The OpenStudio-HPXML repository consists of a simple residential EnergyPlus-based workflow build on top of `OpenStudio measures `_.
The workflow operates using `HPXML building description files `_.
The OpenStudio measures used by the workflow are:
#. ``BuildResidentialHPXML``: A measure that generates an HPXML file from a set of building description inputs (including, e.g., simplified geometry inputs).
#. ``BuildResidentialScheduleFile``: A measure that generates a CSV of detailed schedules (e.g., stochastic occupancy) for use in the simulation.
#. ``HPXMLtoOpenStudio``: A measure that translates an HPXML file to an OpenStudio model.
#. ``ReportSimulationOutput``: A reporting measure that generates a variety of simulation-based annual/timeseries outputs in CSV/JSON/MessagePack format.
#. ``ReportUtilityBills``: A reporting measure that generates utility bill outputs in CSV/JSON/MessagePack format.
Building Type Scope
See :ref:`hpxmlbuilding` for information on the types of buildings/simulations that OpenStudio-HPXML supports.
Accuracy vs Speed
The EnergyPlus simulation engine is like a Swiss army knife.
There are often multiple models available for the same building technology with varying trade-offs between accuracy and speed.
This workflow standardizes the use of EnergyPlus (e.g., the choice of models appropriate for residential buildings) to provide a fast and easy to use solution.
The workflow is continuously being evaluated for ways to reduce runtime without significant impact on accuracy.
End-to-end simulations typically run in 3-10 seconds, depending on complexity, computer platform and speed, etc.
There are additional ways that software developers using this workflow can reduce runtime:
- Run on Linux/Mac platform, which is significantly faster than Windows.
- Run on computing environments with 1) fast CPUs, 2) sufficient memory, and 3) enough processors to allow all simulations to run in parallel.
- Limit requests for timeseries output (e.g., ``--hourly``, ``--daily``, ``--timestep`` arguments) and limit the number of output variables requested.
- Avoid using the ``--add-component-loads`` argument if heating/cooling component loads are not of interest.
- Use the ``--skip-validation`` argument if the HPXML input file has already been validated against the Schema & Schematron documents.
This project is available under a BSD-3-like license, which is a free, open-source, and permissive license. For more information, check out the `license file `_.