goog.provide('webfont.FontWatcher'); goog.require('webfont.FontWatchRunner'); /** * @constructor * @param {webfont.UserAgent} userAgent * @param {webfont.DomHelper} domHelper * @param {webfont.EventDispatcher} eventDispatcher * @param {number=} opt_timeout */ webfont.FontWatcher = function(userAgent, domHelper, eventDispatcher, opt_timeout) { this.domHelper_ = domHelper; this.eventDispatcher_ = eventDispatcher; this.currentlyWatched_ = 0; this.last_ = false; this.success_ = false; this.timeout_ = opt_timeout; this.browserInfo_ = userAgent.getBrowserInfo(); }; goog.scope(function () { var FontWatcher = webfont.FontWatcher; /** * Watches a set of font families. * @param {Array.} fonts The fonts to watch. * @param {Object.} fontTestStrings The font test strings for * each family. * @param {function(new:webfont.FontWatchRunner, * function(webfont.Font), * function(webfont.Font), * webfont.DomHelper, * webfont.Font, * webfont.BrowserInfo, * number=, * Object.=, * string=)} fontWatchRunnerCtor The font watch runner constructor. * @param {boolean} last True if this is the last set of fonts to watch. */ = function(fonts, fontTestStrings, fontWatchRunnerCtor, last) { var length = fonts.length; if (length === 0 && last) { this.eventDispatcher_.dispatchInactive(); return; } this.currentlyWatched_ += length; if (last) { this.last_ = last; } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var font = fonts[i]; var fontTestString = fontTestStrings[font.getName()]; this.eventDispatcher_.dispatchFontLoading(font); var activeCallback = goog.bind(this.fontActive_, this); var inactiveCallback = goog.bind(this.fontInactive_, this); var fontWatchRunner = new fontWatchRunnerCtor(activeCallback, inactiveCallback, this.domHelper_, font, this.browserInfo_, this.timeout_, null, fontTestString); fontWatchRunner.start(); } }; /** * Called by a FontWatchRunner when a font has been detected as active. * @param {webfont.Font} font * @private */ FontWatcher.prototype.fontActive_ = function(font) { this.eventDispatcher_.dispatchFontActive(font); this.success_ = true; this.decreaseCurrentlyWatched_(); }; /** * Called by a FontWatchRunner when a font has been detected as inactive. * @param {webfont.Font} font * @private */ FontWatcher.prototype.fontInactive_ = function(font) { this.eventDispatcher_.dispatchFontInactive(font); this.decreaseCurrentlyWatched_(); }; /** * @private */ FontWatcher.prototype.decreaseCurrentlyWatched_ = function() { if (--this.currentlyWatched_ == 0 && this.last_) { if (this.success_) { this.eventDispatcher_.dispatchActive(); } else { this.eventDispatcher_.dispatchInactive(); } } }; });