Class Group
In: app/models/group.rb
Parent: ActiveRecord::Base

A group represents a collection of permissions. Each User can be assigned to one or more groups, and the sum of their permissions from all groups combined represents what they can do.


cms_access?   guest   guest?  


GUEST_CODE = "guest"

Public Class methods

Finds the guest group, which is a special group that represents public non-logged in users.


    # File app/models/group.rb, line 37
37:   def self.guest
38:     with_code(GUEST_CODE).first
39:   end

Public Instance methods


    # File app/models/group.rb, line 32
32:   def cms_access?
33:     group_type && group_type.cms_access?
34:   end


    # File app/models/group.rb, line 28
28:   def guest?
29:     group_type && group_type.guest?
30:   end
