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A|>" Al># AX>$ AD>% A0>& A>'A >(A=(A=)A=* A=+A=,A=-A=.A=/A|=0Ap=1A\=2AH=3A<=4A,=5A=ZA=[A<]A<A<A<A<A<A<A<A< Ap<A\< AD<A4<A,<"A<$A<'A;(A;A;A;A;A;At; A`;AP; A@; A,;A;A;A:A: A: A:A:|A:A:A:A:A:Ap:Ad:AT:AT:AD:AD: A0: A$: A:A9A9A9A9A9A9A9At9Ah9AX9AH9A89A$9A 9A8A8A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 !!A8_TIFFMergeFieldInfofor field info arrayfip != NULL..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_dirinfo.cTIFFFieldWithTagInternal error, unknown tag 0x%xTag %dFailed to allocate field info array_TIFFSetupFieldInfoSetting up field info failedTIFFReadDirectoryTIFFReadCustomDirectoryEstimateStripByteCountsMissingRequiredTIFFFetchDirectoryto fetch tag valuefor "ReferenceBlackWhite" array%s: Cannot determine size of unknown tag type %dfor "StripByteCounts" array%s: TIFF directory is missing required "%s" fieldfor IFD listincorrect count for field "%s" (%u, expecting %u); tag trimmedincorrect count for field "%s" (%u, expecting %u); tag ignored%s: Can not read TIFF directory%.100s: Can not read TIFF directoryto read TIFF directory%s: Can not read TIFF directory count%s: Seek error accessing TIFF directorypdir..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_dirread.cError fetching data for field "%s"%s: Rational with zero denominator (num = %u)unexpected count for field "%s", %u, expected 2; ignoredto fetch array of rationalscannot read TIFF_ANY type %d for field "%s"ACannot handle different per-sample values for field "%s"to fetch per-sample valuesto fetch strip tagfor strip arrayfor chopped "StripOffsets" arrayfor chopped "StripByteCounts" array%s: cannot handle zero strip size%s: cannot handle zero tile size%s: cannot handle zero scanline size%s: Wrong "%s" field, ignoring and calculating from imagelength%s: Bogus "%s" field, ignoring and calculating from imagelength%s: TIFF directory is missing required "%s" field, calculating from imagelengthColormapSamplesPerPixel tag is missing, assuming correct SamplesPerPixel value is 3SamplesPerPixel tag is missing, assuming correct SamplesPerPixel value is 1BitsPerSample tag is missing, assuming 8 bits per samplePhotometric tag value assumed incorrect, assuming data is YCbCr instead of RGBPhotometric tag is missing, assuming data is YCbCrto read "TransferFunction" tag%s: cannot handle zero number of %sstripstilesTIFFReadDirectoryPlanarconfig tag value assumed incorrect, assuming data is contig instead of chunky%s: wrong data type %d for "%s"; tag ignoredRegistering anonymous field with tag %d (0x%x) failed%s: unknown field with tag %d (0x%x) encountered%s: invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order%s: Failed to read directory at offset %uTIFFRewriteDirectoryTIFFLinkDirectoryError writing directory contentsError writing directory countCannot write directory, out of spaceError writing data for field "%s"Error fetching directory countError fetching directory linkError writing TIFF header%s: Error writing SubIFD directory link"%s": Information lost writing value (%g) as (unsigned) RATIONAL @MNo space to write RATIONAL arrayNo space to write arrayNo space to write per-sample shortsNo space to write per-sample valuesError flushing data before directory writeError post-encoding before directory writen > 0..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_dumpmode.cDumpModeDecode: Not enough data for scanline %dGroup4OptionsGroup3OptionsFaxDcsFaxRecvTimeFaxSubAddressFaxRecvParamsConsecutiveBadFaxLinesCleanFaxDataBadFaxLinesFaxFillFuncFaxMode5       45*+' (+$ !"