#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "souls" begin souls_command = ARGV[0] require("./config/souls") unless ["new", "docker", "-v", "deploy"].include?(souls_command) rescue StandardError puts("Make sure you are at SOULs APP directory!") end begin case souls_command when "api" api_command = ARGV[1] case api_command when "generate", "g" method_name = ARGV[2] class_name = ARGV[3] status = Paint["Running SOULs Generate Commands...", :yellow] Whirly.start(spinner: "clock", interval: 420, stop: "🎉") do Whirly.status = status Souls::Api::Generate.public_send(method_name, class_name: class_name) Whirly.status = "Done!" end when "update" class_name = ARGV[2] status = Paint["Running SOULs Update Commands...", :yellow] Whirly.start(spinner: "clock", interval: 420, stop: "🎉") do Whirly.status = status Souls::Api::Update.create_mutation(class_name: class_name) Souls::Api::Update.update_mutation(class_name: class_name) Souls::Api::Update.resolver(class_name: class_name) Souls::Api::Update.type(class_name: class_name) Souls::Api::Update.rspec_factory(class_name: class_name) Souls::Api::Update.rspec_mutation(class_name: class_name) Souls::Api::Update.rspec_resolver(class_name: class_name) Whirly.status = "Done!" end when "d", "delete" class_name = ARGV[2] Souls::Api::Generate.delete_all(class_name: class_name) else puts(Paint["Comannd doesn't exist.Check you command again!...", :red]) end when "worker" api_command = ARGV[1] case api_command when "generate", "g" method_name = ARGV[2] class_name = ARGV[3] args = { class_name: class_name } args[:option] = ARGV[4] if ARGV.size > 4 status = Paint["Running SOULs Generate Commands...", :yellow] Whirly.start(spinner: "clock", interval: 420, stop: "🎉") do Whirly.status = status Souls::Worker::Generate.public_send(method_name, **args) Whirly.status = "Done!" end else puts(Paint["Comannd doesn't exist.Check you command again!...", :red]) end when "new" args = ARGV Souls::Init.start(args) when "s", "server" system("foreman start -f Procfile.dev") when "c", "console" strain = Souls.configuration.strain case strain when "media", "admin", "console", "doc" system("yarn dev") else rack_env = ARGV[1] case rack_env when "RACK_ENV=production" system("RACK_ENV=production bundle exec irb") else system("bundle exec irb") end end when "docker" send_method = ARGV[1] Souls::Docker.public_send(send_method) when "gcloud" command = ARGV[1] status = Paint["Running Gcloud Commands...", :yellow] Whirly.start(spinner: "clock", interval: 420, stop: "🎉") do Whirly.status = status case command when "get_iam_key" app_name = Souls.configuration.app project_id = Souls.configuration.project_id Souls::Gcloud.auth_login(project_id: project_id) Souls::Gcloud::Iam.create_service_account(service_account: app_name) Souls::Gcloud::Iam.create_service_account_key(service_account: app_name, project_id: project_id) Souls::Gcloud.enable_permissions Souls::Gcloud::Iam.add_permissions(service_account: app_name, project_id: project_id) Souls::Gcloud::Iam.export_key_to_console when "auth_login" project_id = Souls.configuration.project_id Souls::Gcloud.auth_login(project_id: project_id) else module_name = ARGV[1] method_name = ARGV[2] ARGV.shift(3) key_strings = [] keys = [] ARGV.each_with_index do |n, _i| n.include?(":") && even.odd? ? keys << n.gsub(":", "").to_sym : key_strings << n end raise(StandardError, "wrong arguments!") unless keys.size == key_strings.size args = keys.zip(key_strings).to_h Object.const_get("Souls::Gcloud::#{module_name.camelize}").public_send(method_name.to_sym, **args) end Whirly.status = "Done!" end when "-v", "--version", "v", "version", "-version", "--v" puts(Paint[Souls::VERSION, :white]) when "upgrade" method_command = ARGV[1] case method_command when "gemfile", "gem" status = Paint["Checking for updates...", :yellow] Whirly.start(spinner: "clock", interval: 420, stop: "🎉") do Whirly.status = status Souls::Upgrade.update_gemfile Whirly.status = "Done!" end else puts(Paint["Comannd doesn't exist.Check you command again!...", :red]) end when "release" Souls::Release.gem_release when "sync" target = ARGV[1] case target when "model", "m" status = Paint["Syncing Models...", :yellow] Whirly.start(spinner: "clock", interval: 420, stop: "🎉") do Whirly.status = status Souls::Sync.model Whirly.status = "API and Worker Both Models Synced!" end else puts(Paint["Comannd doesn't exist.Check you command again!...", :red]) end when "create" service_name = ARGV[1] case service_name when "worker" Souls::Init.download_worker else puts(Paint["Coming Soon...", :green]) end when "db:create" rack_env = ARGV[1] case rack_env when "RACK_ENV=production" system("rake db:create RACK_ENV=production") else system("rake db:create && rake db:create RACK_ENV=test") end when "db:migrate" rack_env = ARGV[1] case rack_env when "RACK_ENV=production" system("rake db:migrate RACK_ENV=production") else system("rake db:migrate && rake db:migrate RACK_ENV=test") end when "db:seed" rack_env = ARGV[1] case rack_env when "RACK_ENV=production" system("rake db:seed RACK_ENV=production") else system("rake db:seed") end when "db:migrate:reset" rack_env = ARGV[1] case rack_env when "RACK_ENV=production" system("rake db:migrate:reset RACK_ENV=production DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1") else system("rake db:migrate:reset && rake db:migrate:reset RACK_ENV=test") end when "t", "test" system("rubocop -A") system("bundle exec rspec") when "deploy" project_id = Souls.configuration.project_id system("gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yml --project #{project_id}") else puts(Paint["Welcome to SOULs!", :green]) end rescue StandardError => e puts(e.backtrace) puts(Paint[e, :red]) end