# Netzke Basepack [](https://travis-ci.org/netzke/netzke-basepack) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/netzke/netzke-basepack) [RDocs](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack) A pack of pre-built [Netzke](http://netzke.org) components that can be used as building blocks for your webapps. *Notes on versioning:* * [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/netzke-basepack) is the latest *released* version * for the version under development (master), check [version.rb](https://github.com/netzke/netzke-core/blob/master/lib/netzke/core/version.rb) * for other versions, check corresponding [branches](https://github.com/netzke/netzke-core/branches) ## Included components Basepack includes the following components: * [Grid](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack/Netzke/Basepack/Grid) - a grid panel with a thick bag of features * [Form](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack/Netzke/Basepack/Form) - a form panel with automatic binding of fields * [TabPanel](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack/Netzke/Basepack/TabPanel) - a tab panel with support for lazy loading of nested components * [Accordion](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack/Netzke/Basepack/Accordion) - an accordion panel with support for lazy loading of nested components * [Window](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack/Netzke/Basepack/Window) - a window which stores its size, position, and maximized state Besides, Basepack implements: * persistence of region sizes and collapsed states of an arbitrary component that uses [border layout](http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-1/#!/api/Ext.layout.container.Border) (see [ItemPersistence](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack/Netzke/Basepack/ItemPersistence)) * [GridLiveSearch](http://rdoc.info/github/netzke/netzke-basepack/Netzke/Basepack/GridLiveSearch) - a plugin that allows enhancing any grid with live search functionality ## Requirements * Ruby > 2.0.0 * Rails ~> 4.2.0 * Ext JS = 5.1.0 ## Installation In your Gemfile: gem 'netzke-basepack' For the "edge" stuff, instruct bundler to get the gem straight from GitHub: gem 'netzke-basepack', github: "netzke/netzke-basepack" ## Basic usage Embed a basepack component into a view as any other Netzke component, e.g.: ```erb <%= netzke :books, class_name: 'Netzke::Basepack::Grid', model: 'Book' %> ``` For more examples, see http://netzke-demo.herokuapp.com ([source code](https://github.com/netzke/netzke-demo)), and look into `spec/rails_app`. ## Running tests Before running the tests, you must link your Ext JS library to `spec/rails_app/public`, e.g. (from the gems's root): $ ln -s PATH/TO/YOUR/EXTJS/FILES spec/rails_app/public/extjs The bundled `spec/rails_app` application used for automated testing can be easily run as a stand-alone Rails app. It's a good source of concise, focused examples. After starting the application, access any of the test components (located in `app/components`) by using the following url: http://localhost:3000/netzke/components/{name of the component's class} For example [http://localhost:3000/netzke/components/BookGrid](http://localhost:3000/netzke/components/BookGrid) To run all the tests (from the gem's root): $ rake *Sourcing Ext JS files from Sencha CDN is broken in Basepack at the moment*. ## Using ORM other than ActiveRecord Using ActiveRecord as its default ORM, Basepack is designed to be extendable with data adapters for other ORMs. If you're thinking about implementing an adapter, `AbstractAdapter` and `ActiveRecordAdapter` classes can be used as a reference. There's some work being done in the direction of implementing [DataMapper](https://github.com/nomadcoder/netzke-basepack-dm) and [Sequel](https://github.com/nomadcoder/netzke-basepack-sequel) adapters, but at this moment the code is broken. ## Icons support Netzke Basepack can make use of FamFamFam Silk icon set (http://www.famfamfam.com/archive/silk-icons-thats-your-lot/). To enable this, download the icons and put the "icons" folder into your app's `public/images` folder. Then restart your application. ## Contributions and support Help developing Netzke by submitting a pull request when you think others can benefit from it. If you feel particularily generous, you can donate a couple of bucks weekly at [Gratipay](https://www.gittip.com/mxgrn/). ## Useful links * [Project website](http://netzke.org) * [Live-demo](http://netzke-demo.herokuapp.com) * [Twitter](http://twitter.com/netzke) - latest news about the framework --- Copyright (c) 2008-2015 [Max Gorin](https://twitter.com/mxgrn), released under the MIT license (see LICENSE). **Note** that Ext JS is licensed [differently](http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/license/), and you may need to purchase a commercial license in order to use it in your projects.