module Rouge module Lexers class Cpp < RegexLexer tag 'cpp' aliases 'c++' # the many varied filenames of c++ source files... filenames '*.cpp', '*.hpp', '*.c++', '*.h++', '*.cc', '*.hh', '*.cxx', '*.hxx' mimetypes 'text/x-c++hdr', 'text/x-c++src' keywords = %w( asm auto break case catch const const_cast continue default delete do dynamic_cast else enum explicit export extern for friend goto if mutable namespace new operator private protected public register reinterpret_cast return restrict sizeof static static_cast struct switch template this throw throws try typedef typeid typename union using volatile virtual while ) keywords_type = %w( bool int long float short double char unsigned signed void wchar_t ) __reserved = %w( asm int8 based except int16 stdcall cdecl fastcall int32 declspec finally int64 try leave wchar_t w64 virtual_inheritance uuidof unaligned super single_inheritance raise noop multiple_inheritance m128i m128d m128 m64 interface identifier forceinline event assume ) # optional comments or whitespace ws = %r((?:\s|//.*?\n|/[*].*?[*]/)+) id = /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*/ state :whitespace do rule /^#if\s+0/, 'Comment.Preproc', :if_0 rule /^#/, 'Comment.Preproc', :macro rule /^#{ws}#if\s+0\b/, 'Comment.Preproc', :if_0 rule /^#{ws}#/, 'Comment.Preproc', :macro rule /\s+/m, 'Text' rule /\\\n/, 'Text' rule %r(/(\\\n)?/(\n|(.|\n)*?[^\\]\n)), 'Comment.Single' rule %r(/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/), 'Comment.Multiline' end state :root do mixin :whitespace rule /L?"/, 'Literal.String', :string rule %r(L?'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-f0-9]{1,2}|[^\\'\n])')i, 'Literal.String.Char' rule %r((\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)[e][+-]?\d+[lu]*)i, 'Literal.Number.Float' rule /0x[0-9a-f]+[lu]*/i, 'Literal.Number.Hex' rule /0[0-7]+[lu]*/i, 'Literal.Number.Oct' rule /\d+[lu]*/i, 'Literal.Number.Integer' rule %r(\*/), 'Error' rule %r([~!%^&*+=\|?:<>/-]), 'Operator' rule /[()\[\],.;{}]/, 'Punctuation' rule /(?:#{keywords.join('|')})\b/, 'Keyword' rule /class\b/, 'Keyword', :classname rule /(?:#{keywords_type.join('|')})\b/, 'Keyword.Type' rule /(?:_{0,2}inline|naked|thread)\b/, 'Keyword.Reserved' rule /__(?:#{__reserved.join('|')})\b/, 'Keyoword.Reserved' # Offload C++ extensions, rule /(?:__offload|__blockingoffload|__outer)\b/, 'Keyword.Pseudo' rule /(true|false)\b/, 'Keyword.Constant' rule /NULL\b/, 'Name.Builtin' rule /#{id}:(?!:)/, 'Name.Label' rule id, 'Name' end state :classname do rule id, 'Name.Class', :pop! # template specification rule /\s*(?=>)/m, 'Text', :pop! mixin :whitespace end state :string do rule /"/, 'Literal.String', :pop! rule /\\([\\abfnrtv"']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|[0-7]{1,3})/, 'Literal.String.Escape' rule /[^\\"\n]+/, 'Literal.String' rule /\\\n/, 'Literal.String' rule /\\/, 'Literal.String' # stray backslash end state :macro do rule %r([^/\n]+), 'Comment.Preproc' rule %r(/[*].*?[*]/)m, 'Comment.Multiliine' rule %r(//.*$), 'Comment.Single' rule %r(/), 'Comment.Preproc' rule /(?<=\\)\n/, 'Comment.Preproc' rule /\n/, 'Comment.Preproc', :pop! end state :if_0 do rule /^\s*#if.*?(?