require 'puppet/util/terminal' Puppet::Face.define(:module, '1.0.0') do action(:search) do summary "Search the Puppet Forge for a module." description <<-EOT Searches the Puppet Forge for modules whose names, descriptions, or keywords match the provided search term. EOT returns "Array of module metadata hashes" examples <<-EOT Search the Puppet Forge for a module: $ puppet module search puppetlabs NAME DESCRIPTION AUTHOR KEYWORDS bacula This is a generic Apache module @puppetlabs backups EOT arguments "" when_invoked do |term, options|, options) end when_rendering :console do |results, term, options| return "No results found for '#{term}'." if results.empty? padding = ' ' headers = { 'full_name' => 'NAME', 'desc' => 'DESCRIPTION', 'author' => 'AUTHOR', 'tag_list' => 'KEYWORDS', } min_widths = Hash[ * { |k,v| [k, v.length] }.flatten ] min_widths['full_name'] = min_widths['author'] = 12 min_width = min_widths.inject(0) { |sum,pair| sum += pair.last } + (padding.length * (headers.length - 1)) terminal_width = [Puppet::Util::Terminal.width, min_width].max columns = results.inject(min_widths) do |hash, result| { 'full_name' => [ hash['full_name'], result['full_name'].length ].max, 'desc' => [ hash['desc'], result['desc'].length ].max, 'author' => [ hash['author'], "@#{result['author']}".length ].max, 'tag_list' => [ hash['tag_list'], result['tag_list'].join(' ').length ].max, } end flex_width = terminal_width - columns['full_name'] - columns['author'] - (padding.length * (headers.length - 1)) tag_lists = { |r| r['tag_list'] } while (columns['tag_list'] > flex_width / 3) longest_tag_list = tag_lists.sort_by { |tl| tl.join(' ').length }.last break if [ [], [term] ].include? longest_tag_list longest_tag_list.delete(longest_tag_list.sort_by { |t| t == term ? -1 : t.length }.last) columns['tag_list'] = { |tl| tl.join(' ').length }.max end columns['tag_list'] = [ flex_width / 3, { |tl| tl.join(' ').length }.max, ].max columns['desc'] = flex_width - columns['tag_list'] format = %w{full_name desc author tag_list}.map do |k| "%-#{ [ columns[k], min_widths[k] ].max }s" end.join(padding) + "\n" highlight = proc do |s| s = s.gsub(term, colorize(:green, term)) s = s.gsub(term.gsub('/', '-'), colorize(:green, term.gsub('/', '-'))) if term =~ /\// s end format % [ headers['full_name'], headers['desc'], headers['author'], headers['tag_list'] ] + do |match| name, desc, author, keywords = %w{full_name desc author tag_list}.map { |k| match[k] } desc = desc[0...(columns['desc'] - 3)] + '...' if desc.length > columns['desc'] highlight[format % [ name.sub('/', '-'), desc, "@#{author}", [keywords].flatten.join(' ') ]] end.join end end end