# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' # @return [Exchange] Return current or last exchange used in Cucumber def current_exchange @current_exchange ||= Soaspec.last_exchange end # Pass in the operation (HTTP method or SOAP operation) in first parameter and api name as second. # API name can be mulitple words and it will be converted to camel case to find the ExchangeHandler class # @example Create an Exchange representing an HTTP 'post' based on the 'Puppy' RestHandler class # I am performing a post on the Puppy API # @example Create an Exchange for a 'get_bank' operation on for a 'Banking' SoapHandler class # I am performing a get_bank on the Banking API Given 'I am performing a {word} on the {string} API' do |operation, api_name| @current_exchange = api_name.tr(' ', '_').camelize.constantize.send operation end # Set a parameter in the request body # @example Set the name element in the request body to Charlie # And I set the name to 'Charlie' # @param [String] Element in request body to set # @param [String] Value to set it to Given 'I set the {word} to {string}' do |key, value| current_exchange[key] = value end # Add onto the base_url to make a complete url for the test # @example base_url is 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2' and I want a post to 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet' # I use the path pet Given 'I use the path {word}' do |suburl| current_exchange.suburl = suburl end # Add a query parameter for http 'get' requests. e.g. will add '?filter_key=filter_value' onto URL # @example To create a query for '?status=sold' # And I filter 'status' by 'sold' # @example To add a query for 'area' being 'australia' to make a total of '?status=sold&area=austrialia' # And I filter 'area' by 'australia' Given 'I filter {string} by {string}' do |filter_key, filter_value| transformed_key = filter_key.to_sym if current_exchange.override_parameters[:q] current_exchange.override_parameters[:q][transformed_key] = filter_value else current_exchange.override_parameters[:q] = { transformed_key => filter_value } end end # Add HTTP header 'header_name' as 'header_value' # @example # And I set header 'accept' to 'application/xml' Given 'I set header {string} to {string}' do |header_name, header_value| if current_exchange.override_parameters[:params] current_exchange.override_parameters[:params][header_name] = header_value else current_exchange.override_parameters[:params] = { header_name => header_value } end end # Make the API call. This is automatically done when any method extracting a response is made. It can be done # explicitly here as it is a meaningful step When 'I make the request' do current_exchange.call end # Extract the value from the response that is at the path 'key' and verify it is eq to expected_value # @example Assert response body has at the path 'name', the value 'Charlie' # Then it should have the name 'Charlie' Then 'it should have the {word} {string}' do |key, expected_value| expect(current_exchange[key]).to eq expected_value end # Extract the value from the response that is at the path 'key_string' and verify it is eq to expected_value # Conversion is made on key_string to make it one snake case word # @example Assert response body has at the path 'customer_name', the value 'Charlie' # Then it should have the 'customer name' 'Charlie' Then 'it should have the {string} {string}' do |key_string, expected_value| key = key_string.tr(' ', '_') actual_value = current_exchange.respond_to?(key) ? current_exchange.send(key) : current_exchange[key] expect(actual_value.to_s).to eq expected_value end # Verify that the HTTP status code is 200..299 and that any defined mandatory elements / mandatory values are as expected Then 'it should be successful' do expect(current_exchange).to be_successful end