# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'optparse' require 'fluent/supervisor' require 'fluent/log' require 'fluent/env' require 'fluent/version' $fluentdargv = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(ARGV)) op = OptionParser.new op.version = Fluent::VERSION opts = Fluent::Supervisor.default_options op.on('-s', "--setup [DIR=#{File.dirname(Fluent::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH)}]", "install sample configuration file to the directory") {|s| opts[:setup_path] = s || File.dirname(Fluent::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) } op.on('-c', '--config PATH', "config file path (default: #{Fluent::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH})") {|s| opts[:config_path] = s } op.on('--dry-run', "Check fluentd setup is correct or not", TrueClass) {|b| opts[:dry_run] = b } op.on('--show-plugin-config=PLUGIN', "[DEPRECATED] Show PLUGIN configuration and exit(ex: input:dummy)") {|plugin| opts[:show_plugin_config] = plugin } op.on('-p', '--plugin DIR', "add plugin directory") {|s| opts[:plugin_dirs] << s } op.on('-I PATH', "add library path") {|s| $LOAD_PATH << s } op.on('-r NAME', "load library") {|s| opts[:libs] << s } op.on('-d', '--daemon PIDFILE', "daemonize fluent process") {|s| opts[:daemonize] = s } op.on('--under-supervisor', "run fluent worker under supervisor (this option is NOT for users)") { opts[:supervise] = false } op.on('--no-supervisor', "run fluent worker without supervisor") { opts[:supervise] = false opts[:standalone_worker] = true } op.on('--workers NUM', "specify the number of workers under supervisor") { |i| opts[:workers] = i.to_i } op.on('--user USER', "change user") {|s| opts[:chuser] = s } op.on('--group GROUP', "change group") {|s| opts[:chgroup] = s } op.on('-o', '--log PATH', "log file path") {|s| opts[:log_path] = s } ROTATE_AGE = %w(daily weekly monthly) op.on('--log-rotate-age AGE', 'generations to keep rotated log files') {|age| if ROTATE_AGE.include?(age) opts[:log_rotate_age] = age else begin opts[:log_rotate_age] = Integer(age) rescue TypeError usage "log-rotate-age should be #{rotate_ages.join(', ')} or a number" end end } op.on('--log-rotate-size BYTES', 'sets the byte size to rotate log files') {|s| opts[:log_rotate_size] = s.to_i } op.on('--log-event-verbose', 'enable log events during process startup/shutdown') {|b| opts[:log_event_verbose] = b } op.on('-i', '--inline-config CONFIG_STRING', "inline config which is appended to the config file on-the-fly") {|s| opts[:inline_config] = s } op.on('--emit-error-log-interval SECONDS', "suppress interval seconds of emit error logs") {|s| opts[:suppress_interval] = s.to_i } op.on('--suppress-repeated-stacktrace [VALUE]', "suppress repeated stacktrace", TrueClass) {|b| b = true if b.nil? opts[:suppress_repeated_stacktrace] = b } op.on('--without-source', "invoke a fluentd without input plugins", TrueClass) {|b| opts[:without_source] = b } op.on('--use-v1-config', "Use v1 configuration format (default)", TrueClass) {|b| opts[:use_v1_config] = b } op.on('--use-v0-config', "Use v0 configuration format", TrueClass) {|b| opts[:use_v1_config] = !b } op.on('-v', '--verbose', "increase verbose level (-v: debug, -vv: trace)", TrueClass) {|b| if b opts[:log_level] = [opts[:log_level] - 1, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_TRACE].max end } op.on('-q', '--quiet', "decrease verbose level (-q: warn, -qq: error)", TrueClass) {|b| if b opts[:log_level] = [opts[:log_level] + 1, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_ERROR].min end } op.on('--suppress-config-dump', "suppress config dumping when fluentd starts", TrueClass) {|b| opts[:suppress_config_dump] = b } op.on('-g', '--gemfile GEMFILE', "Gemfile path") {|s| opts[:gemfile] = s } op.on('-G', '--gem-path GEM_INSTALL_PATH', "Gemfile install path (default: $(dirname $gemfile)/vendor/bundle)") {|s| opts[:gem_install_path] = s } if Fluent.windows? require 'windows/library' include Windows::Library opts.merge!