## 0.7.4 * Add missing migration file to gemspec for flipper-active_record ## 0.7.3 * Add Flipper ActivRecord adapter ## 0.7.2 * Add Flipper::UI.application_breadcrumb_href for setting breadcrumb back to original app from Flipper UI ## 0.7.1 * Fix bug where features with names that match static file routes were incorrectly routing to the file action (https://github.com/jnunemaker/flipper/issues/80) ## 0.7 * Added Flipper.groups and Flipper.group_names * Changed percentage_of_random to percentage_of_time * Added enable/disable convenience methods for all gates (ie: enable_group, enable_actor, enable_percentage_of_actors, enable_percentage_of_time) * Added value convenience methods (ie: boolean_value, groups_value, actors_value, etc.) * Added Feature#gate_values for getting typecast adapter gate values * Added Feature#enabled_gates and #disabled_gates for getting the gates that are enabled/disabled for the feature * Remove Feature#description * Added Flipper::Adapters::PStore * Moved memoizable decorator to instance variable storage from class level thread local stuff. Now not thread safe, but we can make a thread safe version later. UI * Totally new. Works like a charm. Mongo * Updated to latest driver (~> 2.0) ## 0.6.3 * Minor bug fixes ## 0.6.2 * Added Flipper.group_exists? ## 0.6.1 * Added statsd support for instrumentation. ## 0.4.0 * No longer use #id for detecting actors. You must now define #flipper_id on anything that you would like to behave as an actor. * Strings are now used instead of Integers for Actor identifiers. More flexible and the only reason I used Integers was to do modulo for percentage of actors. Since percentage of actors now uses hashing, integer is no longer needed. * Easy integration of instrumentation with AS::Notifications or anything similar. * A bunch of stuff around inspecting and getting names/descriptions out of things to more easily figure out what is going on. * Percentage of actors hash is now also seeded with feature name so the same actors don't get all features instantly.