# Java libraries require 'java' require_relative "../vendor/pdfbox/commons-logging-1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar" require_relative "../vendor/pdfbox/fontbox-2.0.0.jar" require_relative "../vendor/pdfbox/pdfbox-2.0.0.jar" require 'pdfbox_text_extraction/version' class PdfboxTextExtraction java_import java.io.File; java_import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDocument; java_import org.apache.pdfbox.io.RandomAccessFile; java_import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFParser; java_import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; java_import org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper; # For extractor by area java_import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; java_import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage; java_import org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripperByArea; # Runs text extraction and returns extracted text as string. # Optionally can extract text from crop area only if crop area dimensions # are given. All crop area dimensions are in inches. # # @param path_to_pdf [String] # @param options [Hash, optional] # @param option [Float] crop_x crop area top left corner x-coordinate # @param option [Float] crop_y crop area top left corner y-coordinate # @param option [Float] crop_width crop area width # @param option [Float] crop_height crop area height # @return [String] the extracted text def self.run(path_to_pdf, options) extract_text(path_to_pdf, options) end # Extracts text # @see #run def self.extract_text(pdf_filepath, options) file = File.new(pdf_filepath) pd_doc = PDDocument.load(file) text_stripper = nil all_text = '' if %i[crop_x crop_y crop_width crop_height].any? { |e| options[e] } # crop options given, extract from crop area only res = 72 body_text_rect = Rectangle2D::Float.new( (options[:crop_x] * res), (options[:crop_y] * res), (options[:crop_width] * res), (options[:crop_height] * res) ) text_stripper = PDFTextStripperByArea.new text_stripper.addRegion("bodyText", body_text_rect) configure_text_extraction_params(text_stripper) pd_doc.getPages.each do |page| text_stripper.extractRegions(page) # Get the body text of the current page all_text << text_stripper.getTextForRegion("bodyText") end else # No crop options given, extract all text text_stripper = PDFTextStripper.new configure_text_extraction_params(text_stripper) all_text << text_stripper.getText(pd_doc) end pd_doc.close all_text end # Sets params on text_stripper. # @param text_stripper [PDFTextStripper] def configure_text_extraction_params(text_stripper) # ***************************************************** # Extraction thresholds and tolerances # Set the character width-based tolerance value that is used to estimate # where spaces in text should be added. # Default: 0.30000001192092896 # text_stripper.setAverageCharTolerance(0.30000001192092896) # Set the minimum whitespace, as a multiple of the max height of the current # characters beyond which the current line start is considered to be a # paragraph start. # Default: 2.5 # text_stripper.setDropThreshold(2.5) # Set the multiple of whitespace character widths for the current text # which the current line start can be indented from the previous line # start beyond which the current line start is considered to be a # paragraph start. # Default: 2.0 # text_stripper.setIndentThreshold(2.0) # Set the space width-based tolerance value that is used to estimate where # spaces in text should be added. # Default: 0.5 text_stripper.setSpacingTolerance(0.3) # ***************************************************** # Sort order # The order of the text tokens in a PDF file may not be in the same as # they appear visually on the screen. # Default: false text_stripper.setSortByPosition(false) # ***************************************************** # Separator tokens # Set the desired line separator for output text. # Default: "\n" # text_stripper.setLineSeparator("\n") # Set the string which will be used at the end of a page. # Default: "" # text_stripper.setPageEnd("<>") # Set the string which will be used at the end of a page. # Default: "" # text_stripper.setPageStart("<>") # Set the string which will be used at the end of a paragraph. # Default: "" # text_stripper.setParagraphEnd("<>") # Set the string which will be used at the end of a paragraph. # Default: "" # text_stripper.setParagraphStart("<>") end end