  EnforcedStyle: line_count_based
    # The `line_count_based` style enforces braces around single line blocks and
    # do..end around multi-line blocks.
    - line_count_based
    # The `semantic` style enforces braces around functional blocks, where the
    # primary purpose of the block is to return a value and do..end for
    # procedural blocks, where the primary purpose of the block is its
    # side-effects.
    # This looks at the usage of a block's method to determine its type (e.g. is
    # the result of a `map` assigned to a variable or passed to another
    # method) but exceptions are permitted in the `ProceduralMethods`,
    # `FunctionalMethods` and `IgnoredMethods` sections below.
    - semantic
    # The `braces_for_chaining` style enforces braces around single line blocks
    # and do..end around multi-line blocks, except for multi-line blocks whose
    # return value is being chained with another method (in which case braces
    # are enforced).
    - braces_for_chaining
    # Methods that are known to be procedural in nature but look functional from
    # their usage, e.g.
    #   time = Benchmark.realtime do
    #   end
    # Here, the return value of the block is discarded but the return value of
    # `Benchmark.realtime` is used.
    - benchmark
    - bm
    - bmbm
    - create
    - each_with_object
    - measure
    - new
    - realtime
    - tap
    - with_object
    # Methods that are known to be functional in nature but look procedural from
    # their usage, e.g.
    #   let(:foo) { }
    # Here, the return value of `` is used to define a `foo` helper but
    # doesn't appear to be used from the return value of `let`.
    - let
    - let!
    - subject
    - watch
    # Methods that can be either procedural or functional and cannot be
    # categorised from their usage alone, e.g.
    #   foo = lambda do |x|
    #     puts "Hello, #{x}"
    #   end
    #   foo = lambda do |x|
    #     x * 100
    #   end
    # Here, it is impossible to tell from the return value of `lambda` whether
    # the inner block's return value is significant.
    - lambda
    - proc
    - it

  Description: 'Document classes and non-namespace modules.'
  Enabled: false
    - 'spec/**/*'
    - 'test/**/*'

# Multi-line method chaining should be done with trailing dots.
  EnforcedStyle: leading
    - leading
    - trailing

  Description: >-
                 Add the frozen_string_literal comment to the top of files
                 to help transition from Ruby 2.3.0 to Ruby 3.0.
  Enabled: false

  Description: 'Avoid multi-line chains of blocks.'
  StyleGuide: ''
  Enabled: false

  Description: 'Do not assign mutable objects to constants.'
  Enabled: false

  # The ABC size is a calculated magnitude, so this number can be a Fixnum or
  # a Float.
  Max: 20

  Max: 100