require 'iiif_manifest' module Hyrax module WorksControllerBehavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Blacklight::Base include Blacklight::AccessControls::Catalog included do with_themed_layout :decide_layout copy_blacklight_config_from(::CatalogController) class_attribute :_curation_concern_type, :show_presenter, :work_form_service, :search_builder_class, :iiif_manifest_builder self.show_presenter = Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter self.work_form_service = Hyrax::WorkFormService self.search_builder_class = WorkSearchBuilder self.iiif_manifest_builder = (Flipflop.cache_work_iiif_manifest? ? : attr_accessor :curation_concern helper_method :curation_concern, :contextual_path rescue_from WorkflowAuthorizationException, with: :render_unavailable end class_methods do def curation_concern_type=(curation_concern_type) load_and_authorize_resource class: curation_concern_type, instance_name: :curation_concern, except: [:show, :file_manager, :inspect_work, :manifest] # Load the fedora resource to get the etag. # No need to authorize for the file manager, because it does authorization via the presenter. load_resource class: curation_concern_type, instance_name: :curation_concern, only: :file_manager self._curation_concern_type = curation_concern_type # We don't want the breadcrumb action to occur until after the concern has # been loaded and authorized before_action :save_permissions, only: :update end def curation_concern_type _curation_concern_type end def cancan_resource_class Hyrax::ControllerResource end end def new # TODO: move these lines to the work form builder in Hyrax curation_concern.depositor = current_user.user_key curation_concern.admin_set_id = admin_set_id_for_new build_form end def create if actor.create(actor_environment) after_create_response else respond_to do |wants| wants.html do build_form render 'new', status: :unprocessable_entity end wants.json { render_json_response(response_type: :unprocessable_entity, options: { errors: curation_concern.errors }) } end end end # Finds a solr document matching the id and sets @presenter # @raise CanCan::AccessDenied if the document is not found or the user doesn't have access to it. def show @user_collections = user_collections respond_to do |wants| wants.html { presenter && parent_presenter } wants.json do # load and authorize @curation_concern manually because it's skipped for html @curation_concern = _curation_concern_type.find(params[:id]) unless curation_concern authorize! :show, @curation_concern render :show, status: :ok end additional_response_formats(wants) wants.ttl do render body: presenter.export_as_ttl, content_type: 'text/turtle' end wants.jsonld do render body: presenter.export_as_jsonld, content_type: 'application/ld+json' end wants.nt do render body: presenter.export_as_nt, content_type: 'application/n-triples' end end end def edit build_form end def update if actor.update(actor_environment) after_update_response else respond_to do |wants| wants.html do build_form render 'edit', status: :unprocessable_entity end wants.json { render_json_response(response_type: :unprocessable_entity, options: { errors: curation_concern.errors }) } end end end def destroy title = curation_concern.to_s env =, current_ability, {}) return unless actor.destroy(env),, current_user) after_destroy_response(title) end def file_manager @form =, current_ability) end def inspect_work raise Hydra::AccessDenied unless current_ability.admin? presenter end def manifest headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' json = iiif_manifest_builder.manifest_for(presenter: iiif_manifest_presenter) respond_to do |wants| wants.json { render json: json } wants.html { render json: json } end end private def iiif_manifest_builder self.class.iiif_manifest_builder end def iiif_manifest_presenter do |p| p.hostname = request.base_url p.ability = current_ability end end def user_collections collections_service.search_results(:deposit) end def collections_service end def admin_set_id_for_new # admin_set_id is required on the client, otherwise simple_form renders a blank option. # however it isn't a required field for someone to submit via json. # Set the default admin set if it exists; otherwise, set to first admin_set they have access to. admin_sets = return nil if admin_sets.blank? # shouldn't happen return AdminSet::DEFAULT_ID if end def build_form @form =, current_ability, self) end def actor @actor ||= end def presenter @presenter ||=, current_ability, request) end def parent_presenter return @parent_presenter unless params[:parent_id] @parent_presenter ||= params[:parent_id]), current_ability, request) end # Include 'hyrax/base' in the search path for views, while prefering # our local paths. Thus we are unable to just override `self.local_prefixes` def _prefixes @_prefixes ||= super + ['hyrax/base'] end def actor_environment, current_ability, attributes_for_actor) end def hash_key_for_curation_concern _curation_concern_type.model_name.param_key end def contextual_path(presenter, parent_presenter), parent_presenter).show end def curation_concern_from_search_results search_params = params search_params.delete :page search_result_document(search_params) end # Only returns unsuppressed documents the user has read access to def search_result_document(search_params) _, document_list = search_results(search_params) return document_list.first unless document_list.empty? document_not_found! end def document_not_found! doc = ::SolrDocument.find(params[:id]) raise WorkflowAuthorizationException if doc.suppressed? && current_ability.can?(:read, doc) raise, :show) end def render_unavailable message = I18n.t("hyrax.workflow.unauthorized") respond_to do |wants| wants.html do unavailable_presenter flash[:notice] = message render 'unavailable', status: :unauthorized end wants.json do render plain: message, status: :unauthorized end additional_response_formats(wants) wants.ttl do render plain: message, status: :unauthorized end wants.jsonld do render plain: message, status: :unauthorized end wants.nt do render plain: message, status: :unauthorized end end end def unavailable_presenter @presenter ||=[:id]), current_ability, request) end def decide_layout layout = case action_name when 'show' '1_column' else 'dashboard' end File.join(theme, layout) end # Add uploaded_files to the parameters received by the actor. def attributes_for_actor raw_params = params[hash_key_for_curation_concern] attributes = if raw_params work_form_service.form_class(curation_concern).model_attributes(raw_params) else {} end # If they selected a BrowseEverything file, but then clicked the # remove button, it will still show up in `selected_files`, but # it will no longer be in uploaded_files. By checking the # intersection, we get the files they added via BrowseEverything # that they have not removed from the upload widget. uploaded_files = params.fetch(:uploaded_files, []) selected_files = params.fetch(:selected_files, {}).values browse_everything_urls = uploaded_files & { |f| f[:url] } # we need the hash of files with url and file_name browse_everything_files = selected_files .select { |v| uploaded_files.include?(v[:url]) } attributes[:remote_files] = browse_everything_files # Strip out any BrowseEverthing files from the regular uploads. attributes[:uploaded_files] = uploaded_files - browse_everything_urls attributes end def after_create_response respond_to do |wants| wants.html do # Calling `#t` in a controller context does not mark _html keys as html_safe flash[:notice] = view_context.t('', application_name: view_context.application_name) redirect_to [main_app, curation_concern] end wants.json { render :show, status: :created, location: polymorphic_path([main_app, curation_concern]) } end end def after_update_response if curation_concern.file_sets.present? return redirect_to hyrax.confirm_access_permission_path(curation_concern) if permissions_changed? return redirect_to main_app.confirm_hyrax_permission_path(curation_concern) if curation_concern.visibility_changed? end respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to [main_app, curation_concern], notice: "Work \"#{curation_concern}\" successfully updated." } wants.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: polymorphic_path([main_app, curation_concern]) } end end def after_destroy_response(title) respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to my_works_path, notice: "Deleted #{title}" } wants.json { render_json_response(response_type: :deleted, message: "Deleted #{}") } end end def additional_response_formats(format) format.endnote do send_data(presenter.solr_document.export_as_endnote, type: "application/x-endnote-refer", filename: presenter.solr_document.endnote_filename) end end def save_permissions @saved_permissions = end def permissions_changed? @saved_permissions != end end end