( :winsvc_name => 'fluentdwinsvc', :winsvc_display_name => 'Fluentd Windows Service', :winsvc_desc => 'Fluentd is an event collector system.', ) op.on('-x', '--signame INTSIGNAME', "an object name which is used for Windows Service signal (Windows only)") {|s| opts[:signame] = s } op.on('--reg-winsvc MODE', "install/uninstall as Windows Service. (i: install, u: uninstall) (Windows only)") {|s| opts[:regwinsvc] = s } op.on('--[no-]reg-winsvc-auto-start', "Automatically start the Windows Service at boot. (only effective with '--reg-winsvc i') (Windows only)") {|s| opts[:regwinsvcautostart] = s } op.on('--reg-winsvc-fluentdopt OPTION', "specify fluentd option parameters for Windows Service. (Windows only)") {|s| opts[:fluentdopt] = s } op.on('--winsvc-name NAME', "The Windows Service name to run as (Windows only)") {|s| opts[:winsvc_name] = s } op.on('--winsvc-display-name DISPLAY_NAME', "The Windows Service display name (Windows only)") {|s| opts[:winsvc_display_name] = s } op.on('--winsvc-desc DESC', "The Windows Service description (Windows only)") {|s| opts[:winsvc_desc] = s } end singleton_class.module_eval do define_method(:usage) do |msg| puts op.to_s puts "error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end end begin rest = op.parse(ARGV) if rest.length != 0 usage nil end rescue usage $!.to_s end ## ## Bundler injection # if ENV['FLUENTD_DISABLE_BUNDLER_INJECTION'] != '1' && gemfile = opts[:gemfile] ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = gemfile if path = opts[:gem_install_path] ENV['BUNDLE_PATH'] = path else ENV['BUNDLE_PATH'] = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(gemfile), 'vendor/bundle')) end ENV['FLUENTD_DISABLE_BUNDLER_INJECTION'] = '1' load File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'bundler_injection.rb')) end if setup_path = opts[:setup_path] require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(setup_path, "plugin") confpath = File.join(setup_path, "fluent.conf") if File.exist?(confpath) puts "#{confpath} already exists." else File.open(confpath, "w") {|f| conf = File.read File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "fluent.conf") f.write conf } puts "Installed #{confpath}." end exit 0 end early_exit = false start_service = false if winsvcinstmode = opts[:regwinsvc] require 'fileutils' require "win32/service" require "win32/registry" include Win32 case winsvcinstmode when 'i' binary_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..") ruby_path = "\0" * 256 GetModuleFileName.call(0,ruby_path,256) ruby_path = ruby_path.rstrip.gsub(/\\/, '/') start_type = Service::DEMAND_START if opts[:regwinsvcautostart] start_type = Service::AUTO_START start_service = true end Service.create( service_name: opts[:winsvc_name], host: nil, service_type: Service::WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, description: opts[:winsvc_desc], start_type: start_type, error_control: Service::ERROR_NORMAL, binary_path_name: "\"#{ruby_path}\" -C \"#{binary_path}\" winsvc.rb --service-name #{opts[:winsvc_name]}", load_order_group: "", dependencies: [""], display_name: opts[:winsvc_display_name] ) when 'u' if Service.status(opts[:winsvc_name]).current_state != 'stopped' begin Service.stop(opts[:winsvc_name]) rescue => ex puts "Warning: Failed to stop service: ", ex end end Service.delete(opts[:winsvc_name]) else # none end early_exit = true end if fluentdopt = opts[:fluentdopt] Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.open("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\#{opts[:winsvc_name]}", Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS) do |reg| reg['fluentdopt', Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = fluentdopt end early_exit = true end if start_service Service.start(opts[:winsvc_name]) end exit 0 if early_exit require 'fluent/supervisor' if opts[:supervise] Fluent::Supervisor.new(opts).run_supervisor else if opts[:standalone_worker] && opts[:workers] && opts[:workers] > 1 puts "Error: multi workers is not supported with --no-supervisor" exit 2 end Fluent::Supervisor.new(opts).run_worker end