#-*- mode: ruby -*- gemspec jruby_plugin( :minitest, :minispecDirectory =>"spec/*spec.rb" ) do execute_goals(:spec) end #snapshot_repository :jruby, 'http://ci.jruby.org/snapshots/maven' # (jruby-1.6.7 produces a lot of yaml errors parsing gemspecs) properties( 'jruby.plugins.version' => '1.1.4', 'jruby.versions' => ['1.7.12', '${jruby.version}', ''].join(','), 'jruby.modes' => ['1.9', '2.0', '2.2'].join(','), # just lock the versions 'jruby.version' => '1.7.24', 'push.skip' => true ) profile :id => :release do properties 'maven.test.skip' => true, 'invoker.skip' => true, 'push.skip' => false # distribution_management do # repository :id => :ossrh, :url => 'https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/' # end build do default_goal :deploy end # plugin :gpg, '1.5' do # execute_goal :sign, :id => 'sign artifacts', :phase => :verify # end # plugin :deploy, '2.8.2' do # execute_goal :deploy, :phase => :deploy, :id => 'deploy gem to maven central' # end end # vim: syntax=Ruby