#$%&(')(*)+*,+-,-. / 0R1S2T3U4$5%6X7Y8Z9[:J;K<2=3>4?@76@7deh@g   @    @    @    @   @    @    @        7          g h l 7 (       h i j k! " # $ % & ' l( m) * + T, U- V. W/ d0 e1 R2 S3 $4 75 86 '7 (8 X9 Y: +; ,< Z= f> g? @ [ 3@ 4 5 l m@ J K L M@ r s t u@ v w R S@ T U Z [@ d e  @    @    @        Fax3Decode1DFax3Decode2D?ccFBcFBcGCcHDcHDc\Ec]Fc^Gc_H|c$Ilc%I\cFax4DecodeFax3DecodeRLEsp != NULL..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_fax3.c%s: Bad code word at line %u of %s %u (x %u)%s: Uncompressed data (not supported) at line %u of %s %u (x %u)%s: %s at line %u of %s %u (got %u, expected %u)Line length mismatchPremature EOL%s: Premature EOF at line %u of %s %u (x %u)x == lastxFax3SetupState%s: No space for Group 3/4 reference linefor Group 3/4 run arraysBits/sample must be 1 for Group 3/4 encoding/decodingte->runlen == 64*(span>>6)CQ@sp != 0sp->vsetparent != 0 Fax DCS: %s Fax Receive Time: %lu secs Fax SubAddress: %s Fax Receive Parameters: %08lx Consecutive Bad Fax Lines: %lu Bad Fax Lines: %lu (%u = 0x%x) clean receiver regenerated uncorrected errors Fax Data: (%lu = 0x%lx) %suncompressed data%sEOL padding+%s2-d encoding Group 3 Options: Group 4 Options: TIFFInitCCITTFax3%s: No space for state blockInitCCITTFax3Merging common CCITT Fax codec-specific tags failedMerging CCITT Fax 3 codec-specific tags failedTIFFInitCCITTFax4Merging CCITT Fax 4 codec-specific tags failed      ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @      ( @8 @ . 6 $ 4  @, @  @    " 2>0<* @ : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @  @    ( 8 @ . 6 $ 4  ,   @    " 2>0<*  : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @  @    ( @8 @ . 6 $ 4  @, @  @    " 2>0<* @ : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @  @     ( 8 @ . 6 $ 4  ,   @    " 2>0<*  : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @      ( @8 @ . 6 $ 4  @, @  @    " 2>0<* @ : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @      ( 8 @ . 6 $ 4  ,   @    " 2>0<*  : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @      ( @8 @ . 6 $ 4  @, @  @    " 2>0<* @ : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @      ( 8 @ . 6 $ 4  ,   @    " 2>0<*  : @   &      @      ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @      ( @8 @ . 6 $ 4  @, @  @    " 2>0<* @ : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3?  +   @    ! 1=/;) 9 @   %  @    @  @    ( 8 @ . 6 $ 4  ,   @    " 2>0<*  : @   &      @     ' @7 @ - 5 # 3? 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    / ' 5                  @   PhotometricInterpretationSorry, can not handle images with %d-bit samplesSorry, can not handle LogLuv images with %s=%dPlanarconfigurationSorry, LogLuv data must have %s=%d or %dSorry, can not handle image with %s=%dSorry, LogL data must have %s=%dSorry, can not handle separated image with %s=%dSorry, can not handle RGB image with %s=%dColor channelsSorry, can not handle contiguous data with %s=%d, and %s=%d and Bits/Sample=%dSamples/pixelMissing needed %s tagSorry, requested compression method is not configuredNo "put" routine setupl; probably can not handle image formatNo "get" routine setupNo space for tile bufferNo space for strip bufferNo space for YCbCr->RGB conversion stateFailed to initialize CIE L*a*b*->RGB conversion state.BNo space for CIE L*a*b*->RGB conversion state.No space for B&W mapping tableNo space for photometric conversion tableNo space for Palette mapping tableAssuming 8-bit colormapSorry, can not handle imageOut of memory for colormap copyMissing required "Colormap" tag%sSGILogEncodeSGILogDataFmtLogL16InitStateLogLuvInitStateTIFFInitSGILogLogL16Decode: Not enough data at row %d (short %d pixels)sp->tbuflen >= npixelss == 0..