module Pesapal
# Pesapal helper modules.
module Helper
# Contains helper methods relating to posting orders. See
# {Pesapal::Merchant#generate_order_url} source.
# _For your information;_ the schema below may be used to validate the XML
# required by Pesapal. You don't have to do this since
# {Pesapal::Helper::Post.generate_post_xml} pretty much does it for you ... but it's
# worth noting that the {Pesapal::Helper::Post.generate_post_xml} method only builds a
# very basic XML structure and is not as comprehensive as the one below. Maybe
# in the future we might need to add more functionality but as of now it's
# seems to meet most user's needs.
# ```xml
# ```
module Post
# Build XML formated order data to be submitted as part of the PostPesapalDirectOrderV4 oAuth 1.0 call.
# The expected order details are as follows;
# 1. `:amount` - the order amount
# 2. `:description` - a note about the order
# 3. `:type` - MERCHANT
# 4. `:reference` - the unique id generated for the transaction by your application before posting the order
# 5. `:first_name` - first name of the customer
# 6. `:last_name` - second name of the customer
# 7. `:email` - email of the customer
# 8. `:phonenumber` - phone number of the customer
# 9. `:currency` - ISO code for the currency
# It typically looks like this:
# ```
# order_details = {
# amount: 1000,
# description: 'this is the transaction description',
# type: 'MERCHANT',
# reference: '808-707-606',
# first_name: 'Swaleh',
# last_name: 'Mdoe',
# email: '',
# phonenumber: '+254722222222',
# currency: 'KES'
# }
# ```
# See {Pesapal::Merchant#order_details}.
# @note Make sure **ALL** expected hash attributes are present, the method
# assumes they are and no checks are done to certify that this has been
# done nor are any fallbacks built in. Also the `:amount` should be a
# number, no commas, or else Pesapal will convert the comma to a period (.)
# which will result in the incorrect amount for the transaction.
# @param details [Hash] the order details, see above for details on it's contents.
# @return [String] encoded XML formated order data.
def self.generate_post_xml(details)
post_xml = ''
post_xml.concat ''
post_xml.concat ''
# Encode the XML
encoder =
encoder.encode post_xml
# Prepares parameters to be used during the PostPesapalDirectOrderV4 oAuth 1.0 call.
# The PostPesapalDirectOrderV4 oAuth 1.0 call requires the following parameters;
# 1. `oauth_callback` - URL on your site where the users will be redirected to. See [section 6.2.3 of the oAuth 1.0 spec][5]
# 2. `oauth_consumer_key` - your Pesapal consumer key sent to you via email or obtained from the dashboard
# 3. `oauth_nonce` - a random string, uniquely generated for each request. See [section 8 of the oAuth 1.0 spec][3]
# 4. `oauth_signature` - the signature as defined in the oAuth 1.0 spec under [section 9 of the oAuth 1.0 spec][2]
# 5. `oauth_signature_method` - `HMAC-SHA1` (do not change). See [section 9.2 of the oAuth 1.0 spec][1]
# 6. `oauth_timestamp` - number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT, also known as Unix Time. See [section 8 of the oAuth 1.0 spec][3]
# 7. `oauth_version` - `1.0` (do not change)
# 8. `pesapal_request_data` - encoded XML formated order data (same as `post_xml` defined below).
# This method generates all the above **except** the `oauth_signature` which
# is generated later by {Pesapal::Oauth.generate_oauth_signature} since
# generation of this `oauth_signature` requires these parameters as inputs
# anyway. See [section 9.2.1 of the oAuth 1.0 spec][1] for more details.
# [1]:
# [2]:
# [3]:
# [4]:
# [5]:
# @param callback_url [String] URL to the redirect page. This is the page on
# your site where the users will be redirected to, after they have made the
# payment on PesaPal.
# @param consumer_key [String] your Pesapal consumer key sent to you via
# email or obtained from the dashboard
# @param post_xml [String] encoded XML formated order data. Generated by {generate_post_xml}
# @return [Hash] parameters to be used in generating the oAuth 1.0 URL query parameters and the `oauth_signature` itself.
def self.set_parameters(callback_url, consumer_key, post_xml)
timestamp =
oauth_callback: callback_url,
oauth_consumer_key: consumer_key,
oauth_nonce: timestamp + Pesapal::Oauth.generate_nonce(12),
oauth_signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA1',
oauth_timestamp: timestamp,
oauth_version: '1.0',
pesapal_request_data: post_xml