module Clearance module Test module Functional module PasswordsControllerTest def self.included(base) base.class_eval do should_route :get, '/passwords/new', :action => 'new' should_route :post, '/passwords', :action => 'create' should_route :get, '/passwords/:id/edit', :action => 'edit', :id => 'reset_password_code' should_route :put, '/passwords/:id', :action => 'update', :id => 'reset_password_code' context 'with a user' do setup { @user = Factory :user } context 'A GET to #new' do setup { get :new } should_respond_with :success should_render_template 'new' should "have a form for the user's email" do new_path = ERB::Util.h(passwords_path) assert_select 'form[action=?]', new_path do assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'email' end end end context 'A POST to #create' do context "with an existing user's email address" do setup do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, :email => @email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries[0] end should 'send an email to the user to edit their password' do assert @email.subject =~ /forgot your password/i end should 'generate a reset_password_code' do @user.reload assert_not_nil @user.reset_password_code end should_redirect_to "@controller.send(:url_after_create)" end context 'with a non-existing email address' do setup do email = '' assert ! User.exists?(['email = ?', email]) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, :email => email end should 'not send a password reminder email' do assert ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty? end should 'set a :error flash' do assert_not_nil[:error] end should_render_template "new" end end context 'A GET to #edit' do context "with an existing user's reset password code" do setup do @user.generate_reset_password_code get :edit, :id => @user.reset_password_code end should 'find the user' do assert_equal @user, assigns(:user) end should_respond_with :success should_render_template "edit" should "have a form for the user's email, password, and password confirm" do update_path = ERB::Util.h(password_path(:id => @user.reset_password_code)) assert_select 'form[action=?]', update_path do assert_select 'input[name=_method][value=?]', 'put' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'password' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'password_confirmation' end end end context "without an existing user's reset password code" do setup do get :edit, :id => 'some_random_x' end should_respond_with :not_found should 'render an empty response' do assert @response.body.blank? end end end context 'A PUT to #update' do setup do @new_password = 'new_password' @encrypted_new_password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{@user.salt}--#{@new_password}--") assert_not_equal @encrypted_new_password, @user.crypted_password @user.generate_reset_password_code end context "without an existing user's reset_password_code" do setup do put(:update, :id => 'x', :password => @new_password, :password_confirmation => @new_password) @user.reload end should "not find the user" do assert_nil assigns[:user] end should_return_from_session :user_id, "nil" should 'not remove the reset_password_code' do assert_not_nil @user.reset_password_code end should_respond_with :not_found should 'render an empty response' do assert @response.body.blank? end end context 'with an existing user with a matching password and password confirmation' do setup do put(:update, :id => @user.reset_password_code, :password => @new_password, :password_confirmation => @new_password) @user.reload end should "update the user's password" do assert_equal @encrypted_new_password, @user.crypted_password end should 'remove the reset_password_code' do assert_nil @user.reset_password_code end should_return_from_session :user_id, "" should_redirect_to "user_path(@user)" end context 'with blank password and a password confirmation' do setup do put(:update, :id => @user.reset_password_code, :password => '', :password_confirmation => @new_password) @user.reload end should "not update the user's password" do assert_not_equal @encrypted_new_password, @user.crypted_password end should_return_from_session :user_id, "nil" should 'set a :error flash' do assert_not_nil[:error] end should_render_template "edit" end context 'with password but blank password confirmation' do setup do put(:update, :id => @user.reset_password_code, :password => @new_password, :password_confirmation => '') @user.reload end should "not update the user's password" do assert_not_equal @encrypted_new_password, @user.crypted_password end should_return_from_session :user_id, "nil" should 'not remove the reset_password_code' do assert_not_nil @user.reset_password_code end should 'set a :error flash' do assert_not_nil[:error] end should_render_template "edit" end end end end end end end end end