require 'spec_helper' module MARC::Spec module Queries describe Transform do include DSL attr_reader :parser attr_reader :xform before(:each) do @parser = @xform = end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Helper methods def check_all(expecteds) aggregate_failures do expecteds.each do |input_str, expected| parse_tree = parser.parse(input_str) actual = xform.apply(parse_tree) expect(actual).to eq(expected), -> { failure_msg_for(input_str, actual, expected, parse_tree) } end end end def failure_msg_for(input_str, actual, expected, parse_tree) [ input_str.inspect, "expected: \t#{expected}", " \t#{expected.inspect}", "actual: \t#{actual}", " \t#{actual.inspect}", "parse_tree:\t#{parse_tree}" ].join("\n\t") end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Atoms describe 'position atom' do it 'returns a Position' do parse_tree = { pos: '17' } result = xform.apply(parse_tree) expect(result).to be_a(Position) expect(result.position).to eq(17) end end describe 'range atom' do it 'returns an AlphanumericRange' do parse_tree = { from: '11', to: '17' } result = xform.apply(parse_tree) expect(result).to be_a(AlNumRange) expect(result.from).to eq(11) expect( eq(17) end end describe 'condition atom' do it 'returns a Condition' do parse_tree = { left: nil, operator: '?', right: { tag: '956' } } result = xform.apply(parse_tree) expect(result).to be_a(Condition) expect(result.left).to be_nil expect(result.operator).to eq(Operator::EXIST) expect(result.right).to eq(q(tag('956'))) end end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Applicables describe 'applicables' do describe 'fieldSpec' do describe 'fieldTag' do it 'returns a Tag' do expecteds = { '856' => tag('856'), '.56' => tag('.56'), '856[3]' => tag('856', pos(3)) } check_all(expecteds) end end describe 'fieldTag w/characterSpec' do it 'returns a FixedField' do expecteds = { '856/3-12' => q(tag('856'), s: cspec(rng(3, 12))), '856[3]/3-12' => q(tag('856', pos(3)), s: cspec(rng(3, 12))) } check_all(expecteds) end end end describe 'subfieldSpec' do describe 'fieldTag w/subfieldSpec' do context 'single subfield' do it 'returns a VarField' do expecteds = { '856$u' => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sf('u'))), '856[3]$u' => q(tag('856', pos(3)), s: vfv(sf('u'))), '856$u[3]' => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sf('u', pos(3)))), '856$u[3]/1-2' => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sfv(sf('u', pos(3)), rng(1, 2)))), '856$u/1-2' => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sfv(sf('u'), rng(1, 2)))) } check_all(expecteds) end end context 'numeric subfield range' do it 'returns a VarField' do range_str = '4-5' expecteds = { "856$#{range_str}" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sf(rng(4, 5)))), "856[3]$#{range_str}" => q(tag('856', pos(3)), s: vfv(sf(rng(4, 5)))), "856$#{range_str}[3]" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sf(rng(4, 5), pos(3)))), "856$#{range_str}[3]/1-2" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sfv(sf(rng(4, 5), pos(3)), rng(1, 2)))), "856$#{range_str}/1-2" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sfv(sf(rng(4, 5)), rng(1, 2)))) } check_all(expecteds) end end context 'alphabetical subfield range' do it 'returns a VarField' do range_str = 'd-g' expecteds = { "856$#{range_str}" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sf(rng('d', 'g')))), "856[3]$#{range_str}" => q(tag('856', pos(3)), s: vfv(sf(rng('d', 'g')))), "856$#{range_str}[3]" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sf(rng('d', 'g'), pos(3)))), "856$#{range_str}[3]/1-2" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sfv(sf(rng('d', 'g'), pos(3)), rng(1, 2)))), "856$#{range_str}/1-2" => q(tag('856'), s: vfv(sfv(sf(rng('d', 'g')), rng(1, 2)))) } check_all(expecteds) end end end end describe 'indicatorSpec' do describe 'fieldTag w/indicator' do it 'returns an Indicator' do expecteds = { '856^1' => q(tag('856'), s: indv(1)), '856[3-#]^2' => q(tag('856', rng(3)), s: indv(2)) } check_all(expecteds) end end end end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Conditions describe 'conditions' do describe 'subSpec' do describe 'unary condition' do it 'returns a Condition' do *args = '?', tag('956') expecteds = { '...{?956}' => q(tag('...'), c: c(*args)) } check_all(expecteds) end end end end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Complete queries describe 'queries' do describe 'subSpec' do let(:tag956) { tag('956') } let(:vf956u) { q(tag956, s: vfv(sf('u'))) } let(:vf956u_exist) do *args = '?', vf956u c(*args) end let(:tag856) { tag('856') } let(:vf856u) { q(tag856, s: vfv(sf('u'))) } let(:vf856u_exist) do *args = '?', vf856u c(*args) end let(:vf956u_eq_vf856u) do *args = vf956u, '=', vf856u c(*args) end # TODO: handle implicit left during transform? let(:implicit_eq_vf856u) do *args = '=', vf856u c(*args) end # TODO: collapse to one set of expectations context 'single subSpec' do it 'returns a Query for an implicit unary ?' do expecteds = { '956{956$u}' => q(tag956, c: vf956u_exist), '956^1{956$u}' => q(tag956, s: indv(1), c: vf956u_exist) } check_all(expecteds) end it 'returns a Query for an explicit unary ?' do expecteds = { '956{?956$u}' => q(tag956, c: vf956u_exist), '956^1{?956$u}' => q(tag956, s: indv(1), c: vf956u_exist) } check_all(expecteds) end it 'returns a Query for a binary =' do expecteds = { '956{956$u=856$u}' => q(tag956, c: vf956u_eq_vf856u) } check_all(expecteds) end it 'returns a Query for a unary =' do expecteds = { '956$u{=856$u}' => q(tag956, s: vfv(sf('u')), c: implicit_eq_vf856u) } check_all(expecteds) end end context 'repeated subSpecs' do it 'returns a Query' do expecteds = { '956$u{?956$u}{956$u=856$u}' => q(tag956, s: vfv(sf('u')), c: vf956u_exist.and(vf956u_eq_vf856u)), '956$u{?956$u}{=856$u}' => q(tag956, s: vfv(sf('u')), c: vf956u_exist.and(implicit_eq_vf856u)) } check_all(expecteds) end end context 'chained subTerms' do it 'returns a Query' do expecteds = { '956$u{?856$u|956$u=856$u}' => q(tag956, s: vfv(sf('u')), c: vf856u_exist.or(vf956u_eq_vf856u)), '956$u{?856$u|=856$u}' => q(tag956, s: vfv(sf('u')), c: vf856u_exist.or(implicit_eq_vf856u)) } check_all(expecteds) end end end describe 'comparisonString' do it 'returns a Query' do expecteds = { '008/18{LDR/6=\t}' => q(tag('008'), s: cspec(pos(18)), c: c( q(tag('LDR'), s: cspec(pos(6))), '=', cstr('t') )) } check_all(expecteds) end end describe 'subfieldSpec' do it 'handles complex combinations of subfields and subspecs' do expecteds = { # cf. '880$a{?