module AmCharts class ChartBuilder autoload :Function, 'amcharts/chart_builder/function' autoload :Literal, 'amcharts/chart_builder/literal' attr_reader :template, :chart def initialize(chart, template) @chart = chart @template = template if @chart.loading_indicator? and @chart.data_source.empty?, 'AmCharts.RB.Helpers.hide_loading_indicator') end end def to_js(val) val = instance_exec(&val) if val.is_a?(Proc) val = t(val) if val.is_a?(Symbol) raw(val.to_json) end def render_js(name, options, &block) template_type = options.delete(:template_type) || :partial template_name = "amcharts/#{name}" options[:locals] = (options[:locals] || {}).merge(builder: self) options = { template_type => template_name }.merge(options) block_given? ? template.render(options, &block) : template.render(options) end def render_data concat render_js('data', locals: { chart: chart }) end def render_data_source return if chart.data_source.empty? url = chart.data_source[:url] params = chart.data_source.fetch(:params, {}) method = chart.data_source.fetch(:method, 'GET') concat render_js('data_source', object: url, locals: { params: params, method: method }) end def render_component(component, options = {}, &block) return unless component partial_name = component.respond_to?(:each) ? 'collection' : 'object' template_type = block_given? ? :layout : :partial concat render_js(partial_name, template_type: template_type, object: component, locals: options, &block) end def render_legend chart.legends.each do |l| div = chart.legend_div == true ? "#{chart.container}_legend" : chart.legend_div concat render_js('legend', object: l, locals: { div: div }) end end def render_settings(object, name, index = nil) raise ArgumentError, "given object doesn't have settings" unless object.respond_to?(:settings) name.concat(index.to_s) if index object.settings.each do |key, value| concat render_js('settings', locals: { name: name, key: key, value: value }) end end def render_title chart.titles.each do |(title, options)| concat render_js('title', locals: { title: title, options: options }) end end def render_listeners() chart.listeners.each do |listener| concat render_js('listener', locals: { type: listener.type, method: listener.method }) end end private def method_missing(*args, &block) return template.send(*args, &block) if template.respond_to?(args.first) super end def respond_to_missing?(*args) return true if template.respond_to?(*args) super end end end