference which is a bibliographic reference has locality" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Scope <> [bibliography] == Bibliography * [[[iso123,1]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "undated reference [1] should not contain specific "\ "elements" end it "do not warn that undated IEV reference has locality" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Scope <> [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iev,IEV]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "undated reference IEV should not contain specific "\ "elements" end it "do not warn that in print has locality" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Scope <> [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iev,ISO 123:--]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "undated reference ISO 123 should not contain specific "\ "elements" end it "warns of Non-reference in bibliography" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Normative References * I am not a reference INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "no anchor on reference" end it "warns of Non-ISO reference in Normative References" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[XYZ,IESO 121]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "non-ISO/IEC reference not expected as normative" end it "warns that Scope contains subclauses" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Scope === Scope subclause INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Scope contains subclauses: should be succinct" end it "warns that Table should have title" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} |=== |a |b |c |=== INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Table should have title" end it "gives Style warning if number not broken up in threes" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause 12121 INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "number not broken up in threes" end it "gives No style warning if number not broken up in threes is ISO reference" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause ISO 12121 INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "number not broken up in threes" end it "Style warning if decimal point" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause 8.1 INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "possible decimal point" end it "Style warning if billion used" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause "Billions" are a term of art. INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "ambiguous number" end it "Style warning if no space before percent sign" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause 95% INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "no space before percent sign" end it "Style warning if unbracketed tolerance before percent sign" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause 95 ± 5 % INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "unbracketed tolerance before percent sign" end it "Style warning if dots in abbreviation" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause r.p.m. INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "no dots in abbreviation" end it "No Style warning if dots in abbreviation are e.g." do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause e.g. 5 INPUT expect("test.err")).not_to include "no dots in abbreviation" end it "Style warning if ppm used" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause 5 ppm INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "language-specific abbreviation" end it "Style warning if space between number and degree" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause 5 ° INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "space between number and degrees/minutes/seconds" end it "Style warning if no space between number and SI unit" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause A measurement of 5Bq was taken. INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "no space between number and SI unit" end it "Style warning if mins used" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause 5 mins INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "non-standard unit" end # can't test: our asciidoc template won't allow this to be generated # it "Style warning if foreword contains subclauses" do # expect { Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) } # .to output(%r{non-standard unit}).to_stderr # #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} # # INPUT # end # can't test: we strip out any such content from Normative references preemptively # it "Style warning if Normative References contains subclauses" do # expect { Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) } # .to output(%r{normative references contains subclauses}).to_stderr # #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} # # [bibliography] #== Normative References # #=== Subsection # INPUT # end it "Style warning if two Symbols and Abbreviated Terms sections" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Abbreviations === Symbols and Abbreviated Terms == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Only one Symbols and Abbreviated Terms section "\ "in the standard" end it "Style warning if Symbols and Abbreviated Terms contains extraneous matter" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Symbols and Abbreviated Terms can only contain "\ "a definition list" end it "Warning if missing foreword" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Initial section must be (content) Foreword" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Initial section must be (content) Foreword" end it "Warning if do not start with scope or introduction" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} Foreword == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) Scope" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment Foreword == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) Scope" end it "Warning if introduction not followed by scope" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Introduction == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) Scope" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Introduction == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) Scope" end it "Warning if normative references not followed by terms and definitions" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Normative References must be followed by "\ "Terms and Definitions" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Paragraph INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Normative References must be followed by "\ "Terms and Definitions" end it "Warning if there are no clauses in the document" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Document must contain at least one clause" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Document must contain at least one clause" end it "Warning if scope occurs after Terms and Definitions" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause == Scope INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Scope must occur before Terms and Definitions" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause == Scope INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Scope must occur before Terms and Definitions" end it "Warning if Symbols and Abbreviated Terms does not occur immediately after Terms and Definitions" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Only annexes and references can follow clauses" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause == Symbols and Abbreviated Terms INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Only annexes and references can follow clauses" end it "Warning if no normative references" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Scope == Terms and Definitions == Clause [appendix] == Appendix A [appendix] == Appendix B [appendix] == Appendix C INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Document must include (references) Normative References" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Scope == Terms and Definitions == Clause [appendix] == Appendix A [appendix] == Appendix B [appendix] == Appendix C INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Document must include (references) Normative References" end it "Warning if there are two Terms sections" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Scope == Terms and definitions == A Clause [heading=terms and definitions] == Terms related to clinical psychology INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Only annexes and references can follow clauses" end it "No warning if there are two Terms sections in a Vocabulary document" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :docsubtype: vocabulary == Scope == Terms and definitions == A Clause [heading=terms and definitions] == Terms related to clinical psychology [heading=symbols and abbreviated terms] == Symbols related to clinical psychology INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Only annexes and references can follow clauses" expect("test.err")) .to include "Only terms, annexes and references can follow clauses" end it "Warning if final section is not named Bibliography" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause [appendix] == Appendix A [appendix] == Appendix B [bibliography] == Bibliography [bibliography] == Appendix C INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "There are sections after the final Bibliography" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause [appendix] == Appendix A [appendix] == Appendix B [bibliography] == Bibliography [bibliography] == Appendix C INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "There are sections after the final Bibliography" end it "Warning if final section is not styled Bibliography" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause [appendix] == Appendix A [appendix] == Appendix B == Bibliography INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Section not marked up as [bibliography]" end it "Warning if final section is not styled Bibliography false" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :doctype: amendment .Foreword Foreword == Scope [bibliography] == Normative References == Terms and Definitions == Clause [appendix] == Appendix A [appendix] == Appendix B == Bibliography INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Section not marked up as [bibliography]" end it "Warning if English title intro and no French title intro" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-intro-en: Title :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "No French Title Intro" end it "Warning if French title intro and no English title intro" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-intro-fr: Title :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "No English Title Intro" end it "Warning if English title and no French title" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-main-en: Title :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "No French Title" expect("test.err")).not_to include "No French Intro" end it "Warning if French title and no English title" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-main-fr: Title :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "No English Title" end it "Warning if English title part and no French title part" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-part-en: Title :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "No French Title Part" end it "Warning if French title part and no English title part" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-part-fr: Title :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "No English Title Part" end it "No warning if French main title and English main title" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-part-fr: Title :title-part-en: Title :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).not_to include "No French Title Intro" expect("test.err")).not_to include "No French Title Part" end it "Warning if non-IEC document with subpart" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :docnumber: 10 :partnumber: 1-1 :publisher: ISO :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Subpart defined on non-IEC document" end it "No warning if joint IEC/non-IEC document with subpart" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :docnumber: 10 :partnumber: 1-1 :publisher: ISO;IEC :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "Subpart defined on non-IEC document" end it "Warning if main title contains document type" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-main-en: A Technical Specification on Widgets :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "Main Title may name document type" end it "Warning if intro title contains document type" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :title-intro-en: A Technical Specification on Widgets :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Title Intro may name document type" end it "Each first-level subclause must have a title" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause === {blank} INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "each first-level subclause must have a title" end it "All subclauses must have a title, or none" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause === Subclause ==== {blank} ==== Subsubclause INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "all subclauses must have a title, or none" end it "Warning if subclause is only child of its parent, or none" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Clause === Subclause INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "subclause is only child" end it "Warning if invalid technical committee type" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :technical-committee-type: X :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "invalid technical committee type" end it "Warning if invalid subcommittee type" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :subcommittee-type: X :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "invalid subcommittee type" end it "Warning if invalid subcommittee type" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :subcommittee-type: X :no-isobib: INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "invalid subcommittee type" end it "Warning if 'see' crossreference points to normative section" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [[terms]] == Terms and Definitions == Clause See <> INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "'see terms' is pointing to a normative section" end it "Warning if 'see' reference points to normative reference" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[terms,ISO 1]]] _References_ == Clause See <> INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "is pointing to a normative reference" end it "Warning if term definition starts with article" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term The definition of a term is a part of the specialized vocabulary of a particular field INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "term definition starts with article" end it "Warning if term definition ends with period" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term Part of the specialized vocabulary of a particular field. INPUT expect("test.err")).to include "term definition ends with period" end it "validates document against ISO XML schema" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [align=mid-air] Para INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include 'value of attribute "align" is invalid; must be equal to' end it "Warn if more than 7 levels of subclause" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :language: fr == Clause === Clause ==== Clause ===== Clause ====== Clause [level=6] ====== Clause [level=7] ====== Clause [level=8] ====== Clause INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Exceeds the maximum clause depth of 7" end it "Do not warn if not more than 7 levels of subclause" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :no-isobib: :language: fr == Clause === Clause ==== Clause ===== Clause ====== Clause [level=6] ====== Clause [level=7] ====== Clause INPUT expect("test.err")) .not_to include "exceeds the maximum clause depth of 7" end it "Warn if term citation in Terms & Definitions not preceded with italicised term" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions [[term]] === Term The definition of a term (<>) is a part of the specialized vocabulary of a particular field INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "term citation not preceded with italicised term" end it "Warn if an undated reference has no associated footnote" do Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", *OPTIONS) #{VALIDATING_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Bibliography * [[[ISO8,ISO 8:--]]], _Title_ INPUT expect("test.err")) .to include "Reference ISO8 does not have an associated footnote "\ "indicating unpublished status" end end