var Renalware = typeof Renalware === 'undefined' ? {} : Renalware; Renalware.Letters = (function() { var hideOrShowContactSelector = function() { var recipient_type = $("input.recipient-person-role-picker:checked").val(); if (recipient_type === "contact") { $("#contact-selector").show(); } else { $("#contact-selector").hide(); } }; var bindOnLetterRecipientTypeChange = function() { $("#letter-form").change(hideOrShowContactSelector); } var bindOnLetterAboutToPrint = function() { $(document).on("click", "table.letters .printing-pdf", function(e) { var modal = $("#letter-print-modal"); url = $(this).data("modal-url"); modal.load(url).foundation('reveal', 'open'); true; }); } var bindOnLetterAboutToBatchPrint = function() { $(document).on("click", ".print-batch-letter", function(e) { var modal = $("#letter-print-modal"); url = $(this).data("modal-url"); modal.load(url).foundation('reveal', 'open'); true; }); } var bindOnSalutationChange = function() { $("#letter-form").on("click", ".has_salutation", function(e) { var salutation = $(this).data('salutation'); _setSaluation(salutation); }); $("#letter-form").on("change", "select.containing_salutations", function(e) { var salutation = $(this).find(':selected').data('salutation'); _setSaluation(salutation); }); } var _setSaluation = function(salutation) { if (salutation) { $("#letter_salutation").val(salutation); } } var _refreshContactLists = function(url, contact_id, callback) { $.getScript(url + "?id=" + contact_id, callback); } var initNewContact = function(button, callback) { if (button.length > 0) { var refreshUrl ="source"); var modalSelector ="modal"); var modal = new Renalware.Contacts.Modal($(modalSelector), function(contact) { _refreshContactLists(refreshUrl,, function() { callback(contact); }); }); modal.init(); button.on("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault();; }) } } var initNewContactAsMainRecipient = function() { var button = $("a[data-behaviour='add-new-contact-as-main-recipient']"); initNewContact(button, function(contact) { $("#letter_main_recipient_attributes_addressee_id").val(; }) }; var initNewContactAsCC = function() { var button = $("a[data-behaviour='add-new-contact-as-cc-recipient']"); initNewContact(button, function(contact) { $("#cc-contact-" +"checked", true); }) }; // var initInsertEventNotesIntoTextEditor = function() { // $(".insert-data-notes").on("click", function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); // var notes = $(this).data("notes"); // var targetEditorSelector = $(this).data("target"); // if (notes && targetEditorSelector) { // var targetInput = $(targetEditorSelector)[0]; // targetInput.editor.insertHTML(notes); // } else { // alert("There are no notes to insert"); // } // }); // }; var pollBatchStatus = function(url) { var POLL_INTERVAL = 2000; // ms var batch = {}; // Check the current status of the TaskStatus object. var updateStatus = function() { $.ajax({ method: 'GET', url: url, dataType: "JSON" }).fail(function(e, x, a) { // Possible network glitch or perhaps a re-deploy causing the site to be down momentarily. // Anyway, not enough for us to give up polling. // TODO: examine the response code to see if we should in fact give up and show an // appropriate message. setTimeout(updateStatus, POLL_INTERVAL); }).done(function(batch) { // Done! $(".modal .percent_complete").html(batch.percent_complete + "%"); if(batch.status == 'awaiting_printing') { $(".batch_results_container .preparing").hide(); $(".batch_results_container .generated-batch-print-pdf-container").show(); } // Not done! else { // Could update a progress/100% tracker here // Ask again in POLL_INTERVAL ms. setTimeout(updateStatus, POLL_INTERVAL); } }); }; setTimeout(updateStatus, POLL_INTERVAL); }; return { init: function () { hideOrShowContactSelector(); bindOnLetterRecipientTypeChange(); bindOnSalutationChange(); initNewContactAsMainRecipient(); initNewContactAsCC(); //initInsertEventNotesIntoTextEditor(); bindOnLetterAboutToBatchPrint(); bindOnLetterAboutToPrint(); }, pollBatchStatus: pollBatchStatus }; }()); $(document).ready(Renalware.Letters.init);