#links.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('typography', 'links') %p Provides styles for link elements as well as a .link selector which is designed to be a baseline for any link modifiers you may need in your project. %p should style a elements. .style-guide__example-block = link_to('A link', 'www.example.com') %p should style link classes. .style-guide__example-block %span.link Not really a link #link--secondary.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('typography', 'link__secondary') %p Secondary link styles, inverted colors used primarily in application header, footer, and filter drawer. %p should style a elements. .style-guide__example-block = link_to('A link', 'www.example.com', class: "link link--secondary") %p should style link link--secondary classes. .style-guide__example-block %span.link.link--secondary Not really a link