Feature: Rendering CSL nodes
As a hacker of cite processors
I want to render citation items
With selected CSL nodes
Scenario: Simple Date Rendering
Given the following style node:
When I render the following citation items as "text":
| issued |
| November 7, 2006 |
| 2014-01-01 |
| 1999 |
Then the results should be:
| 2006 |
| 2014 |
| 1999 |
Scenario: Date Group Rendering
Given the following style node:
When I render the following citation items as "text":
| issued | year-suffix |
| November 7, 2006 | |
| 2014-01-01 | |
| 1999 | a |
Then the results should be:
| (2006). |
| (2014). |
| (1999a). |
@html @formatting
Scenario: Formatted Groups
Given the following style node:
When I render the following citation item as "html":
| volume | 5 |
| page | 23 |
Then the result should be: 5,23,
Scenario: Page labels
Given the following style node:
When I render the following citation items as "text":
| page |
| 23 |
| |
| 23, 34 |
Then the results should be:
| page |
| |
| pages |
@group @substitute
Scenario: Substitute in Groups
Given the following style node:
When I render the following citation items as "text":
| author |
| Jane Doe |
| |
Then the results should be:
| by: Jane Doe |
| by: Anonymous |