# Master Document HTML conversion: book.adoc
title: Skeleton
tagline: documentation
date: 2022-01-01 00:00:00
description: >
A document of type documentation (book) typically consists in a large
number of chapters and sections. To make this manageable, book-type
documents are splitted in multiple files placed in a nested folder
structure. Complex AsciiDoc projects of type documentation can be
easily worked on by multiple authors.
categories: [ Knowledge ]
tags: [ Asciidoc, Skeleton, Documentation, PDF ]
index: false
follow: false
permalink: /pages/public/skeleton/documentation/
regenerate: false
resources: [ animate, clipboard, lightbox, rouge ]
- attic:
padding_top: 400
padding_bottom: 50
opacity: 0.5
- url: /assets/images/modules/attics/sigmund-1920x1280.jpg
alt: Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash
alignY: 0.3
type: unsplash
author: Sigmund
href: https://unsplash.com/@sigmund
// Page Initializer
// =============================================================================
// Enable the Liquid Preprocessor
// Set (local) page attributes here
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// :page--attr:
// Load Liquid procedures
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{% capture load_attributes %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/attributes_loader.proc{%endcapture%}
// Load page attributes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{% include {{load_attributes}} scope="all" %}
// Page content
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Include sub-documents (if any)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Asciidoc skeleton *documentation* (book) a helper for setting up a base
file and folder structure for *complex* multi-chapter AsciiDoc projects of
type *book* based on _Jekyll_ and _J1 Template_.
A document of type documentation typically consists in a large number
of chapters and sections. To make this manageable, book-type documents are
splitted in multiple files placed in a *nested* folder structure. Complex
AsciiDoc projects of type documentation (book) can be easily worked on by
*multiple* authors.
// Include Intro
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include Sublevel Entry Documents
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------