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_luv.cLogLuvDecode24: Not enough data at row %d (short %d pixels)LogLuvDecode32: Not enough data at row %d (short %d pixels)cc%rowlen == 09B.F@9B.f?ﻀ@ ?p@P@+eG?;CS㥛?y&1?Zd;?I +?'1Z?S?"~?"~j?Q@s;? @9B.?(@L%/?Cl{/@?I@7y/@l?P? X?@l?mq@@"@@@.@@??@?c?y@?%s: No space for SGILog translation bufferNo support for converting user data format to LogLtd->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLNo support for converting user data format to LogLuvSGILog compression cannot handle non-contiguous datatd->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUVInappropriate photometric interpretation %d for SGILog compression; %smust be either LogLUV or LogLSGILog compression supported only for %s, or raw dataXYZ, LuvY, LUnknown data format %d for LogLuv compressionUnknown encoding %d for LogLuv compression%s: No space for LogLuv state blockMerging SGILog codec-specific tags failedscheme == COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 || scheme == COMPRESSION_SGILOG LZWSetupDecodeLZWSetupEncodeNo space for LZW code table..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_lzw.cLZWPreDecodeNo space for LZW state blockLZWDecode: Bogus encoding, loop in the code table; scanline %dLZWDecode: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %ld bytes)LZWDecode: Wrong length of decoded string: data probably corrupted at scanline %dLZWDecode: Corrupted LZW table at scanline %dLZWDecode: Strip %d not terminated with EOI codesp->dec_codetab != NULLLZWDecodeCompat: Corrupted LZW table at scanline %dLZWDecodeCompat: Wrong length of decoded string: data probably corrupted at scanline %dLZWDecodeCompat: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %ld bytes)No space for LZW hash tabletif->tif_data != 0Old-style LZW codes, convert filenbits <= BITS_MAXsp->enc_hashtab != NULLTIFFInitLZWscheme == COMPRESSION_LZWNeXTDecode: Not enough data for scanline %ldTIFFClientOpen"%s": Bad modeOne of the client procedures is NULL pointer.Cannot read TIFF headerNot a TIFF file, bad version number %d (0x%x)This is a BigTIFF file. This format not supported by this version of libtiff.Not a TIFF or MDI file, bad magic number %d (0x%x)%s: Out of memory (TIFF structure)PackBitsDecode: Not enough data for scanline %ldPackBitsDecode: discarding %ld bytes to avoid buffer overrunPixarLogSetupDecodePixarLogDecodePixarLogSetupEncodePixarLogEncodePixarLogPostEncodePixarLogVSetField 77TIFFInitPixarLog?E@@Mb?%s: %s1.2.3PixarLog compression can't handle bits depth/data format combination (depth: %d)..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_pixarlog.c%d bit input not supported in PixarLogPixarLogDecode: unsupported bits/sample: %d%s: stride %d is not a multiple of sample count, %d, data truncated.%s: zlib error: %s%s: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %d bytes)%s: Decoding error at scanline %d, %sPixarLog compression can't handle %d bit linear encodings@A@%s: Encoder error: %sNo space for PixarLog state blockMerging PixarLog codec-specific tags failedscheme == COMPRESSION_PIXARLOGPredictorPredictorSetupPredictorEncodeTile=B Horizontal differencing "Predictor" not supported with %d-bit samplesFloating point "Predictor" not supported with %d data format"Predictor" value %d not supportedsp->decodepfunc != NULLsp->decoderow != NULL..