module DRG module Tasks class Gemfile attr_accessor :file def initialize(file = ::Bundler.default_gemfile) @file = file end # Saves a copy of @lines before changing it (note that #dup and #clone weren't working) # # @param [GemfileLine] gem # @param [String] version to update the gem line with def update(gem, version) saved_lines << lines.clone! lines[gem] = gem.update version end def remove_version(gem) saved_lines << lines.clone! lines[gem] = gem.remove_version write end def find_by_name(name) lines.each_with_index.each do |line, index| next if line =~ /:?path:?\s*(=>)?\s*/ next if line =~ /:?git(hub)?:?\s*(=>)?\s*/ return line, index, name if line =~ /gem\s*['"]#{name}["']/ end nil end def write file, 'wb' do |f| lines.each do |line| f << line end end end def rollback return if saved_lines.empty? lines.replace saved_lines.pop write end def saved_lines @saved_lines ||= [] end def lines @lines ||= File.readlines file end end end end