$f}$1$2$b{=\\x}$c{$d=\\12}$e{880$f=\\q}' => q( tag('880'), sq: [ q( s: sf('a'), c: c('?', q(s: sf('f'))) ), q(s: sf('1')), q(s: sf('2')), q( s: sf('b'), c: c('=', cstr('x')) ), q( s: sf('c'), c: c(q(s: sf('d')), '=', cstr('12')) ), q( s: sf('e'), c: c(q(tag('880'), s: sf('f')), '=', cstr('q')) ) ] ) } check_all(expecteds) end end end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Examples # Examples from describe 'examples' do it '9.2 Reference to field data' do examples = { 'LDR' => tag('LDR'), '00.' => tag('00.'), '7..' => tag('7..'), '100' => tag('100') } check_all(examples) end it '9.3 Reference to substring"' do examples = { 'LDR/0-4' => q(tag('LDR'), s: cspec(rng(0, 4))), 'LDR/6' => q(tag('LDR'), s: cspec(pos(6))), '007/0' => q(tag('007'), s: cspec(pos(0))), '007/1-#' => q(tag('007'), s: cspec(rng(1))), '007/#' => q(tag('007'), s: cspec(pos(nil))), '245$a/#-1' => q(tag('245'), s: vfv(sfv( sf('a'), rng(nil, 1) ))) } check_all(examples) end it '9.4 Reference to data content' do sqs_abc = (%w[a b c].map { |code| q(s: vfv(sf(code))) }) sqs_dollar_underscore = %w[_ $].map { |code| q(s: vfv(sf(code))) } examples = { '245$a' => q(tag('245'), s: vfv(sf('a'))), '245$a$b$c' => q(tag('245'), sq: sqs_abc), '245$a-c' => q(tag('245'), s: vfv(sf(rng('a', 'c')))), '...$_$$' => q(tag('...'), sq: sqs_dollar_underscore) } check_all(examples) end it '9.5 Reference to occurrence' do examples = { '300[0]' => tag('300', pos(0)), '300[1]' => tag('300', pos(1)), '300[0-2]' => tag('300', rng(0, 2)), '300[1-#]' => tag('300', rng(1)), '300[#]' => tag('300', pos(nil)), '300[#-1]' => tag('300', rng(nil, 1)) } check_all(examples) end it '9.6 Reference to indicator values' do examples = { '880^1' => q(tag('880'), s: indv(1)), '880[1]^2' => q(tag('880', pos(1)), s: indv(2)) } check_all(examples) end context '9.7 SubSpecs' do it '9.7.1 General' do vf020c_if_vf020a = q( tag('020'), s: vfv(sf('c')), c: c('?', q(tag('020'), s: vfv(sf('a')))) ) vf020z_unless_vf020a = q( tag('020'), s: vfv(sf('z')), c: c('!', q(tag('020'), s: vfv(sf('a')))) ) ldr7 = q(tag('LDR'), s: cspec(pos(7))) ldr6 = q(tag('LDR'), s: cspec(pos(6))) ff007_0 = q(tag('007'), s: cspec(pos(0))) examples = { '020$c{?020$a}' => vf020c_if_vf020a, '020$c{020$c?020$a}' => vf020c_if_vf020a, '020$z{!020$a}' => vf020z_unless_vf020a, '020$z{020$z!020$a}' => vf020z_unless_vf020a, '008/18{LDR/6=\\t}' => q(tag('008'), s: cspec(pos(18)), c: c(ldr6, '=', cstr('t'))), '245$b{007/0=\\a|007/0=\\t}' => q( tag('245'), s: vfv(sf('b')), c: any_c( c(ff007_0, '=', cstr('a')), c(ff007_0, '=', cstr('t')) ) ), '008/18{LDR/6=\\a}{LDR/7=\\a|LDR/7=\\c|LDR/7=\\d|LDR/7=\\m}' => q( tag('008'), s: cspec(pos(18)), c: all_c( c(ldr6, '=', cstr('a')), any_c( c(ldr7, '=', cstr('a')), c(ldr7, '=', cstr('c')), c(ldr7, '=', cstr('d')), c(ldr7, '=', cstr('m')) ) ) ), '880$a{100$6~$6/3-5}{100$6~\880}' => q( tag('880'), s: vfv(sf('a')), c: all_c( c( q( tag('100'), s: vfv(sf('6')) ), '~', q(s: sfv(sf('6'), rng(3, 5))) ), c( q(tag('100'), s: vfv(sf('6'))), '~', cstr('880') ) ) ) } check_all(examples) end it '9.7.2 Abbreviations' do examples = { '007[1]/3{/0=\\v}' => q(tag('007', pos(1)), s: cspec(pos(3)), c: c(q(s: cspec(pos('0'))), '=', cstr('v'))), '007[1]/3{007[1]/0=\\v}' => q(tag('007', pos(1)), s: cspec(pos(3)), c: c(q(tag('007', pos(1)), s: cspec(pos(0))), '=', cstr('v'))), '245$a{/#=\/}' => q(tag('245'), s: sf('a'), c: c(q(s: cspec(pos('#'))), '=', cstr('/'))) } check_all(examples) end end end end end end