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_predict.crowsize > 0sp->decodetile != NULLsp->encoderow != NULLsp->encodepfunc != NULL(cc0%rowsize)==0Out of memory allocating %d byte temp buffer.sp->encodetile != NULLsp->vsetparent != NULLsp->vgetparent != NULL%u (0x%x) none horizontal differencing floating point predictor Predictor: TIFFPredictorInitMerging Predictor codec-specific tags failedrow 0 lhs, col 0 bottomrow 0 rhs, col 0 bottomrow 0 rhs, col 0 toprow 0 lhs, col 0 toprow 0 bottom, col 0 lhsrow 0 bottom, col 0 rhsrow 0 top, col 0 rhsrow 0 top, col 0 lhs0 (0x0)CIE L*a*b*7 (0x7)YCbCrseparatedtransparency maskpalette color (RGB from colormap)RGB colormin-is-blackmin-is-whiteTIFFReadRawStripTIFFFillStripTIFFReadRawTileTIFFFillTileTIFFReadBufferSetup%s: Read error at scanline %lu, strip %lu; got %lu bytes, expected %lu%s: Read error at scanline %lu; got %lu bytes, expected %lu%s: Seek error at scanline %lu, strip %lu(tif->tif_flags&TIFF_NOREADRAW)==0..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_read.c%s: Read error at row %ld, col %ld, tile %ld; got %lu bytes, expected %lu%s: Read error at row %ld, col %ld; got %lu bytes, expected %lu%s: Seek error at row %ld, col %ld, tile %ld%s: No space for data buffer at scanline %ldCan not read scanlines from a tiled imageCan not read tiles from a stripped imageFile not open for reading(cc & 1) == 0(cc % 3) == 0(cc & 3) == 0(cc & 7) == 0%s: Data buffer too small to hold strip %lu%s: Read error on strip %lu; got %lu bytes, expected %lu%s: Invalid strip byte count %lu, strip %lu%s: Data buffer too small to hold tile %ld%lu: Invalid tile byte count, tile %lu%lu: Sample out of range, max %lu%lu: Row out of range, max %lu%ld: Strip out of range, max %ld%ld: Tile out of range, max %ldInteger overflow in %sTIFFNumberOfStripsTIFFVStripSizeTIFFScanlineSizeInvalid YCbCr subsampling@ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4t L,l\<|B"bR2r J*jZ:zF&fV6vN.n^>~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}C#cS3s K+k[;{G'gW7wO/o_?  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ThunderDecode: %s data at scanline %ld (%lu != %lu)Too muchNot enough%lu: Depth out of range, max %lu%lu: Col out of range, max %luTIFFNumberOfTilesTIFFTileRowSizeTIFFVTileSizeLIBTIFF, Version 3.9.2 Copyright (c) 1988-1996 Sam Leffler Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.TIFFWriteScanlineTIFFWriteEncodedStripTIFFWriteRawStripTIFFWriteEncodedTileTIFFWriteRawTileTIFFWriteBufferSetupTIFFAppendToStrip%s: Must set "PlanarConfiguration" before writing data%s: No space for %s arrays%s: Must set "ImageWidth" before writing dataCan not write scanlines to a tiled imageCan not write tiles to a stripped image%s: File not open for writing%s: No space for output buffer%s: No space to expand strip arraystd->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_write.cWrite error at scanline %luSeek error at scanline %lutd->td_nstrips > 0%d: Sample out of range, max %dCan not change "ImageLength" when using separate planesZIPSetupDecodeZIPDecodeZIPSetupEncodeZIPEncodeZIPPostEncodeZIPVSetField7TIFFInitZIP..\..\..\3rdparty\libtiff\libtiff\tif_zip.csp->state == ZSTATE_INIT_DECODEsp->state == ZSTATE_INIT_ENCODENo space for ZIP state blockMerging Deflate codec-specific tags failed(scheme == COMPRESSION_DEFLATE) || (scheme == COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE)TIFFOpenTIFFOpenW. 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