--- en: decidim: design: components: accordions: content_panel: Content of the panel demo: Demo demo_description: Throughout the application the accordions are used, mainly, to show/hide content in tabs or fold/unfold visible texts. description_accordions_html: Accordions are a javascript feature available thanks to an external library called %{link_code} a11y-accordion-component. github_source_html: Source code on GitHub %{github_link} panel: Panel title: Accordions trigger: Trigger usage: Usage usage_p: An accordion requires at least three elements usage_p_1_html: 1. A wrapper div, with the data-attribute data-component="accordion", over all the available triggers and panels. usage_p_2_html: 2. A trigger element, user actionable (as a button), pointing to the collapsable element through data-controls="panel", where panel is the id of the panel. usage_p_3_html: 3. A hideable element, whose id matches the data-controls value the trigger refers to. activities: activities: Activities address: title: Address announcement: iam_an_announcement: I am an announcement this_is_the_body: This is the body this_is_the_title: This is the title title: Announcement author: title: Author buttons: description_html: 'Buttons are built using different combinations of CSS classes: the button class, a size and a color.' title: Buttons cards: title: Cards dialogs: dialog_demo_description_html: The dialogs, or modal components, are implemented through the rails helper decidim_modal. dialogs_description_html: Dialogs are a javascript feature available thanks to an external library called a11y-dialog-component. tips_description: 'In order to display a complex modal, matching up the styles, do the following markup:' tips_description_html: Pay attention to the data-attributes and the ids. For instance, the [data-dialog-title]'s id starts with dialog-title plus the modal id. title: Dialogs usage_description: An dialog requires two elements usage_description_2_html: 2. A modal element, whose id matches the data-target value the trigger refers to. usage_description_html: 1. A user actionable element, with the data-attribute data-dialog-open="example", where example is the id of the modal. follow: title: Follow forms: disabled: Disabled emojis: Emojis emojis_description: Only works for textarea errors: Errors errors_description: Does not apply for select header_alert: This page comes from a legacy view. Content is outdated. help_texts: Help texts html_regular_inputs: HTML regular inputs min_max_length: Min/Max length min_max_length_description: Only works for input type='text' and textarea multiselect: Multiselect multiselect_description_html: Multiselects are a javascript feature available thanks to an external library called Tom Select. regular_inputs_description: 'Only displays common types, full available list: date, datetime-local, email, month, number, password, search, tel, text, time, url, week' textarea_required: textarea required title: Forms report: title: Report share: title: Share tab_panels: title: Tab Panels tooltips: demo: Demo demo_description: For this component to work a participant need to hover on the element. description: A tooltip is a component that users can hover their mouse to have extra information about it. github_source_html: Source code on GitHub %{github_link} title: Tooltips usage: Usage usage_p: 'A tooltip requires the usage of the `with_tooltip` helper, with three arguments:' usage_p_1_html: 1. A string with the value of the tooltip. In the example of this page is "Hello world". usage_p_2_html: 2. An optional class with a symbol on where the tooltip will be displayed. Possible values are :top, :bottom, :right, or :left. usage_p_3_html: 3. A block with the string that the user needs to hover to be displayed. foundations: accessibility: accessibility_labels: Accessibility labels accessibility_labels_paragraph: When defining elements, always make sure they make sense for screen reader users. accessibility_title: Accessibility adjacent_links: Adjacent links adjacent_links_header: Adjacent links for the same resource adjacent_links_paragraph: If the same resource has multiple adjacent links pointing to it, it makes it difficult for such users to glance through the page because they might need to go through multiple links to get to the next resource. color_contrast: Color contrast color_contrast_paragraph: When creating user interfaces or modifying the colors, always make sure that you are not breaking accessibility with your changes. You can use the Color contrast checker to ensure that your colors have enough contrast against the background color where they are displayed at. decidim_follows_html: Decidim follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 dynamic_changes_header: Dynamic functionality changes the page context unintuitively dynamic_changes_paragraph: Changes in the form inputs should not change the context of the page automatically. elements_hidden: Elements hidden elements_hidden_header: Elements hidden from the accessibility API elements_hidden_paragraph: To hide an element from assistive technologies, use the aria-hidden="true" attribute on it. heading_on: Heading on important sections here_link: here illogical_heading_order: Illogical heading order illogical_heading_paragraph: Every page should have a logical heading order when using the





heading elements. important_sections_heading: Heading on important sections important_sections_paragraph: It is highly important that each important section of the page has a heading to make it easier to understand what important sections are on the page just by browsing through its headings. links_and_buttons: Links and Buttons links_and_buttons_paragraph: The anchor elements (i.e. links) are meant to link to different pages or to anchor positions within the page. If the element is supposed to e.g. open some hidden item on that page, you should use the