require 'less' begin require "yui/compressor" rescue LoadError # only error about missing yui compressor if # :yui compression is requested end module Rack::Less # The engine for compiling LESS CSS # Given the name of the less source file you want # to compile and a path to the source files, # will returns corresponding compiled LESS CSS class Source # prefer source files with the .less extension # but also accept files with the .css extension PREFERRED_EXTENSIONS = [:less, :css] YUI_OPTS = {} attr_reader :css_resource def initialize(css_resource, options={}) @css_resource = css_resource.gsub(/^\/+/, '') @compress = options[:compress] @cache = options[:cache] @folder = get_required_path(options, :folder) end def compress? !!@compress end def cache? !@cache.nil? end def cache @cache end # Use named css sources before using combination sources def files @files ||= (css_sources.empty? ? combination_sources : css_sources) end def compiled @compiled ||= begin compiled_css = files.collect do |file_path| end.join("\n") compiled_css = case @compress when :whitespace, true compiled_css.delete("\n") when :yui if defined?(YUI::CssCompressor) else raise LoadError, "YUI::CssCompressor is not available. Install it with: gem install yui-compressor" end else compiled_css end if cache? && !File.exists?(cf = File.join(@cache, "#{@css_resource}.css")) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(cf)), "w") do |file| file.write(compiled_css) end end compiled_css end end alias_method :to_css, :compiled alias_method :css, :compiled protected # Preferred, existing source files matching the css name def css_sources @css_sources ||= preferred_sources([*@css_resource]) end # Preferred, existing source files matching a corresponding # Rack::Less::Config combination directive, if any def combination_sources @combination_sources ||= preferred_sources(Rack::Less.config.combinations[@css_resource] || []) end private # Given a list of sources, return a list of # existing source files with the corresponding source paths # honoring the preferred extension list def preferred_sources(paths) paths.collect do |source_path| PREFERRED_EXTENSIONS.inject(nil) do |source_file, extension| source_file || begin path = File.join(@folder, "#{source_path}.#{extension}") File.exists?(path) ? path : nil end end end.compact end def get_required_path(options, path_key) unless options.has_key?(path_key) raise(ArgumentError, "no :#{path_key} option specified") end unless File.exists?(options[path_key]) raise(ArgumentError, "the :#{path_key} ('#{options[path_key]}') does not exist") end options[path_key] end end end